Flip Gordon

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"You know, you've got to be the sweetest man that works for this company right?" You tell Flip as he heaves your bag up the stairs for you.

"Nah, i'm just happy helping out a damsel in distress." Flip grins as he takes another step up with the heavy bag.

"Well i appreciate it." You smile back. "Hopefully they'll get the elevator working soon." The elevator in your hotel was out and you had super heavy bags.

You were planning on heaving the bags up three flights of stairs on your own since you didn't see any man around that would be so kind as to help you without wanting something in return. Luckily for you, as you had just gotten your bag to the stairwell door Flip had come along with that cute smile and dropped what he was doing to help you out.

"I got here a few hours ago and asked, i think they said they'd have it fixed by morning." Flip tells you.

"Oh that's good." You nod and trail behind him to be polite. "Thanks again for taking these up the stairs for me." You thank him as you both come to the door on the third floor.

"Of course, i couldn't just leave you to fend for yourself." Flip opens the door and steps through. "In fact, lemme take these to your room for you." He turns to you with a friendly smile.

"Oh you don't have to do that." You shake your head. He'd already helped enough afterall.

"Oh i know, but it'll make me feel bad knowing that i left you to drag these to your room." He tells you.

"Okay, if it'll help you sleep at night." You give in to that cute smile. "I'm in room 206, over here." You walk Flip to the door and open it for him.

Flip steps inside and sets your bags down on the floor then joins you back at the door. You thank him again and smile.

"Well thanks, i'll see you later tonight then." You grin and go to shut the door.

"Yeah i look forward to it." Flip nods his head. "Bye Y/N." He then takes his leave and walks back down the hallway.

You shut the door with a small giggle and go to sort through your bags. You couldn't help but smile when you walked to your bags, god why did he have to be so freaking cute?

After having a little alone time to pick an outfit for the nights taping of ROH you get a call from one of your friends, Kenny.

"Hey Ken." You answer the call and put the phone to your ear as you sift through your bag for a shirt to match your red jeans.

"Hey N/N." Kenny replies. You can hear the smile on your face. "A little birdie told me that he saw Flip Gordon step into your room earlier, care to elaborate?" He tells you.

"He helped me with my bags because the elevator was out." You explain as you pull out a black tank-top from the bag and smile. "Is there something wrong with that?" You ask your persistent and nosey best friend.

"Oh is that all he did?" Kenny replies suggestively.

"Yes." You reply sharply. "That IS all he did, because unlike you Flip is a gentleman." You can hear Kenny scoff on the other end of the line.

"Hey i'm a gentleman." He tells you.

You scoff this time and take your clothes to the bathroom to change.

"Sure, when you know you can get something out of it." Kenny scoffs again at your bold claim.

"Not true." He protests. "Besides, Flip didn't ask for anything?" He asks you.

"Nope." You shake your head. "Because again, he's a nice guy." You reply a little louder than before. "Anyway i gotta go, see you in a bit." You hang up the phone and set it down on the edge on the sink so you can change.

A while later you walk into the building that ROH is taking place and immediately head backstage to get to work. On your way to your locker room you run into Flip again, and judging by his outfit he's headed to the ring.

"Oh hey Flip." You grin and wave at him.

"Y/N." Flip waves back and makes his way over to you. "You look nice." He compliments you.

"Thanks, you dont look to bad yourself." You grin. "Headed out to the ring are we?" You ask him since he's clad in ring gear.

"Yeah." Flip nods. "Wish me luck?" He all of a sudden asks you.

"Sure." You nod and kiss him lightly on the cheek. "Good Luck." You also add.

Flip smirks and nods his head before making his way to the curtain. He's Not gone for long when you hear a chuckle.

"Flip Gordon Y/N?" You turn to see the Jackson brothers smiling at you.

"Matt, Nick." You nod at them. "Whats up boys?" You ask them.

"Oh just watching you bait poor Flip Gordon." Matt grins.

You roll your eyes at him and Nick and smack his arm.

"I'm not baiting him, god what is it with you two and Kenny and hating poor Flip?" You ask them both.

"We dont hate him." Nick shakes his head. "We just like giving the newbie a hard time is all." He cracks a smile.

"Yeah well you two are dicks." You comment. "Flip's a nice guy and you two torment the poor man." Matt and Nick share a look, almost having a silent conversation.

"You like him don't you?" Matt asks you as he turns his attention away from his brother.

"Maybe i do." You reply. "Last time i checked i was a grown woman and could choose who i want to like." You remind them.

"We know." Nick puts his hands up defensively. "And we won't do anything to stop you right Matt?" He lightly hits his brothers arm.

"Yeah yeah." Matt nods and rubs his arm. "We won't get in the way of you and lover boy. Can't say the same about Ken though." He warns you.

"You let me deal with Omega." You tell him.

The brothers nod and you finally head to your locker room.

After the show you are heading out of the building when you get stopped by a sweet voice and equally as sweet smile.

"Hey Y/n." Flip calls you making you stop so he can catch up to you.

"Hey Flip." You greet him. "Congrats on that win by the way." You grin.

"Yeah thanks, i did only win thanks to your good luck charm though." Flip grins.

"Oh yeah?" You reply. "You think so?" You ask him.

"Yeah of course." Flip nods. "Anyway, i was wondering if you'd wanna maybe catch a movie or something with me?" He asks you.

"Hmmmm." You reply with a sly grin. "I guess i do owe you for carrying my bags, and a movie doesn't sound like a terrible idea. Sure i'd love to." You smile and accept the invite.

"Yess." Flip replies. "Cool, so what movie do you wanna see?" He asks you.

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