Dean Ambrose

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You stood in the bathroom with shaking hands, your suspicion was right. You were pregnant.

"Fuck." You curse under your breath as you throw the stick away along with the three other positive ones.

You can hear Dean yelling at the TV down the hall, what was he gonna think about all this? The two of you had been arguing lately about your job and just about anything and everything else. Maybe this would fix it.

You take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom and to the living room. Dean sits on the couch watching a baseball game, his team is losing. "Great." You think to yourself.

"Hey Dean." You softly call to him as you move to the side of the couch he's on.

The TV goes to commercial thank god so Dean turns his attention to you.

"Yeah babe?" He looks up at you with those curious blue eyes.

"I.... Um... " You stutter a bit not knowing how exactly to say it. "Babe I'm pregnant." You blurt out not knowing any other way to get it out.

You look down at Dean, he wears an expression that tells you he's thinking.  Not good, but at least he didn't seem mad right?

"Dean?" You call his name to snap him out of his thoughts.

"Pregnant?" Dean repeats what you'd said. "How can you be pregnant?" He asks you in a confused tone. "Are you sure?" You nod your head lightly.

"I'm late by two weeks and i've taken four pregnancy tests that all came out positive." You explain in a slightly shaky voice.

"Who's is it?" Is deans next question as he looks at you.

"W-whose is it?" You reply. "It's yours Dean, who's else could it be?" You raise your voice a little.

Was he really thinking that you cheated on him? Why would you lie about the baby being his? Who else could even possibly be the father of this child?

"Y/N we haven't had sex in months." Dean stands to his feet. "That baby can't be mine." He almost yells.

You take a step back from him, tears brim your eyes.

"So you're saying that I cheated?" You ask him in an almost hushed tone.

Dean doesn't have to answer. You shake your head and turn to leave, it breaks you a little that Dean doesn't try and stop you. Since it was deans place you didn't need to pack anything with you before you grabbed your keys and left.

You drive to the other side of town where your best friends place is and knock on the door.

"Hey Y/N." Ty answers the door with a grin. "Y/N?  What's wrong?" He sees you crying and pulls you in the door.

"I'm pregnant." You sob as you fall into a hug. "And now Dean says it isn't his." Ty shuts the door with one hand and comforts you.

Since you work in TNA you don't see Dean again for around a year and a half. Ty helps you through the pregnancy and with raising the baby. Your little girl is born in the fall, you name her Kasey. Kasey comes to love and adore her uncle Tye but you can't help but feel bad she doesn't know who her dad is.

One day when Kasey accidentally calls Tye daddy you decide that it's time Dean at least meets his kid. He had a right to know after all.

"Come on baby keep up." You coo to Kasey as she wobbles behind you.

Her first birthday was coming up and she loved to waddle around whenever she could. You look further down the hall and spot Dean coming your way. He doesn't notice you yet.

"Come here baby." You pull Kasey into your arms and stop Dean in the hall.

"Y/N?" Dean looks at you in shock when you stop him.

You watch as his gaze flits down to the little girl in your arms. A curly head of light brown hair and ocean eyes that you could get lost in. She was the spitting image of Dean.

"Dean. This is your daughter Kasey." You flat out tell him as Kasey locks eyes with him. "Kasey, this is daddy." You poke an unmoving Dean's chest.

"I..... What...... I mean...... Huh?" Dean stutters out as Kasey smiles at him. "She's mine?" His eyes snap back to you beautiful as ever.

"I don't know Dean, take a good look at her and answer that question yourself." You tell him.

Dean's eyes dance between your face and your baby girls face for a good moment. You take a good look at the man you left, he was just as gorgeous as ever. Except for it looked like he'd been hitting the gym more, and there was a certain sadness in his eyes now.

"I..... I'm so sorry." Dean all of a sudden chokes out. "Oh god what have i done?" He looks at you with glossy eyes.

You turn to Ty who had been silently standing behind you the whole time and hand Kasey over to him.

"Mama's gonna go for a bit mkay baby." You tell her with a smile. "You and uncle Ty are gonna go get ice cream." You love the way Kaseys eyes light up at the mention of ice cream.

Ty takes Kasey and walks off down the corridor and leaves you and Dean alone. You then turn back to him with a firm look.

"Let's talk."

Dean takes you to his locker room, ironically this happened to be the same place you and Dean had conceived Kasey. In a drunken celebration neither of you remembered.

"Let's get one thing straight Dean." You look sternly at the man before you. "I didn't come here because I need you, or because she needs you. I came because I felt that you at least have the right to know that she's yours." Dean nods his head silently. "If you want to get to know her I'm okay with that. And if you don't I'm fine with that to." You explain.

Dean sits in silence for a while, you stare at his face and wait. His blue eyes seem like they have no end, the eyes that you saw in your daughter everyday. Finally he speaks.

"If you'll let me I wanna get to know her. I..... Hell I wanna be her dad Y/N." Dean chokes it out. "Letting you leave was the biggest mistake of my life baby, I don't know what's wrong with me." You sit and listen to him. "This past year and a half has been hell for me, with the thought of you possibly all alone pregnant? But I couldn't bring myself to ask how you where. I'm a fucking idiot. A goddamn fool." You smile a little at him.

Over the next hour or so you tell Dean what went down after you left. How Ty was a huge help and how you managed to get by. How all through the pregnancy and having Kasey deep down you missed him. You told him about Kasey and what she liked and didn't like. What her personality was.

"Do you wanna actually meet her now?" You finally ask Dean after talking for a while. "She doesn't know you're her dad but she watches Ty on Smack down so she Sees you and the guys a lot." You explain.

Dean smiles at this and nods his head. You take him to your hotel where Ty waits with Kasey. On the elevator up Dean has another question.

"Am I here favorite on TV besides Ty?" He asks you.

"Nope." You giggle a little. "Seth is." The look on dean's face makes you wanna burst out laughing.

You already know that Kasey is going to love him.

Dean opens the door to the room and locks eyes with Kasey.

"Uncle Ty wook." She points with a cute chubby finger. "It's bean." She giggles.

"Well then go see him." Ty smiles.

You stand a few feet away and watch as Dean picks her up.

"Hi bean." She greets him with a grin.

"Hey baby girl." Dean smiles right back.

"Huh bean." Kasey turns to him with wide eyes. "Where is Seth?" Asks him.

You giggle when you hear what Dean groans under his breath.

"Of course she can say his name just fine. Loser."

Maybe Kasey was gonna grow up with a dad after all.

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