Drew Gulak

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"Alright you ready to go?" Lince asks you as you stand between him and Gran.

"Yes I'm ready to go Lince." You put your older brother on the back.

Lince nods and the whole party moves out to the ring, you grin and pose in the middle of all members of the lucha house party. After all the fun is done you walk down to the ringside with the intention of hanging out. Then you look to the commentary to your favorite person to bother, Drew Gulak. You turn to Lince and smile.

"I'll be back." You grin and walk to the commentary table.

"Hey." Lince calls you back for a second. "Be nice." He tells you.

"I'm always nice." You reply in a fake hurt tone.

You skip over to the commentary table with a smile and take a seat right next to Drew.

"Ah and it looks like the lovely y/n l/n will also be joining us." Vic smiles as you sit down. "How are you y/n?" He asks you.

"Fine, thank you Vic." You tell him as you settle in your chair as the bell rings.

You listen intently to Vic and the rest of the guys talk, you answer a few questions as they ask them. The whole time you notice Drew being somewhat quiet, very unlike him.

"Did you lose your voice or something Gulak?" You ask him. "Not that I'm complaining, if anything it's an improvement." You grin and turn your attention.

"No I'm perfectly capable of speaking, just not too keen on interrupting you're incessant babbling." He tells you with a small grin of his own.

"Ah there it is." You shift in your seat a little. "Classic Drew, thinks he's better than everyone else." You roll your eyes knowing it gets on his nerves.

"Alright princess." Drew replies. "I'll bite, what exactly is your problem with me?" Drew asks as he turns his full attention on you.

"Did I say I had a problem with you?" You reply with a smile. "Vic, Percy, have either of you ever heard me say I have a problem with Drew?" You ask them.

Both men shake their heads, you turn your attention back to Drew.

"See." You raise an eyebrow.

The bell rings a few feet away from you so you stand up, your ears pick up the sound of a victory for Lince and Gran.

"Well it appears that it's my time to leave." You take a step back toward Lince and Gran. "Until next time then Drew." You wink before you turn around.

Lince joins your side and the four of you walk backstage, when you get there the first thing that Lince does is ask you what you're up to.

"Alright, what is your little scheme with Drew?" He asks you as you walk back to the locker room.

"Scheme?" You reply. "I've got no idea what you mean." You smile Innocently.

"Mhm." Lince nods his head, he knew very well just what you where up to.

You walk back to the locker room with the boys and drop them off, you've got better things to do with your time. You walk down the Hall and take a right, you walk to the last door. Drew's locker room. A smile cracks on your lips as you knock twice on the door.

"What?" You hear an annoyed Drew exclaim. This is followed by loud footsteps, he's pissed off. Perfect.

The door swings open from the inside to reveal Drew wearing a scowl.

"Great." He Huffs as he looks at you in the doorway. "What do you want?" He snaps.

Your smile remains as you bounce on your heels making sure to take your time to answer him. You know that Drew was many things, patients not being one of them.

"What?" You ask with a grin. "I can't come see how my favorite cruiserweight is doing?" Drew snarks and looks at you.

"Favorite huh?" He asks you. "Since when?" You shake your head.

"Since always." You reply sweetly. "It's not my fault that you don't like me." You shrug your shoulders up.

"Why are you here again?" Drew asks remembering you never said why you where at his locker room.

"Eh." You shrug again. "You know you like me being here." You grin and bounce on your heels.

"Oh do I now?" Drew asks. His brow raises.

You can tell Drew is having fun with the conversation.

"Well you haven't told me to leave yet now have you?" You point out.

"That's because you haven't told me what you want." Drew snaps loudly.

"Oooh." You coo back. "Someone's getting angry at me." You poke Drew in the shoulder.

A vein pops on Drew's shoulder, this makes you smile.

"Listen here princess." Drew snaps at you, finally done with your shenanigans. "You've got about ten seconds to tell me what the hell you want before I slam this door." You raise an eyebrow and lean forward.

"Man if you haven't figured it out yet you really are a clueless excuse of a man." You almost giggle. "You moron." You state plainly. "I want you." Drew's face goes slightly pale as he looks at you.

"Me?" He asks you. "You've been annoying the absolute fuck out of me for the last month because you have the hots for me?" You smile and nod.

"Yep." You reply making sure to pop the p on the end of yep. "Not my fault you can't take a hint." You shrug.

Drew runs a hand through his hair in frustration, you smile and fidget a bit as you wait for an answer.

"Look." Drew looks down at you. "If you wanted a date you could have just asked." Drew tells you.

"Yeah." You nod. "But what's the fun in that?" You ask. "Anywho, since you are now aware that I'm trying to get your attention how does tomorrow at 9 sound for a date?" You get right to the point.

"That's fine." Drew nods. "Now can you leave so I can change?" He asks you.

"I'd be happy to, see you tomorrow cowboy." You wink and turn to leave.

Drew shuts the door and you walk back to Lince's locker room. As soon as you get back Lince is on you.

"What have you been up to?" He asks recognizing the look on your face.

"Nothing." You grin.

Lince rolls his eyes knowing that it was best to leave it be.

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