Baron Corbin

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"It's not my fault that you can't keep me entertained with actual good competition." You shrug with a grin and your hands folded under your chin.

On the other side of the ropes Baron Corbin glares at you with an annoyed look. Lately you'd been making a habit of being as annoying and disruptive as possible. This naturally made your current acting general manager less than happy.

"You're making the show fall behind schedule, now please get out of the ring." Corbin tries again by asking nicely.

"Well since you asked nicely." You grin knowing that the ruse was getting a little boring.

You drop your hands to your sides then give Corbin a wink before you slip through the ropes and drops to the ground. Corbin gives you one last annoyed and odd look before you walk up the ramp to the backstage area.

When you get there you find that Bobby Lashley and Drew Mycentire are both blocking your path. You nod to them both with a grin and come to a stop.

"Boys." You nod to them and turn back to the curtain.

"Corbins getting real tired of your games y/n." Drew is the first to speak up.

"Oooo." You reply with a roll of your eyes. "I'm shaking in fear." You glance at Drew as his expression stays set in tone.

Then the curtain parts and Corbins steps through, and he doesn't look pleased.

"Thanks guys, but I can handle it from here." He dismisses his so called friend a from the room with a small nod.

"Don't be to sure of yourself Corbin." You reply as you watch Bobby and Drew leave.

With both men gone only you and Corbin remain in the room. You turn around and face him with a grin again.

"I assume you wanna speak to me?" You ask as you bounce on your heel.

You've always been on the short side so next to you Corbin looks like a giant.

"You'd assume right." Corbin nods and folds his arms across his chest. "Let's have a chat in my office, now." He gestures to the door with his thumb. "So you can walk with me, or I can have security bring you down there. Your choice." He explains sternly.

"Let's walk then." You nod. "Lead the way boss." You step to the side of Corbin so he can go first.

The two of you walk down to his office in silence, the only sound being Corbins heavy feet on the floor. You get to his office and step inside, Corbin steps in after you and firmly shuts the door.

"Now." He turns back to you with a serious look. "We both know you've been causing me some problems lately." He starts out as he walks around his desk and takes a seat in a chair.

You nod and sit on the edge of the desk with a grin. The only other chair in the room looked very harsh to sit in anyway.

"Mhm." You nod ton signal that you'd been listening.

"I brought you down here to make sure that we find a way to put a stop to that." Corbin continues. "Now Stephanie says that you're being annoying because that's just you, but I happen to think that you're trying to catch someone's attention." This catches your attention.

Your head turns to meet Corbins gaze as he stares you down. You start to feel just a little less confident than before.

"Is that so?" You ask trying to hide the slight panic in your gut. "Well if that's true, who exactly would I be trying to catch the attention of?" You ask the question with a small grin and lean down a little.

Corbin takes his time to answer and just stares you down, his eyes never breaking from yours for a second. You swallow and try to keep your composure.

"Oh I've got a hunch who it is." He chuckles deeply.

You swallow again and your eyes follow Corbin as he stands to his feet and still towers over you even though you're sitting on his desk. You find yourself unable to move when he leans down and inches closer to the side of you.

"We'll just have to test my theory out a little." He whispers in your ear.

Goosebumps litter your arms and a shiver runs down your spine. You don't dare take your eyes off of the floor now.

Corbin let's out a little chuckle again and sits back down.

"No so high and mighty now huh?" He teases you.

Not about to be outdone, you quickly regain confidence and swivel to the other side of the desk and slide down to your feet. Corbin is caught off guard by this so you take the chance to get really close to him.

"You may be close, but we both know that I can resist you all I want." You grin as you lean into him. "Question is, will you be able to resist me?" You ask and drag your fingers across his chest all while looking him in the eye.

Corbin freezes up and you stand back up straight and walk to the door. As you open the door you make sure to look back.

"I think we both know who will win this game. You know where to find me if you forfeit." You wink and shut the door behind you.

Adrenaline pumps through your veins the rest of the night. The thought of Corbin showing up at any moment making your heart race. As the night comes to an end the feeling starts to fade though.

"See you later Ember." You wave goodbye to Ember as she leaves the locker room.

You look around to find that all the other girls had left a while ago, this meant you were alone. You gather up your bags and head out the door, but just as you go to open it, the door gets pushes open.

"Corbin." You crack into a grin as Baron pushes his way in the door. "Knew you'd break." You tease.

Before you can get another word in about being right Corbin takes the opportunity to pin you to the wall and lean in for what had to be the kiss of your life.

"You need to learn to shut up more.”

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