Tomasso Ciampa

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"Sounds to me like you're scared Shayna." You grin into the mic in your hand as Shayna glares at you from up the ramp, her championship belt tight in her grip. "Is that it? Could the mighty Shayna Blazer actually be afraid of an opponent?" You knew that if you kept poking at her like this, Shayne was sure to give you what you wanted.

You stand in place and taunt Shayna with another quip about being scared, and finally she takes the bait. You grin when she huffs into her own mic as she raises it to her lips.

"You know what Y/N, how about me and you have a match right now?" She suggests, aggression rolling off of her aura. "For the NXT Women's championship!" Shayna almost growls at you.

You raise a hand and beckon the champ into the ring, and a ref is at her side in a second. Meaning that Regal was on board with the match as much as Shayna was. You walk to your corner and smirk at Shayna as she hands her belt over to the ref.

You're pretty sure that you just had the most grueling match of your life, your whole body aches in pain. But you did it, your hand is raised in victory as the ref hands you the NXT women's championship. You beat Shayna Blaser.

"And your new NXT women's champion!" The announcer slips into the ring. "Y/N L/N!" The crowd around you cheers as your handed the belt.

You grin ear to ear, not believing that you actually managed to pull it off, you were actually the champion. Now all you needed was a very hard earned rest, you felt like you could sleep for days now.

You head backstage with your championship belt hanging on your shoulder, a few girls come by and congratulate you. Others glare as you pass them, mad or jealous, not that you cared. You are just about to make it to the women's locker room when Regal catches you.

"Y/N!" The GM of NXT wears a wide smile. "Congratulations on your win, and being the new champion." He claps you on the back gently.

"Thanks Regal, it wouldn't have happened without you approving the match for me." You smile back at the boss with pride and thanks.

"Of course." Regal nods. "Shayne was becoming a problem as champion anyway, with her not being able to get along with our current NXT mens champion." He mumbles the last part.

"You mean Ciampa?" You reply curiously. "What was Shayna doing hanging out with him anyway?" You ask Regal.

You were familiar with the NXT champion, Tomasso Ciampa. The only man that you knew that could be so appealing and absolutely enticing at the same time.

"Well i guess you didn't know then." Regal speaks up and stops mumbling. "The NXT champions usually travel together, looks good for the brand and all." He explains with a wave of his hand.

"Oh." You reply. "Yeah that makes sense." You shug.

"I hope you do better with him then Shayna did, he'll pick you up later tonight so the two of you can do a photo shoot together as champions." Regal informs you.

"Alright." You nod. "It shouldn't be to much of a problem." Regal chuckles at this and nods his head before he dismisses himself and heads off.

You make your way into the locker room and get changed into some gear for the photoshoot that didn't stink with the horrid stench of almost an hours worth of sweat and blood. After you get changed and settled down a little bit, someone knocks on the door.

You walk over to the door and ruffle down your slightly damp hair before you open the door to reveal your new aparent partner in crime.

"Tomasso." You greet the sour looking man with a light hearted smile.

"Regal told me that someone new was champion." Tomasso replies as his eyes scan you up and down quickly. "Y/N right? Well you're better than Shayna anyway." He comments as his gaze falls back on your face.

"Anyones better than Shayna." You chuckle a little.

Tomasso wasn't the only one that didn't favour the queen of spades. To your surprise this earns a chuckle from Ciampa.

"Yes, i can agree with you there." He steps to the side to let you out of the room. "Follow me, i'm sure Regal explained our new situation." Ciampa starts walking as soon as you shut the locker room door behind you.

"Umm kind of." You reply and jump to catch up with him.

"Basically." Tomasso's gaze stays forward as he walks. "Me and you are now in a partnership, we travel and do just about everything work related together." He explains to you with just about as much vague detail as Regal earlier.

You nod and listen as the two of you walk side by side, you take in all the info that you can for the time being. A little scared to ask for any information.

"So after we're done with the shoot i'll help move your stuff into the room next to mine at the hotel." Ciampa turns to looks at you, which catches you off guard for a second.

"Yeah okay, thanks." You nod.

You feel a little heat rise to your cheeks. Were you blushing? Blushing for Tomasso Ciampa? You shake your head a little making your hair fall forward and guard your cheeks from being seen for a little bit.

The photo shoot goes well, you realize that your opinion of Ciampa was mostly based on biased and false info. The gruff and serious man that cared about nothing but his championship gold, was actually a pretty nice guy. Sarcastic with a sense of humor and interests that went pretty much hand in hand with your own.

"Thanks guys." You thank the cameramen and photographers as they pack up and leave. "I'm gonna go change really fast." You call Ciampa's attention as you slip into the changing room for a second.

When you get back out to the main room Ciampa leans on the doorframe waiting, you walk over to him and the two of you head for the hotel.

"So what room are you in?" Ciampa asks as the two of you step into the hotel elevator.

"Uhh 118." You reply. "It's on the second floor." You lean over and press the 2 on the elevator pad.

Ciampa nods his head and leans against the railing on the back of the elevator as it jolts up slightly.

"You one of those girls that pack a bunch of shit in their bags?" He all of a sudden speaks up when the elevator comes to a stop.

"No." You shake your head with a small smile. "I travel light, but i bet Shayna is one of those girls." You giggle a little at the thought of it.

"Oh you have no idea." Tomasso shakes his head.

You could swear you catch a genuine smile crack at his lips for a split second.

Ciampa helps you grab your bags and switch rooms to the one on the 4th floor, he even helps you carry then in and get them put away.

"Well there you go." Tomasso sets down the last bag at the foot of your bed. "I'm in the room to the right if you need anything." He tells you as he walks to the door. "I'll be seeing you in the morning, looking forward to being champions with you." He grins with a small wink before he shuts the door behind him.

You giggle to yourself like a little girl as you feel blush rising in your cheeks again. Tomasso Ciampa was nothing like anyone that you'd met before, and that was a good thing for once.

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