Roderick Strong

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Your camera hangs low around your neck by the strap as you look out on the beach as the sun beats down on your skin. Below you, on the actual beach instead of the small deck you stand on, Kyle and Bobby lay tanning in the sand. You can see Adam a bit further down the beach flirting with two girls that were surfing. The remaining Undisputed Era member is nowhere to be found, and you were looking for him.

"Looking for someone?" All of a sudden a pair of arms wrap around you from behind.

"No." You reply with a smile creeping on your face. "Just seeing if Adam gets shot down by those surfers." Your gaze falls on Adam again, it doesn't look like the conversation is going the way he planned either.

"Don't underestimate Adam's ability to talk his way into stuff." The arms are removed from your waist and Roderick shows himself at your side. "Get any good shots?" He asks you curiously.

You shake your head and fiddle with the camera strap, the weight starting to make your neck slightly sore.

"Not yet, but mark my words. I will get a perfect shot while we're here." You nod your head with determination.

"I'm sure you will babe." Roderick chuckles. "In the meantime, why don't we join the guys on the beach? I know it's been a while since you've been surfing." He suggests.

"It has been a while." You think about the idea. It HAD been a while since you had a chance to go surfing like you did all the time when you were younger. "Yeah sure, let me go change." You decide to try your favorite hobby for the first time in a while and go change.

Happy that he convinced you to have some fun Roderick heads down to the beach to grab a surfing board for you. When he gets down to the beach he finds Kyle over by the surfboard shack.

"Roddie there you are." Kyle greets his friend with a relaxed smile. "Hey you think Y/N would be down to give me a surfing lesson?" He asks as his hand runs over a red board.

"I don't know man." Roderick shrugs his shoulders. "Ask her when she gets down here." He turns around to the stairs leading back up to the buildings.

His eyes land on you as you descend the stairs, clad in a black bikini and smile on your face. You break into a sprint over to the shack as soon as your bare feet his the warm sand.

"Man, how'd you even manage to pull her?" Kyle shakes his head, also looking at you. "She's way out of your league." He teases Roderick.

"Luck." Is all Roderick replies with before you get to his side.

"You planning on surfing to Kyle?" You get over to Roderick and notice that Kyle has a board in his hand.

"Was gonna ask you if you could maybe give me some lessons." Kyle asks you hopefully.

"Sure!" You happily agree. "What about you Roddie?" You turn to Roderick. "Wanna join in?" You ask him early.

"Mind as well." Roderick nods his head.

You grin and grab a board of your own and sprint right over to the water, Kyle and Roderick follow close behind you.

"Okay, well i mind as well try first. Kind of get my groove back, so just watch me okay?" You step into the warm tropical water and wade into the deeper water.

You take a deep breath and get back into the groove, when you were a kid you competed in plenty of junior tournaments in hawaii and other tropical places. You lay down on your board and use your hands to get you out to where waves were forming. The current soon takes you out and you start to go up. Once that happens you take one last breath before you hop up and stand on the board, cheering for yourself in the process.

"Woah." Roderick watches you in awe as you easily ride the wave down and back to the shore.

"Yeah." Kyle agree's. "She's good." He comments.

Your board glides back to the shore and you hop off of it and wade back to the beach where Roderick and Kyle stand. A huge smile adorns your face.

"So...that's how you surf. Got it?" You joke with a laugh. "No, being serious lets start with the basics." You turn serious and wade out to deeper water with Roderick and Kyle.

After a few hours both Kyle and Roderick can stand on their boards pretty well without falling over. The sun is starting to set so you conclude your lesson for the day and head back up to the house to change. Roderick follows you up to the house to do the same.

"You know you are pretty good at that babe." You praise him as the two of you slip inside the house.

"Yeah?" Roderick nods his head. "You are amazing though." He pays the compliment right back.

"I'm surprised i even remember how to do it to be honest." You grab your duffel bag from the floor of the room.

"I assure you, you're excellent babe." Roderick assures you as he grabs his own bag.

You pull out some clean and dry clothes from your bag and then a towel to go with it. You can feel sand sticking to your skin in just about every place imaginable.

"Man, i've got sand everywhere." You light heartedly complain as you towel your wet skin off a little, sand gritting against your skin.

"Me to." Roderick agree with you as he brushes some sand off of his shoulder.

"I'm gonna go shower." You decide that was best to shower off the sand.

"I don't suppose there's room for two in that shower?" Roderick raises a brow at you suggestively.

"Depends." You grin at him with a sly smile.

"On what?" Roderick asks you.

"Can you beat me to the bathroom?" You ask as you take off across the room to the bathroom door.

"Hey." Roderick chuckles and takes off after you. "Come back here."

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