Pete Dunne

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You sit with Kairi and Ember at the booth, Ember had just broken up with her boyfriend as was pretty upset. Naturally you and Kairi made it your mission to make her feel better, for the time being all three of you had sworn off men.

"It'll be alright Ember." Kairi assures her friend as Ember sniffs again.

"Yeah, you where to good for him anyway." You add and rub her back.

The bartender brings over the drink you ordered and all three of you do a round of shots to start the night off. Curious as Kairi and Ember talk you scan the bar for anyone that you recognized. You were touring in England for a few weeks so no one seemed to be around that you knew. You turn back to Kairi and Ember with a smile.

"So what's the plan for getting our BFF here back on her feet Kairi?" You ask her as she orders another round of shots.

"Drinks." She replies with a grin.

"Well they are natures best medicine." You giggle and clink your glass with Kairi.

Ember sulks a little still upset over her breakup, you sigh and get up from your seat. You make eye contact with Kairi and nod to the DJ and dance floor across the room. Kairi reads you and also stands up, you go over to the DJ while Ember gets dragged from her seat by Kairi.

"Can you play (Fav Song) for me please?" You ask the DJ and slip him a twenty.

The DJ nods and takes the cash, you smirk and head back over to Ember and Kairi. Ember perks up a little when the song changes, you and her always had a similar taste in music.

Across the bar Pete sits with Trent and Tyler as well as Mark. They had just gotten out of a meeting about joining the UK tournament with WWE and decided to have some drinks to celebrate getting in.

"Cheers to us mates." Pete clinks glasses with the rest of the group.

"Cheers." The rest of the group rings out happily.

Pete scans the room for anyone that looked appealing to him, he was feeling a little frisky for the time being. His eye's land on three girls on the dancefloor, his gaze bores into the girl on the left. She was the one that he had plans to take out. He waits for the girls to exit the dancefloor and hurry back to their table.

"Hey mate, she's cute." Trent nudges Pete when he sees what his friend is staring down.

"Damn right she is." Pete smirks. "I'll be right back mate." He downs his drink and orders another before he heads across the room.

"Now wasn't that fun Ember." You fall back into your seat giggling with Ember and Kairi.

"Yeah...thanks for making me come out guys." Ember nods her head now smiling.

"Uhoh." Kairi all of a sudden speaks up.

You look to where she is when you're met with a shot glass of what looks to be whiskey, you look up a little further and are greeted by a man that looked like trouble.

"Drink for the lovely lady?" He offers the glass to you with a grin.

Oh yeah he was definitely trouble, obviously a local from his accent. And if you were being honest, a little to good looking for his own good.

"Sure." You take the drink and down it. "Thanks, you can leave now." You hand the empty glass back and turn back to Ember and Kairi with a grin.

Pete holds the glass in his hand as the girl turns back to her friends like he wasn't even there. With a raised brow he turns on his heel and heads back to the group with a frown.

"Wow." Trent is the first to speak.

"Shot down hard eh man?" Mark adds laughing.

"Shut up." Pete snaps as he sits back down.

Laughter erupts from the group as they all glance over at you laughin with Ember and Kairi.

"Looks like Pete finally met his match." Tyler grins, it was about time that Pete got turned down by a girl.

Back at your table you sit and giggle with Ember and Kairi. Ember looks more than pleased that you didn't even try to give the guy that approached you the time of day.

"That was epic." Ember grins.

"I'll say that." Kairi adds. "You should have seen his face." All three of you giggle.

"What can i say?" You shrug. "Tonight is all about us girls." You raise your glass.

The next morning you make you way down to the coffee shop not far from your hotel to get your fix. You order a hot cup of coffee and pay, then you turn to leave. As you go you run into someone, instinct kicks in and you grab the coffee before it spills all the way.

"Holy shit." The person in front of you yelps. "Thats hot." You groan and look up at who you just assaulted with searing coffee.

"Oh great." You mumble inaudibly. "It was the guy you turned down at the bar the night before. "Sorry about that." You apologize and hand the guy a napkin.

"No it's fine....hey you're the girl from the bar that stole a drink from me." Pete all of a sudden realizes as he takes the napkin from you.

"Yep that be me, looks like you just don't have the best luck with women." You joke as you step aside to let other people pass.

Pete dabs at his shirt and looks at you, not all dressed up you still looked just as good.

"For your information i'm a hit with the ladies." He tells you as he continues to dab at his shirt.

"Oh really now?" You raise a brow and hand him another napkin. "I'm sure that you are, especially with that accent." You mumble the last part.

"What was that?" Pete asks you with a sly grin.

"What was what?" You ask innocently. "I was just thinking to myself is all." You tell him.

"Yeah?" Pete asks. "Because i heard that you liked my accent love." You mentally make a note to shut yourself up more. "Any, i don't see your friends here so that means i can actually have a conversation without being let down now." He grins.

"Woah." You reply. "Don't go getting ahead of yourself there now.....uh what is your name actually?" You all of a sudden realize that you have no idea what this man's name is.

"It's Pete, Pete Dunne." Pete tells you and holds his hand out for a handshake.

"Well Pete, i'm Y/N L/N." You shake his hand firmly. "Now wanna buy me a coffee since your shirt kind of soaked most of this one up?" You ask as you toss the basically empty cup into the garbage nearby.

"It be a pleasure." Pete grins and leads you to a table.

He knew that he always got the girl, this one was just going to take a little bit of time.

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