Mustafa Ali

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The bright lights of the arena beat down on you harshly, your head pounds in your skull with the time of the crowds chants around you. This headache that had been bothering you all day was now getting worse by the second, but you still had a job to do.

"And coming up after the break, Mustafa Ali faces off against another former Cruiserweight talent in Buddy Murphy." You let out a sigh as the show goes to commercial and you are free from speaking for a minute or two.

"You alright?" Byron looks at you from your right side, a look of concern on his face.

"Yeah Byron, just a headache is all." You wave your hand, acting like you didn't feel like your head was about to explode.

"You sure?" Corey speaks up now on your left. "You do seem a little slower than usual." He points how you seemed to be a little behind on calling things in the ring all night.

"I'm fine guys, i promise." You assure them both. "I just need some rest and maybe an Advil when the show is over is all." You sigh one more time as the red light below you switches back on to signal you were back on air. "Welcome back to SmackDown Live, up next we have former cruiserweights Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali in action." You look up at the top of the ramp as the overhead lights go dark and are replaced with blue and red on the ramp.

You carefully watch as Mustafa makes his way down to the ring, his gear making your head pound more, not that you minded at this point. You'd always had a certain bias for Mustafa, there was just something about him that you absolutely loved.

"Mustafa Ali sure has been on a hot streak as of late." Byron speaks up from your side, also in favour of him. "He picked up a victory against our current US champion Rey Mysterio in recent weeks." You nod your head, remembering calling the match.

"Yes he has indeed, he also happens to be my pick for this match over Buddy Murphy." You agree with Byron's opinion on the matter.

"Oh come on you two." Corey speaks up from your other side. "How can you even think Ali has a chance of winning when he's up against Buddy Murphy?" He asks the two of you in a condescending tone.

If he wasn't disagreeing with Byron then he was countering your points on anything that he could. That's what made the whole dynamic of you, Corey, and Byron work. The people loved to listen to the three of you argue all the time.

"Oof, harsh kicks coming from Murphy." You wince at the sight of Murphy delivering a few harsh kicks to Mustafa.

all of a sudden you get a harsh wave of pain in your head, you wince at the pain and pray for a commercial. Or better yet, for the show to be over and to go off the air. You remain silent and focus on your pain just as the show goes to commercial again.

"Y/N, you sure you're alright?" Byron asks you again, seeing you visibly in pain.

"I'm fine." You nod again.

Byron and Corey share a look with each other, the bell rings a few feet away from them and the match ends while the commercial still runs. You are looking down at your lap when you feel someone tap your shoulder.

"Y/N, let me take you backstage. You don't look so good." Mustafa stands in front of you with a friendly smile and hand held out to you.

"Oh, no that's okay." You try to politely dismiss him.

On your left Corey shakes his head and stands to his feet, Byron does the same. They both push you to Mustafa with firmness.

"You need to get looked at." Byron scolds you.

"We've got this covered." Corey gives you a little push to Mustafa who holds his arm out for you to grab.

"Okay." You give in to the demands, pain in your head getting worse.

Mustafa lets you hold his arm as the two of you make your way up the ramp.

"Head bothering you?" Mustafa asks softly as the two of you walk.

"Yeah." You nod in pain.

"We're almost to the infirmary." Mustafa informs you since your gaze remains on the floor.

You take a few steps forward only to all of a sudden get very light headed. You stumble forward and blackout. Luckily for you, Mustafa is near enough to scoop you up in his arms and carry you the rest of the way.

You wake up a few minutes later, harsh white lights in your face. You groan and sit up, instantly feeling a hand on your back.

"Woah, Y/N take it easy." You recognize the voice as Mustafa. "You blacked out on me." He informs you as he helps you sit up.

"I did?" You wear a look of confusion.

You start to let your surroundings come in slowly, Mustafa being the first thing you see. He looks very concerned for you as he holds your back gently.

"Yeah, i carried you here. They said something about your blood sugar being dangerously high?" He studies your face for answers.

"Shit." You groan, the reason for your sickness now clear as day. "I'm a diabetic, i ran out of my meds a few days ago. Been waiting for a refill." You sigh, headache getting a little bit better.

"That's serious." Mustafa shakes his head. "You shouldn't be working, like at all." He informs you, a hint of overprotectiveness in his voice.

"I didn't think it would do ay harm." You chuckle to yourself a little bit. "I usually can manage for a few days when they run out." You refer to the times that you'd gone without your meds.

"You should be more careful." Mustafa lightly scolds you. "I'd hate to see anything happen to you." He smiles softly at you. "You are my favorite on commentary after all." He jokes lightly with you.

"Interesting." You chuckle right back. "You are probably my favorite superstar on SmackDown." You tease him right back.

"Am i now?" Mustafa chuckles.

The medic comes by and gives you a much needed shot of insulin, you start to feel much better after a few minutes. You make sure to check in with Corey and Byron before you head out back to the hotel. On the way out to your rental car you run into Mustafa again.

"Hey Mustafa." You greet him with a smile.

"Heading back to the hotel are we?" Mustafa smiles right back at you.

"Yep." You nod your head and jangle the keys in your hand.

"Mind if i join?" He asks you lightly. "I don't have anything going on tonight." He suggests.

"Yeah sure, a date sounds nice." You giggle.

"Oh a date huh?" Mustafa raises a playful brow at you. "Alright then, yeah a date then. Lead the way."

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