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"What do you want Corbin?" You ask in a visibly annoyed tone as you lean in the doorway of Corbins office.

"Ah Y/N, thanks for coming to see me so soon. Please come in and shut the door." Corbin gestures to the door behind you.

You furrow your brows but do as you're told and shut the door, once it's shut you turn back to Corbin who is now eyeing you up.

"Okay now let's get down to business." He grins down at you. "Y/N you are a talented performer and a gorgeous person much like myself. I've called you down here to talk to you about your future on Raw once I've secured my position of General Manager this Sunday." You furrow your brows again and cross your arms.

"My future?" You repeat him. "What about my future?" You ask him with folded arms.

"Well as you know, your cousin Finn Balor has been causing some problems lately, i just want to make sure that a gorgeous and talented girl such as yourself is on the right side of this is all." Corbin's grins at you.

"So let me get this straight." You unfold your arms. "You want me to come and fight for you and your pack of disrespectful asinine superstars?" You ask him in a firm tone. "If you think that i'd ever even consider being on your team, well you're nuts Corbin." You turn and walk out the door in a huff.

As you leave you can hear Corbin yelling after you from down the hall, you ignore it and go and find Finn. Knowing Corbin, Finn and you both were bound to get some heat as the night went on.

"Finn there you are." You finally find your cousin in the hall after a few minutes. "We've got a bit of a problem." You warn him right away.

"What's the matter now?" Finn asks you with concern.

You quickly explain the whole Corbin situation to your cousin and how now the two of you should be a little more cautious. Finn of course understands and is quick to come up with a plan.

"Well i say that we oppose this new way Corbin's doing things. If anyone is on his side they are considered enemy number one." You agree and Finn decides to check out what was currently going on in the ring.

The two of you get to the curtain and you see that Elias was having the time of his life at the moment with Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush. You share a small look with Finn.

"Looks like he's on our side, you go around and make sure Lio doesn't get away okay." You direct Finn to the right while you go left.

Sure enough Bobby Lashley comes your way but you try your best to stop him.

"Hey Bobby." You grin and stand in his way. "Going someplace?" You ask him and tilt your head a little.

"Out of my way." Bobby grunts and lightly pushes you against the wall.

You grunt at the impact and watch as Bobby takes off, then Elias comes through the curtain and walk over to you.

"Hey are you alright?" He asks as he puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah fine, me and Finn are here to help." You explain. "In fact he's got Lio waiting for you out there." You grin.

Elias nods with a smile and heads back out to the ramp to serve some justice against Lio. You hang back and wait until Finn comes back with Elias at his side.

"Boys." You grin and slip between them. "Looks like we've got some rebeling to do." You smirk and walk with them.

"I like the way you think Y/N." Elias grins with you.

Throughout the rest of the night the three of you manage to be a pain in Corbins side, ruining his plans the best that you can. As the night comes to a close you all meet back up again.

"Well this has been fun." You catch your breath as Elias and Finn join you.

"Yeah, it's been a pleasure working with you Y/N." Elias winks at you. "And you to Balor." The three of you enjoy a small laugh before Corbin shows up.

You step out in front of both Elias and Finn to come face to face with Corbin. It's safe to say that he doesn't look pleased with any of you.

"Can we help you Corbin?" You ask him with a hand on your hip.

"Just couldn't resist rubbing it in my face could you Y/N?" Corbin snaps at you.

"Ha, i didn't do anything." You snap right back.

"Had to run off with Balor and oh look Elias to." He glares at both men behind you. "I could have taken care of you, you do know that." He stares down at you.

You roll your eye's, Corbin was never the type to attract the likes of you. You know Finn has your back no matter what, but what surprises you is when Elias steps up next to you.

"Oh trust me, she can do much better than you." You glance to your side where Elias stands.

"Oh so you don't like me, but you're happy to accept help from him?" Corbin pokes a finger at Elias.

"Yeah." You snap your reply and scoot closer to Elias. "Problem with that Corbin? Because we all know Elias is more of a man than you'll ever be." Corbin huffs and looks down at you one more time before he leaves.

Once he's gone you go to create some space from Elias, but you find that his arm is secure around your waist.

"He's gone now you know." You turn to Elias with a small grin.

"Oh, my bad." Elias grins right back and takes his hand back.

Finn steps up and walks between the two of you. You give your cousin a look, Finn gets the message pretty quick and decides that it may be best to leave.

"We'll catch up to you later Finn." You nod to him.

With Finn gone you turn back to Elias.

"Well i guess i should thank you for helping me with Corbin." You grin.

"All in a day's work helping damsels." Elias winks.

"Mhm." You wink back.

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