Andrade Cien Almas

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"I haven't the slightest idea who to ask to be my mix match challenge partner." You sigh to Zelina as you both walk to the gym.

"Oh come on." Zelina replies. "It can't be that hard for you to find a partner." She tells you. "What about Tye Dillinger, or maybe one of the New Day?" She suggests.

"Eh." You shrug your shoulders. "Tye is busy trying to throw hands with Randy Orton, and Xaviers still mad at me for beating him in Street Fighter 5." You explain why both those suggestions were not gonna work out.

Zelina and you both sight and head into the locker room, after changing you both decide on some cardio. After spending some time on the treadmill Zelina spots her business partner come into the gym and calls him over.'

"Cien!" Zelina calls, this catches the attention of her gorgeous business partner Cien Almas.

Cien makes his way over to the two of you with a gorgeous smile, you swallow and run a bit slower on the treadmill to match Zelina next to you.

"Cien you've met Y/N right?" Zelina looks over at you with a smile.

"Si, Y/N chica how are you?" Cien turns his attention to you.

"I'm fine Cien, how are you?" You grin and nod your head.

Zelina looks at you then back at Cien, she was forming a plan in her head. Were you going to hate her for it? Probably. Would you get over it and thank her for what she was about to do? Eventually.

"Actually Cien." Zelina speaks up. "I believe that Y/N was looking for a mix match challenge partner. Right Y/N?" She grins and turns to you.

As soon as you hear the words come out of Zelina's mouth you wanna trip her off that treadmill. You look at Cien for answer, he flashes a bright smile that means that you aren't getting out of it.

"Really? Por supuesto, i'd love to tag with you." Cien beams.

"Yeah, okay then." You nod with a smile of your own. "Thanks for helping me out." Cien nods and walks off to get his work out done.

As soon as he's out of earshot you turn to Zelina. She wears a wide smile.

"You're a horrible person." You grumble at her.

"Oh I know." Zelina rolls her eyes. "How dare I set you up with not only a great partner but a man you've had a crush on since NXT." You roll your eyes knowing that she's right.

You and Zelina finish working out then you both part ways for a while. You head to your locker room while Zelina goes to find Cien.

You change into ring gear and head out to let Paige know that you found a tag partner. On your way there you run into Charlotte Flair.

"Hey Y/N." She grins at you. "Find a partner yet? Because we both know you aren't beating me and AJ." You n roll your eyes.

You and Charlotte never got along, you and her had a nasty NXT feud a few years ago and the both of you still held a grudge.

"Yeah well we'll see about that." You tell her. "You might be good but at least you'll never be as good as your dad." You push past her and go find Paige.

Once you tell her the news you find out that Charlotte got a match against you, already in gear you head out to the ring.

You get there first and Charlotte comes out next, she's with Becky and AJ. You roll your eyes and shake your head.

"What's the matter Charlotte?" You ask her with a mic. "Know that you can't beat me without backup?" The crowd cheers and Charlotte rolls her eyes and gets in the ring.

The match starts and you have a hard time dealing with Charlotte and Becky outside the ring. Not to mention AJ also prowling around ready to shield your opponent when things get heavy.

"Coward." You yell as Charlotte ducks behind AJ after you chase her.

Becky tries to grab you but you push her away and Charlotte heaves you into the ring. You get a little exhausted not able to keep up with it all. Then all of a sudden you hear music and look at the ramp in time to see Cien and Zelina run out.

With the odds evened out you manage to cover Charlotte with a little help from her tights. You pick up the victory and are immediately confronted by AJ.

"Hey pick on someone your own size." Cien helps you out with AJ.

Zelina sends Becky into a barricade and the three of you head backstage. When you all calm down a little you thank Cien.

"Thank you so much Cien." You breathe. "And you two Zelina." You add.

"Sure." Zelina nods. "But this was all Cien's idea." She tells you.

"Yeah?" You turn to Cien.

"Si chica." Cien nods. "I couldn't stand by and watch my partner get beat up." He smiles.

"That's not what you told me." Zelina buts into the conversation. "You said, Mi amor se está lastimando, tenemos que ayudarla. Exactly." Zelina repeats what Cien had told her in perfect Spanish.

Ciens cheeks turn a little red, so do yours. You didn't speak fluent Spanish but remembered enough to understand what Zelina had repeated.

"Is that true Cien?" You ask him.

Cien looks at you with cute red dusted cheeks and nods his head.

"Well, gracias. y me gustas a ti cien." You put your 4 years of high school Spanish to the test and hope you said that right.

Judging by the way Ciens eyes light up and the fact that Zelina didn't laugh or try and correct you. You assume that you did good.

"vamos entonces mi amor, celebremos." Cien puts an arm around your shoulder.

You look at Zelina to translate. Sure you knew what Mi Amor meant, you could listen to Cien call you my love all day.

"He said let's go celebrate." She quickly tells you before Cien drags you off.

You happily let him take you to go do whatever he say fit for a celebration.

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