Kenny Omega

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"Adam." You sharply bark at the man standing a few feet away from you.

"Yeah?" Adam immediately turns to you from looking down at his phone.

"Come get coffee with me." You tell him more than ask. "Ken's busy and doesn't wanna pay attention to me apparently." You glare at your boyfriend across the room deep in a conversation with Kota Ibushi.

"Yeah sure, lets go." Adam nods his head and puts his phone away.

You grin and take Adam's arm before proudly leading him right past Kenny, this only gets you a small glance in your direction when you pass him and Kota. You roll your eyes hoping for more of a reaction and scoot closer to Adam. Adam happily takes the hint and moves his arm to your shoulder so you can get in close. You swear you loved Adam for being down to help you make your boyfriend jealous.

"Okay you can move your arm now Adam." You push Adam's hand away from your shoulder lightly when you get to his car.

"Oh, whoops." Adam lightly chuckles.

You roll your eyes playfully at him and climb in the car. You both head out to get some coffee in a comfortable silence, that is until Adam decides to speak up.

"So how long has Kenny been ignoring you?" He asks curiously. "Want me to intervene and kick his ass for you?" He asks in a joking manner.

You and Adam had been friends for years, the two of you were just about as comfortable as two friends could be. You were always down to scare girls that lingered to long in Adams hotel room off, and he was always there to make your boyfriends or men interested in you jealous enough to get them to pay close attention to you again.

"A few weeks now." You sigh lightly. "I swear i'm gonna walk in on him and Ibushi making out one of these days." You shake your head.

"Damn." Adam replies. "That bad huh?" You nod frustrated with your dumb boyfriend. "Well what have you tried?" He asks you.

"Everything." You raise your voice a little. "I ordered a new bra and pantie set, in his favorite color and lace pattern mind you. He glanced at me maybe twice, and then decided that Kota needed help with his workout in the gym." You shake your head angry just thinking about it.

Adam shakes his head next to you, it made his just as angry as you talked about it. You pull up to the coffee shop and both go inside to grab something to drink.

"Well if you already tried lingerie, i frankly don't know what to tell you." Adam shrugs not coming up with any bright ideas at the moment.

You nod and take a seat in a booth with your coffee, Adam sits on the other side of you with his own cup.

"Hell, i even considered asking Tama to maybe come hang out with me for a while." You admit. "But then again, you remember what happened last time Kenny caught him hanging around me." You recall the fight between the two men you had to break up.

"Yeah, we want him jealous not livid." Adam nods his head also remembering the incident. "Jealousy is his weakness though, we just have to find the right guy." You nod agreeing and think on it.

You needed someone that would catch Kenny's attention just enough to make him ditch Kota for a while, not make him livid. Tama was out, and so was Page, Kenny didn't see him as enough of a threat. Then all of a sudden you get an idea.

"What about you?" You ask Adam. "I remember when we first started going out Kenny was always on edge about you." You recall Kenny asking you about Adam all the time.

"Really?" Adam replies. "Hey yeah that could work, and i'm down if you are." He shrugs.

You agree on a plan and the two of you head back to the arena to meet with Kenny and put the plan into action. Sure enough after a little bit of looking you find Kenny hanging out with Kota, you quickly pull Adam to your side and walk past the pair.

At first Kenny doesn't notice, but when all of a sudden you feel Adam's hand slide down your back and linger just above your ass you notice Kenny looking at you. You giggle pretending that Adam was being funny and entertaining and make sure that your free arm rests on his bicep. This for sure catches your boyfriends attention, especially when you get past him and he sees where Adams hand rests.

"Thanks Adam." You whisper to him just as you hear Kenny excuse himself from Kota.

Adam nods and prepares himself for the chewing out and possible knuckle sandwich that was about to come. He lets you go just as Kenny gets to your side.

"Adam." Kenny grits his teeth and looks at his friend. "Wanna explain what your hand was doing so dangerously close to my girlfriends ass?" He asks as his arm snakes around your waist in a protective manner.

You try and keep your happy grin to yourself as Adam explains himself as best he can without giving up the plan and also without getting himself punched. He finds a good middle grin and Kenny glares at him for another minute.

"Just watch yourself okay Cole, Y/N's mine." Kenny leans down and vigorously kisses your lips to get his point across.

Adam nods and leaves you to your now interested boyfriend. You wait until Adam was out of sight to actually speak up to Kenny.

"Hello." You giggle at him as Kenny looks down at you intently, his hand still glued to your waist.

"Hi." Kenny grins."Come on princess." He all of a sudden grabs your hand and drags you down the hall. "If i recall right, someone bought a new set of lingerie that i'd love to rip off you right about now." He growls.

"Good." You reply happily being dragged down the hall. "Because i may or may not have that on right now." You tease him.

As you get dragged from the building to the hotel, all you can think is that you love Adam and you would have to thank him a lot whenever Kenny decided to let you out of his sight again.

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