Chris Sabin

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"Look who's headed this way." Chris nudges your shoulder with a grin.

You look up from your phone and see the bane of your existence, with the exception of Chris. Tama Tonga.

"Y/N, what is up my gorgeous mamma?" Tama asks as he walks up to you.

"Hello Tama." You nod to him. "Is there something i can help you with?" You ask him with a raised brow.

"Ooo baby girl." Tama replies with a smirk. "Don't ask questions you aren't prepared to hear an answer for." You roll your eyes and glance at Chris behind you.

The least you so called best friend could do was back you up in situations like this.

"I'm kind of busy Tama." You look up at the much larger male and hope that he'll take the hint and leave.

"So why don't we make some plans for later then." Tama licks his lips.

You sigh a little, and then glance back at Chris. You don't think that he's getting the message, but that changes when Tama goes to speak again.

"So Y/N babe." Tama starts but gets cut off when Chris finally steps up next to you.

"She's not interested Tonga." He warns Tama as he pushes you back slightly.

You wear a confused look on your face as Chris stands up for you. In the years that you'd known Chris Sabin, he'd almost never stand up when a guy was chatting you up.

"Oh so the little mans gonna speak now is he?" Tama sneers. "Y/N, babygirl. You lapdog is getting out of line." He glares down at Chris.

"Are you deaf?" Chris snaps back. "I said that Y/N wasn't interested." Tama grins and you start to get worried.

Not wanting to have a fight start in the back between the two egomaniacs currently attempting to size each other up you step in.

"Alright boys that's enough." You step between them and put your hand up. "Chris is right Tama, i'm not buying what you're selling." You firmly tell him while still standing between them.

Before Tama can spit some more game, or threaten Chris again he grabs your hand and pulls you away down the hall. You are happy to notice that Tama does not follow. Once the brute is out of sight Chris lets you arm go.

"Since when are you all knight in shining armor?' You turn and ask Chris with a raised brow. "Not that i don't love you for it." You add as you look at your best friend.

"There's only so much bad flirting one man can take N/N." Chris flashes a smile.

You nod, you'd known Chris long enough to tell when he was hiding something. You decide to leave it for the time being and take some action about Tama bothering you.

"Hey i'm gonna go see if Kenny and the Jackson brothers can do something about Tama." You all of a sudden speak up. "Wanna come with me?" You ask Chris with a grin.

"Yeah sure." Chris shrugs and follows you down the hall.

You make your way down the hall to the locker room of your cousin, Kenny Omega. You knock twice and wait for an answer.

"Go away Ibushi." You hear someone yell through the door.

"Not Kota." You yell back.

Silence fall in the room then the doorknob turns and Kenny opens it up. You grin and wave a little.

"You and your boyfriend fighting again Ken?" You ask a him regarding the Ibushi thing.

"Haha funny." Kenny grumbles a little. "What brings you to this side of the locker rooms?" Kenny asks you. "Oh and hey Sabin." He nods to Chris.

Chris nods also and stands behind you as you take a seat in one of Kenny's chairs. You can tell by the strewn about clothes that the Jackson brothers were not far behind.

"I'd like to talk about Tama Tonga with you." You tell Kenny as he finally settles down in a chair.

"Tama?" Kenny replies. "What about him?"" He asks you.

"He's been way out of line flirting with her, and it's making her uncomfortable." Chris all of a sudden speaks up and beats you to the punch.

Kenny looks at Chris surprised that he spoke up, he then furrows his brows and looks back down to you.

"This true?" He asks you with a concerned expression on his face.

"Yeah." You nod. "It's becoming a real problem Ken." Kenny nods his head, you can tell he's a little pissed off now.

"I'd handle it myself man." Chris speaks up again. "But we both know that when it comes to Tama he won't come to a fight alone." Kenny nods his head and stands up.

You watch as he walks to the back of the room to the other door and knocks on it hard twice. Then a few seconds later Matt and Nick come strolling into the room. You watch nervously as Kenny huddles with his companions, you hope that they can help you.

"Don't worry N/N." Chris squeezes your shoulder. "They'll get it taken care of." He assures you.

You nod and watch Kenny and the guys again. Then all of a sudden Kenny calls Chris over and leaves you in the chair.

Chris walks over and gets pulled into the huddle with Kenny and the Jacksons.

"Okay well it's obvious that we gotta take care of this." Kenny looks at Chris. "But i've got a hunch that you wanna be the man to make the statement." He tells Chris. "I've seen the way you look at my cousin man." Chris nods his head.

"Yeah. I'd do anything for her man." He nods and glances your way. "Just tell me the plan." Kenny nods and starts explaining the plan.

Later that night you walk out to the ring with Chris for his match, and sure enough while he's busy Tama makes his appearance. It doesn't take long for Chris to stop his match with Marty Scurll and slide down to the matt next to you.

"Tama." He glares at Tama with a serious face.

Tama grins and looks down at you, until he sees Kenny walk down and stop at the other side of you.

"Heard you've been vulgar with my baby cousin." Kenny stares down Tama.

Tama looks slightly worried now, the icing on the cake comes when Matt and Nick both tap Tama on the shoulder now standing behind him. You take a step back and hang with Marty, who was happy to help while Kenny and Chris do most of the work. He even ushers you back stage when backup arrives for Tama.

A little bit later Chris finishes up on his work as Kenny pulls him off Tama. They both take a breath and Kenny pats Chris on the back.

"Nice going man, now please do me a favour and go kiss my baby cousin." He tells Chris with a grin. "Promise i'll only kick your as if you hurt her." He adds.

Backstage you wait for Chris to get back, while waiting backstage Marty had convinced you to tell Chris that you liked him. You are a little surprised when Chris comes running at you then picks you up and spins you around.

"I love you." He tells you as he comes to a stop and looks down at you.

You take the opportunity to pull him down and into a kiss.

"I love you to Chris."

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