Johnny Gargano

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You sail over the top rope and come crashing down into Bianca below you, meanwhile back in the ring, Johnny rolls Ethan up for a three count. The bell rings and you jump to your feet and slide in the ring.

"Wooo." You celebrate with a smile with your best friend.

"Told ya we could pull it off N/N." Johnny chuckles and pulls you into a side hug.

"Yeah." You nod your head with a small smile. "You said we could pull it off, and we did. Making you, once again, right." You sigh playfully.

"Can't help if  I'm always right N/N." Johnny shrugs with a grin.

You hit his arm lightly and back to the locker room with him.

You and Johnny had been friend since the two of you were kids. Both with the same dream of being pro wrestlers and taking the wrestling world by storm. And as two of NXT's current top stars, the two of you were well on your way.

"Oof." You rub your sore back as you step into the locker room. "Man Bianca just had to go ahead and get her knees up." You complain as a slight pain throbes in your back.

"You're one to talk." Johnny replies as his hand runs over the red marks on his chest. "Try taking chops from Ethan." He tries to one up your pain.

"Okay." You sarcastically roll your eyes. "Yeah I'm sure getting smacked in the chest hurts way more than getting knees to the back from the top rope." You tease.

Meaningless arguments like this were part of everyday life when being friends with Johnny. Neither of you ever meant what you said, it was always fun to tease each other though.

"I'm gonna go grab some water, want one?" You ask Johnny as you walk to the locker room door after changing.

"Yeah sure, thanks." Johnny nods his head and runs a towel through his damp hair.

You nod and slip out of the room to head to catering for some water. On the way back, with to crisp waters in your hand, you run into one of Johnny's old buddies.

"Y/N." Tommasso grins at you, a loose grip on his championship belt.

"Tommasso." You grin right back at the champ and come to a stop. "How've you been?" You ask him curiously.

"Fine. As always." Tommasso nods his head. "Almost as fine as you look." He shoots a flirty comment your way.

"Thanks." You giggle a bit, nose scrunching a little. "Anyway, I better get going." You dismiss yourself.

Tommasso had always had a certain aura about him that you found charming. Sure he hurt Johnny when he broke up DIY, but deep down you knew that the cold hearted champ still cared.

You get back to the locker room and throw Johnny his water.

"What took you so long? Get lost?" Johnny tease you with a sweet grin.

"Nah." You shake your head and pop open your water. "Ran into Tommasso on my way back, we chatted for a minute is all." You explain your absence from the locker room.

"Tommasso?" Johnny all of a sudden looks up from his bags. "What did he want?" He looks at you with creased brows.

"Just to say hi." You shrug it off like nothing. Afterall, you and Ciampa were friends when DIY was a thing.

"Oh." Johnny nods his head and goes back to his bag.

Your brows furrow when you swear Johnny says something under his breath, but shrug it off anyway.

In truth, as soon as Ciampa's name rolled off your tongue Johnny was on edge. Tommasso was a threat to the horrible crush Johnny had developed for you over the years. Part of him was happy when Ciampa betrayed him, since he had a feeling you were close to giving in to the champs flirting.

You and Johnny head back to your seperate rooms for the night, and Johnny's mind races the whole time. With Tommasso back in the game, he was back running the risk of losing you. But Johnny was also too afraid to tell you that he was in love with you.

"Back again Ciampa?" You grin with a raised brow as you step into the elevator and meet the gaze of the champion again.

"Free country." Tommasso replies cooly as you step next to him. "Floor?" His hand hovers over the keypad.

"Third." You reply blankly and stare at the elevator doors as they close.

Johnny steps out into the hall with his heart beating fast, maybe he was overreacting about Tommasso after all. Then he freezes as the elevator doors open down the hall. You step out of the elevator laughing lightly, with Ciampa at your side. Johnny quickly ducks behind the counter and watches as Tommasso walks you to you door.

"Well as flattering as that is, I'm gonna have to decline." He hears you giggle. "It's been a pleasure though Tommasso." You slip into your room leaving Ciampa in the hall.

Johnny silently cheers as Tommasso walks back to the elevator, being rejected by you. With the coast clear, Johnny walks over to your door and knocks.

"Who is it?" You look through the small whole in the door.

"Me." Johnny replies.

You open up the door and let Johnny inside the room, shutting the door behind you.

"Hey Johnny." You greet him. "What's up?" You ask as you lock the door again.

"Nothing." Johnny shrugs. "I was wondering if we could talk for a second?" He asks you.

"Yeah sure." You take a seat on your bed and Pat the spot next to you. "Come sit." You offer.

Johnny sits down next to you with a sigh, you can tell by the look in his eye that something is bothering him. You fall silent and wait for him to tell you what's bothering him.

"So what's bothering you? And don't tell me nothing, because I know you, and I can tell something is bothering you." You make sure to stop Johnny before he starts making excuses.

"Huh, you always know when somethings wrong." Johnny chuckles to himself and rubs his neck. "That's one of the things I love about you, why....... I....... I love you." His hands drop to his lap and he looks at you with those puppy dog eyes.

"I...... Johnny." You start to speak but get stopped when Johnny starts speaking again.

"I know you don't feel the same way. I.... I just don't want you to be with Tommasso, he's....... I..... I don't know." Johnny sighs as his gaze drops back to his lap.

"Johnny." You get his attention. "For once, just be quiet and listen." You tell him with a small smile playing at your lips. "Yes Tommasso is charming and fun, but you. You've been my best friend since we were kids, been there for everything that we've ever been through. You've been right there." You look Johnny right in the eyes with a smile. "I'd be an idiot not to fall in love with the best I've ever met in my life." Johnny's eyes go wide, making you smile when wider.

"So...... So you don't just see me as a friend?" He swallows.

"Yes I see you as my best friend, but just because your my best friend doesn't mean I don't wanna be with you." You lean in for a side hug, something that two two of you had done a million times.

Only this time, instead of a hug you take a chance and wrap your arms around your best friend, and press your lips to his. A gesture that was long overdue, for the both of you.

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