Adam Cole

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"Well hello y/n." Adam purrs as he traps you in the hall. "How is my gorgeous babe this fine evening?" He asks you.

"Not your babe." You reply with a smile. "But I'm fine anyway." You answer his question.

"Huh, yes you are fine." Adam smirks suggestively.

You roll your eyes and place a hand on your hip, as much as you liked flirting with the North American champion you had places to be.

"As much fun as this is Adam, I've got places to be." You go to push past him.

"Yeah preferably my locker room." Adam calls after you.

"Ha." You giggle. "In your dreams Cole. " You roll your eyes.

"Oh you've got no idea." Adam calls after you.

You giggle at his comment and walk off, Adam smirks to himself and makes his way to his locker room. When he gets there he finds the newest member of the undisputed era waiting for him.

"Roderick, what's up man?" He greets the younger man.

"Readying up for a match with Dunne again." Roderick replies as he ties his boots.

"And I suppose your going to need some support?" Adam asks.

"If you're not busy." Roderick nods his head.

Adam nods and goes to change out of his skinny jeans to something better to move in.

You on the other hand, stand in front of a closed locker room door and bang on it twice.

"Up and at em champion." You yell as you reach for the doorknob.

Right before you open the door it gets pushed open and Trent Seven pokes his head out.

"Can you back any louder?" He complains as he squints at you.

"Yeah." You reply simply. "Now move, your fearless leader has a match in fifteen that he better be ready for." You push past Trent and step into the locker room.

Tyler is passed out on a couch and Pete sits lacing up his boots, you sigh with relief.

"You're actually on schedule for once, Don't be late for your match." You remind Pete.

"Yeah yeah." Pete rolls his eyes.

After you make sure Pete gets to his match you make your way back to your office, when you get there you find the door unlocked. You shrug it off thinking that you just forgot to lock it and step in, you manage to get past the door when it shuts.

"The hell?" You ask and whip around to see a certain someone leaning against the now closed door.

"Y/n." Ethan smiles at you.

"What the hell Carter?" You snap at him. "You scared the hell out of me." Ethan smirks and takes a step to you.

"Good, you look hot when you're surprised." He grins.

You roll your eyes and set your things down, Ethan was becoming a problem. And not a flirty problem like adam. No Ethan was more of a stalky problem.

"How'd you get in here?" You ask him as you finger your phone.

"Had a janitor unlock the door, I wanted to surprise you." Ethan explains as he takes another step to you.

You swallow hard and grab your phone.

"I've gotta be somewhere sorry." You tell him and head for the door.

Ethan grabs you by the arm and pulls you to him.

"Oh come on babe." He grins. "Give me a little sugar from my sugar." You pry your arm loose and open the door.

"Sorry Ethan but I've got to go." You tell him and dart into the hall.

You keep going and don't look back, Ethan had never grabbed you before. You could feel the blood rushing to the spot on your arm that Ethan grabbed you. You take a split second to look back and run into someone.

"Woah babe." Adam smirks as you run into him. "Y/n? Babe what's wrong?" His expression changes as he sees you look in distress.

"I.... Um..... Nothing." You stutter out as you look down the hall.

You see Ethan coming down the hall looking anything but pleased and palm the bruise on your arm.

"Can we maybe take this someplace else?" You ask Adam.

Adam raises a brow and sees you messing with your arm, he grabs it gently and sees the bruise.

"Who the fuck?" He breathes angry.

"Adam please can we maybe move." You ask again as Ethan gets closer to you.

Adam looks down the hall to see what you're so worried about and his gaze lands on Ethan.

"Is he the one who did that?" He asks you.

"Adam." You start again.

"Is he the one that did that!" Adam asks again.

You nod and adam pulls you around the corner gently, you see that Kyle and Roderick had been hanging back.

"Boys." Adam calls them both. "Looks like Mr 1% needs a lesson in manners." He gestures to your bruise.

"Adam no." You try to protest.

"Shh babe it's okay." Adam slushies you gently.

You watch at Adams side as Kyle and Roderick both tackle Ethan to the floor as he rounds the corner to find you. All you can do as Ethan gets his ass kicked, Adam stays by your side for a while.

"Kyle." He calls O'Reilly. "Watch her for a second." Kyle stops kicking Ethan and walks to your side.

Adam replaces him and starts kicking and hitting Ethan to the point of blood. Then to end it he grabs Ethan's face and hoists it up.

"You see her?" He asks as he points to you. "That's MY girl, and if I ever even so much as hear that you've been LOOKING at her i'll beat you into a fucking heap of garbage like you are. GOT IT?!" Adam asks.

Ethan nods and Ethan drops his head to the floor.

"Clean this asshole up boys." Adam walks back to your side. "Come on baby let's get you some ice for that bruise." He pulls you to his side and kisses your forehead.

You hook an arm around his torso and nod, you don't look back as you hear Roderick and Kyle talking.

"Thanks Adam." You thank your savior.

"Don't worry about it babe." Adam replies. "As long as I'm here he won't bother you."

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