Seth Rollins

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You walk down the hall in your house as quiet as you can, Seth was in the other room occupied by dinner so this was a good time to go see about what he had in his game room. You were desperate for christmas ideas, a game that Seth wanted was on your mind. Problem was, you had no idea what games he already had. So here you were, sneaking into his game room when he was busy to see what games he had, instead of just asking him like a normal person would.

You near the door to the game room when the sound of clicking on wood tile scares you, you spin around ready to explain to your fiance what you were doing when you look down and see that the source of the noise was Kevin, Seth's yorkie.

"Kevin." You whisper down at the dog. "Don't blow my cover." You lightly scold the dog.

Kevin tilts his head at you then turns and walks back into the living room down the hall. You sigh and watch the little dog round the corner, as soon as he's gone you start walking again. You get to the door and crack it open and slip inside, you aren't in there for long when you hear Seth speak up from the kitchen.

"Kevin? What's the matter boy?" You hear him ask faintly. "What's down the hall?" You immediately sprint to the door and slip through right as Seth peaks his down the hall.

"Everything alright babe?" Seth asks you with slightly furrowed brows.

"Yeah just going to the bathroom is all." You reply smoothly.

Seth nods his head and heads back into the kitchen, Kevin sits at the entrance to the hall and wags his tail at you. You sigh and decide to do your snooping when Seth was gone.

"Snitch." You glare down at the little dog as you pass him.

Kevin just tilts his head and wags his tail again at you. You sigh and pat the little dog on the head, you could never stay mad at a cute face like that. You decide to do some other present shopping for the time being and plop down on the couch right next to your laptop. You had heard Seth drop a few hints about wanting a new watch, so you went ahead and started a little cyber shopping.

"Hmm, what do you think he would like Kevin?" You ask the dog as he jumps up on the couch to lay by your side.

Kevin softly yips when you scroll past a silver watch, you take that as a seal of approval and click on the link. After examining the watch for a minute you also think that it's a good match for your fiance.

"Good work Kevin." You scratch the dog behind his ear a little."

"What are you looking at there?" All of a sudden Seth appears behind you.

You quickly shut the laptop before Seth has time to read it and turn to see why he came strolling in the room for.

"Nothing you need to worry about." You tell him as you spot the plate of food in his hand.

"Oh so it's a gift for me is what you're saying." He grins and hands you the plate of food.

"Not what i said at all sir." You reply and take the food from him.

"Mhm." Seth nods his head playfully and walks back to the kitchen for his own food.

You both sit on the couch and eat, both on your own computer looking for gifts. It was only around a week until christmas, and you still both needed a few gifts to finish your lists.

"Hey babe, what size shirt do you wear again?" Seth asks you casually as he scrolls down a website that you can't see from where you sit.

"Large, why?" You reply and glance at his computer.

"No reason." He grins and clicks on something.

You roll your eyes and continue scrolling through the gaming page of amazon, still unable to come up with an idea of what to order. Then you get an idea and pick up your phone. A quick text to Dean and you get a small list of games that Seth had been saying that he wanted.

"Thank you Dean." You quietly say to yourself as you type in the name of the main game Dean had told you about.

"What about Dean?" Seth speaks up and glances at you.

"Nothing, he's just helping me with shopping is all." You reply still looking at the computer screen. "Which reminds me, Renee and me are going shopping tomorrow, so you and Dean have the house to yourselves tomorrow." You inform him.

"Great, i can get presents wrapped up while you're gone." Seth nods.

"Ooo so you've already gotten me stuff have you now." You grin and turn your attention to Seth.

"Maybe." He replies with a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips.

You giggle and decide to get up and make some hot chocolate, the house was getting a little chilly due to the snow piling up outside. Not that you minded any. As you get up Kevin stands up with you, Seth frowns as he watches his dog follow you into the kitchen.

"Kevin what the hell man?" Seth complains as he stares at his dog. "Y/N, why did you have to take my best buddy from me?" He playfully glares at you.

"What can i say?" You shrug as you pull a mug from the cabinet. "I'm just so irresistible to some men." You lean down and pat Kevin again.

Kevin happily wags his tail then trots back to the warm couch with Seth, you giggle and start making your cocoa. You can hear Seth scolding Kevin about loving you more as you stir the mug with a candy cane.

"Seth you know the dog can't really understand you right?" You ask as you walk back over to the couch.

"Yeah he can, huh buddy?" Seth replies as he plucks the candy cane from your mug as you pass by him.

"Hey." You glare at Seth. "That's mine." You set the mug down and cross your arms.

"Mine now babe." Seth grins and licks the cocoa from the candy cane.

"You are the worst you know that?" You reply shaking your head. "Come on Kevin." You look at Kevin who gets up to follow you when you begin walking to the bedroom with your laptop and cocoa in hand.

"Traitor Kevin." Seth complains again as he watches the two of you go.

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