Kenny Omega

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"I'm gonna kill him." You growl as you walk down the Hall with Matt and Nick trailing you. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." Matt sprints up to you and grabs your shoulder.

"Y/n calm down." He tells you. "Let's talk about this." You shrug off his hand and keep going.

"I leave for a month, one fucking month to go and see how Tonga and the guys are holding up. I come back and that little shit thinks he's got the right to not only attack my fiance but claim he's bullet clubs new leader? No, he's dead." You reply fuming.

"Y/n he's not kicked out we'd never to that." Nick adds as he tries to keep up.

You throw open the door to the locker room and are immediately met with Marty.

"Y/n hold on a minute." He tells you putting his hands up.

"Where is he scurll?" You ask him eyes darting around the room.

"He bailed." He tells you trying to keep you back giving Cody time to leave. "Now call down love." He tries to call you.

You breath in, being angry wasn't going to change anything, Matt and Nick reach you in relief to see Cody had gotten away. Matt pats your back and you breath in again.

"Where's Kenny?" You ask him as you shrug off his shoulder.

"Said he was going to talk to Ibushi, thank him for helping him out." Nick tells you.

"I'll be back." You reply calm now.

You walk down the Hall and find Kota's locker room and step inside, Kenny sees you and looks confused but happy.

"Y/n?" He asks why you are here.

"My fiance almost gets his ass kicked and he doesn't expect me to show up?" You pull him into a hug. "I'm glad you're alright." Kota stands by and smiles at you. "And you." You let Kenny go. "Thank you so much for saving him." You give Kota a hug to.

"It was no problem." Kota nods accepting the hug.

Once you've gotten that out of the way you turn back to Kenny, he's got a bruise on his cheek.

"You know I'm killing him right?" You ask him running a hand over the bruise. Kenny chuckles and looks at you.

"If I don't get to him first, thanks again Kota I'll talk to you later." He turns to Ibushi before walking out the door with you.

You both head back to the locker room with Nick and Matt, all cooled off they ask you how your trip went.

"So how's Tonga and the guys holding up?" Matt asks.

"Good, he's doing a hell of a job down in Japan right now. People love him, and everyone's getting along." You report.

"That's good." Nick nods happy to hear some good news. "Now about Cody and you." He turns to Kenny sitting right next to you. "Did you manage to find any partners? We all know this'll end in a match." He asks.

"Kota's on board of course, and I've got an idea for one more person." He tells Nick. "What about Cody?"

"Marty will be behind him of course, and Adam looks like he's on board." You swallow when you hear Marty's name, you had been good friends with the Brit.

"Well they'll regret it, Cody needs to be put in his place." You chime in. "Looks like he forgot who runs this club, Kenny not his whiny ass." Kenny nods, Matt and Nick look a bit uneasy though.

The last thing they needed was a civil war right now. You all part ways for the night all having something to do. Kenny goes to get his last man on board and you go talk to Matt and Nick about calling a meeting.

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