Seth Rollins

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With Drew and Dolph hell bent of making sure that Seth didn't get his title back you were on edge. The last thing you needed was your boyfriend getting beat up by those goons. When Dean came back you were happy, Seth finally had someone to help watch his back when Roman was busy. But it wasn't hard for you to notice that Dean had been acting weird, and that made you worry slightly. And for a good reason to.

Roman had announced earlier that night that his leukemia was back, you made sure to wish him and his family good luck. Then you went ahead and focused on the tag match that Corbin had given Dean Seth, everything was going swell so far. You couldn't be happier when Dean pinned Dolph for the belts and the brothers celebrated. What you didn't see coming was all of a sudden Dean hit Seth in the face.

"What the fuck?" You ask aloud as you watch Dean strike your boyfriend.

You sprint down to the ring in an instant, by the time you get there Dean has finished making sure that Seth wasn't gonna get up anytime soon. You stop in front of him and confront him about what had just happened.

"What the hell Dean?" You ask him confused and scared as Dean stares back at you.

"Out of my way." Dean growls at you.

"No." You stay firmly in place. "Not until you tell me why the hell you're acting like this, i mean what the hell man?" You ask him with a concerned look now plastered on your face.

Dean grumbled under his breath and steps to you, when you don't move he groans and pushes you to the side. You stumble back and fall on your ass and watch as Dean leaves. You then get up, unharmed of course, and make your way over to Seth.

"Seth baby are you alright?" You ask as you lean down to Seth's level and help him to his feet.

You throw his arm around your shoulder for support and slowly help him up the ramp. Seth breathes shallow and grunts as he moves up the ramp.

"Where did Dean go?" He asks you in a pained breath as the two of you walk.

"I.....I don't know." You stammer a little. "Let's focus on you first sweetie, you're hurt." You try and smile a little as a couple of ref's come to your side.

Seth nods and you hand him off to the ref's as they take him away your presence is graced by Baron Corbin.

"Is Rollins okay?" He asks you as he watches Seth leave.

"He's banged up pretty bad." You explain worry laced in your voice.

"Man what the hell happened with Ambrose?" Corbin asks you as he fidgets with his phone.

"I wish i knew." You shake your head. "I'm gonna go catch up with Seth and the ref's." You dismiss yourself and leave to go find your boyfriend in one of the back rooms.

You find Seth laying down in one of the back rooms with a doctor standing nearby. You walk in and decide to talk to the doc first.

"Doc what's up?" You ask him as he turns his attention to you.

"He's going to be alright." The doc tells you. "Just a bruised rib and slight head injury." He explains. "Keep him on rest for a day or two and he should be alright." You nod and walk over to Seth.

"Hey baby." You grin a little as you walk up to Seth and catch his attention.

"Y/N." Seth groans as he sits up and pulls you into a hug. "Dean didn't do anything to you did he?" He asks as his tone changes a little angrier than before.

"No i'm fine babe." You insist and let Seth go. "Seth what happened out there?" You ask him hoping to know why Dean attacked him.

"I don't know." Seth shakes his head all of a sudden sad. "We were celebrating then all of a sudden he attacked me." He explains. "All i remember was telling him that it was okay as he kept on hitting me." Seth tells you.

"Okay?" You reply furious. "What about this is okay?" You ask him. "Seth what he did to you was anything but okay, look at you?" Seth nods his head and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"It's the same thing i did to him and Roman." He almost whispers. "I deserve what he did to me, he had every right." You brush his arm off and shake your head.

"Seth Rollins. That was years ago, and he forgave you for that, they both did. Don't you even think that what you did justifies what Dean just did to you." You almost yell at the thought of Seth blaming himself.

Seth sighs heavily and rubs his shoulder in slight pain, he knew that you would act like this. You were always being overprotective of him, ever since he hurt his knee really bad a few years ago.

"Hey hey." Seth calms you down. "I'm sorry." He pulls you into another hug. "Come on let's get out of here." He stands to his feet and leans on you a little.

"Alright." You nod and help him to his locker room to grab his things before he leaves.

While Seth grabs his stuff you run to go tell Corbin that the two of you were leaving a little earlier than normal. On your way back to grab Seth you run into Renee.

"Hey Renee." You flag her down. She was Dean's husband so she was bound to know what was up with him.

"Y/N." Renee stops and turns to you. "Is Seth alright?" She asks you concerned.

"Yeah he's okay." You nod, glad that she asked. "What the hell is up with Dean?" You ask her hoping that she knew.

"I've no idea." Renee shakes her head. "Sorry, i'm just as shocked as you are." You nod and run a hand over your face.

"Well thanks anyway." You tell her. "I'll see you later." Renee nods and the two of you part ways.

You pick up Seth and the two of you walk to the parking lot, as you walk you lean against Seth and sigh heavily.

"I'm so chewing him out next time i see that asshole." You mumble as the two of you walk to the car.

"Hey, i can't stop you." Seth nods. "Just don't hurt him, he's just in a bad place right now." You nod and shake your head again.

You still couldn't believe that Dean would do this. Why?

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