Ethan Carter III

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"Get back here Ethan!" You giggle and jump up from the sun chair you were sitting in.

You'd been working on your tan when Ethan had come up and snatches your sunglasses from your face. You can't help but giggle as you run around the pool after him.

"Come and get them babe." Ethan yells back at you.

You giggle again and run and little faster, finally you manage to cut a corner and get in front of him. You stand your ground making Ethan stop and face you.

"Sunglasses." You hold your hand out with a smile.

"Oh these?" Ethan replies with a sly grin as he holds the glasses out above the deep end of the pool.

"Don't you dare." You warn him.

Sure you could swim just fine, but diving had always been a problem for you. You stare Ethan down as he grins at you and dops the glasses into the water. You scream in frustration and dive into the pool as he drops them, Miraculously you end up catching the glasses before they hit the water and set them on your head.

"Ethan?" You go to yell at him but find that he's disappeared.

Then all of a sudden someone comes up below you and hoists you out of the water, you screech in surprise as your hands grab hold of a head of fine brown hair.

"God don't scare me like that." You giggle and smack Ethan on the head.

"Ouch." Ethan groans. "Hey don't make me drop you." He threatens.

"Not scared." You reply. "I know how to swim just fine." You instantly regret that comment when Ethan grabs you legs and dumps you off of him.

You sink under the water and swim back up to the surface, when you breach the water the sound of Ethan laughing his ass off fills your ears.

"A tan, i was just trying to work on a tan." You groan and glare at him. "Is that so much to ask for Ethan?" You ask him in an annoyed tone.

"Maybe." Ethan replies. "Come on it's summer babe, have a little fun while we've got time off." You roll your eyes playfully and swim for the edge of the pool.

You get up out of the pool and walk over to the bar a few on the other side. The bartender smiles at you and hands you an ice cold drink. You sit on a stool and sip from the cool bottle and enjoy the feeling of the sun shining down on your damp skin.

"I'll have the same." You hear Ethan ask as he sits on the stool next to you. "So what do we have planned for the rest of the day?" He asks you with that award winning grin.

"Well i don't know about you." You take a sip from the bottle. "But i'm going surfing as soon as the tide is right, then i'm headed to the party under the pier as soon at it gets dark." You tell Ethan your plans for the night.

"Party huh?" Ethan replies. "Sounds sexy." He slides in close to you.

You giggle and push him away from you, Ethan groans a little as you get up from your stool.

"Catch you later Ethan." You throw a peace sign up as you walk away from him.

Ethan shakes his head and turns back to the bar, you on the other hand grab a fresh towel and a few other things before you head down to the beach.

As soon as your feet hit the warm sand you sign, your gaze falls on the light blue ocean in front of you. Perfect waves for surfing. You make your way to the board check out and go ahead and rent one for a few hours.

"Need an instructor with that m'am?" The guy at the booth asks you.

"Nah." You shake your head. "I've been surfing since i was twelve." You take your board and head out to the waves.

Back up at the hotel pool, Ethan leans against the rails and looks down at the beach. He recognizes your swimsuit color clashing with the soft yellow sand and watches as you enter the water. Ethan himself had never been surfing, but damn you sure did make it look easy. He watches you for a bit and finishes his drink up.

After surfing for a while you return the board and head back to your hotel room, you were going to need a new bikini and maybe a small light sweater for the party in a few hours. When you get back to the room you find that Ethan isn't there and decide to take a warm shower to wash out all the sand and sea water.

After the shower you get dressed and head down to the party, you get a little disappointed when you don't see Ethan in the room when you get ready to leave. But you brush it off and head down to the beach and make your way under the pier just as the sun finishes setting.

"Hey Y/N." A few of your friends greet you at the party. "Where's Ethan at?" One of them asks.

"Don't know." You shrug. "Haven't seen him since lunch." You take a sip from the red cup in your hand.

After a while you grow a little bored, you missed Ethan and all his fun flirting. Bored you decide to dance with a small group of girls that gladly accept you. After a while of dancing you feel a warm body slide behind you. You spin around ready to fend off the guy that was getting handsy way to fast but stop when you see who it is.

"Hey there gorgeous." Ethan grins down at you.

"Finally you show up." You reply with a grin.

You take a quick glance at your boyfriend attire, board shorts and sandals matched with an open hawaiian shirt.

"Well don't you look tropical." You tease him a little.

"Say's the babe wearing a bikini and sweater." Ethan replies with a grin.

You roll your eyes playfully and pull Ethan from the dance group off to the side of the crowd. The stars and moon shine down on the beach as soft waves roll into the sand.

"Don't you just wish this vacation didn't end?" You ask Ethan as you take a whiff of the salty air.

"Everyday is a vacation when i'm with you." Ethan replies.

You roll your eyes at his cheesiness and grab him by his shirt to pull him down into a kiss.

"Dork." You manage to mumble out with a small smile.

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