Buddy Murphy

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You hastily pulled your shirt over your shoulder, your breathing still shallow. The closet space you were currently getting dressed in was rising in temperature faster than you liked. Next to you also pulling his shirt over his head, was the current Cruiserweight champion Buddy Murphy. The two of you had recently been having these little heated meet ups for the fun of it.

"Your shirts on backwards." You point out to the champ as you try and press out a few wrinkles in your own shirt.

"Ah shit thanks." Murphy nods and turns the shirt around. "Until next time then sweetheart?" He asks you with a grin that made you wanna rip his shirt off again.

"Until next time champ." You nod and slip out the door before anyone walked by.

With all of your things in order you quickly duck into one of restrooms to make sure that you didn't look like you had been up to anything. You get in the bathroom and lock the door then walk to the mirror. You smooth down your hair a little better and adjust your bra a little bit to the left, then you pull down the collar of the shirt a little to reveal a few purple hickies trailing down the side.

"Damnit." You curse under your breath a little as you run a finger over the most visible one.

You remember that you have some emergency foundation in your purse, problem was the purse was in your car. You couldn't travel that far without raising suspicion. Left with no choice you pull up your shirt collar and exit the bathroom. You aren't out for long when you run into Cedric looking for you.

"Y/N, there you are." He grins as he walks over to you. "I've been looking all over for you." He explains.

"Sorry Ceddy, what up?" You ask, hoping that Cedric doesn't ask where you have been.

Cedric had been your best friend in the world for a while, with the exception of Mustafa Ali. And something told you that the fact that you'd been doing both of your friends biggest enemy wasn't going to go over well with them.

"I was hoping that you'd come out for me and Ali's tag match against Murphy and Nese?" He asks you with a hopeful smile. "You know, for good luck." You can't resist the cute smile Cedric flashes and agree.

"Sure why not." You shrug and follow Cedric down the hall.

You and Cedric walk to the curtain and find Mustafa waiting for you, he grins when he sees you and walks your way.

"Ah i see that Cedric finally found you." He smiles. "What have you been up to?" He asks curiously.

"Just around." You shrug trying to to seem obvious.

"Okay." Mustafa shrugs.

You hang out with the two of them and wait for your cue to go out with them, as you wait Murphy passes you with Tony at his side. He smirks and winks at you when he passes, you roll your eyes pretending to feel the same about him as Cedric and Mustafa felt. But that was kind of hard considering you had your tongue down the man's throat not half an hour ago.

"Alright let's go." Cedric pats you on the back.

You walk in between the two men as they make their way down the ramp and two the ring where Murphy and Tony wait. You take a space up near the apron and wait for the match to start. Cedric starts out with Tony, leaving you on the floor with Mustafa and with Murphy glancing your way ever so often.

"Man Murphy's been eyeing you up like a piece of meat lately." Mustafa comments after Murphy glances at you a few more times.

"Has he?" You pretend not to notice it.

"Yeah man." Mustafa nods. "I wonder why that is?" He asks more to himself than you.

You shrug and play it off, a tag is made and Mustafa is replaced with Cedric. He slips down to the floor to rest a bit and you pat his back for encouragement.

"Whew, Nese and Murphy are getting better everyday man." He comments as his breathing steadies a little. "Man i gotta know what kind of cardio workout Murphy's been doing, whatever it is, it sure as hell is working for him." You almost choke on air at this comment.

The match goes on for a bit longer, so in an attempt to help Cedric and Mustafa you slide to the other side of the ring while Tony is hanging out on the floor.

"Hey Nese." You call him to catch his attention while Murphy goes to make a tag.

It works and Cedric drags Murphy back, but he manages to catch your eye. You lock eyes with the champ as you stand on his side of the ring, you know for a fact that he knew what you just did. And it was safe to say that the look he was giving you was making your knees weak, as a wave of regret for what you just did washes over you.

The match soon comes to an end and you join Cedric and Mustafa to celebrate. On your way over to them you feel a hand snake around your waist and pull you back, you feel your back collide with a solid chest and dont need to look to know who it is.

"That was a sly move you pulled there love." Murphy whispers down at you with a sour face.

You remain silent and look at Cedric and Mustafa making a game plan to save you from Murphy.

"Now what did i do exactly." You reply keeping a straight face knowing that Murphy cant do a thing about it.

"Oh you know what you did." He whispers back. "And don't think you're going to get away with it doll. Remember i know what hotel room you're in tonight." He growls before he pushes you forward.

Cedric is at your side in an instant as Murphy stifles a laugh and walks off with Tony. Mustafa joins the two of you to make sure that you're alright.

"Y/N. Are you okay?" They both ask worried.

"I'm fine guys, he didn't hurt me." You insist.

"Man the nerve of him." Mustafa shakes his head.

"Yeah." Cedric agree's.

You nod and dismiss yourself from the pair, you knew that you were going to have a surprise when you got back to the hotel. When you get to your room you slip in and relax for a little while, excited and nervous for what was about to come. When three hard knocks come at the door, you feel weak in the knee's again, you know that you definitely are going to need that foundation in the morning.

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