Adam Page

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Halloween was looming around the corner and you of course had no idea what kind of costume you wanted to use this year. The year before you managed to throw together and elf costume for the annual Bullet Club Halloween party, it did alright with your friends. This year you were stumped though.

"Ugh, Marty." You groan as you plop down next to Marty who sits on the couch reading on his phone. "I can't think of a Halloween costume for the party." You complain, hoping that Marty may be able to help you choose.

"Okay?" Marty looks up from his phone and over at you, not really getting why you were telling him this.

"Well? Any idea genius?" You ask him, desperate for any kind of idea.

"Asking the wrong man love." Marty shrugs his shoulders. "Me and Kenny usually always do related costumes, and he always picks." He gestures to Kenny on the other side of the room. "Just think of something that you enjoy." He suggests. "What was the last video game you played?" He asks you, his eyes glancing down at his phone again.

"Red Dead 2." You quickly reply, having just finished the game a few days prior.

"Cowgirl." Is Marty's answer, his full attention back on his phone.

You nod your head, liking the sound of the idea, and you knew just where to get a cowboy hat from. You stand to your feet and look for Adam, seeing he's not in the room you settle for Kenny and walk over to him.

"Hey Ken, you know where Page is?" You ask him curiously.

"Went out to get Cody from the gym. Why?" Kenny raises a brow at you.

"I wanna borrow one of his cowboy hats for my Halloween costume." You explain to Kenny why you needed to talk to Adam.

"Oh." Kenny nods his head, a smile cracking on his lips. "He should be back soon." He chuckles lightly, though you don't know why.

You walk off to wait for Adam to return with Cody so you can ask him about borrowing a hat. While you wait you grab your phone and search up where you can get your hands on the rest of the stuff you will need to complete your look for the party.

On the other side of the room Kenny silently is having the time of his life. He was one of the only members of the group that knew just how much of a thing Adam had for you. And now he was going to have to decide if he could single-handedly ruin his chances of keeping his crush a secret by handing you over the components for and outfit that was sure to ruin his life.

A bit later Adam finally shows up with Cody in tow, you wait for a bit then walk over to Adam when he's done talking with Cody and Kenny.

"Hey Page." You catch his attention as you make your way over to him.

"Y/N, whats up?" Adam cracks a grin as you walk over to his side.

"Hey i was wondering if i could maybe borrow one of your cowboy hats." You ask him with a sweet smile. "It's for my costume for the party if you were wondering." You give a reason as to why you wanted to borrow one.

"Umm....yeah sure." Adam nods his head a little fast, seeming a bit stuttery. "You can get one from me later i guess." He chuckles to himself a but, his cheeks turning a little red.

You are oblivious to the blood running to Adam's face, to busy thinking over costume designs in your head.

"Thanks Adam." You thank him for saying yes, and make your way back over to the couch.

"Shit." Adam sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.

Kenny walks over to Adam's side, laughing to himself. He clasps a hand on Adam's shoulder, his laugh getting louder.

"You're screwed man." He chuckles, making Adam shake his head.

Later that night you notice that Adam seems a bit quieter when you pick up the hat from him, but you choose to ignore it for the time being. You spend the next day or so constructing your outfit for the party, getting inspiration from one of your favorite characters from the game. Sadie Adler.

The night of the party rolls around and you have a complete costume ready to go. Complete with boots and a bandoleer as well as a belt with a holster and a few others items to make the costume really pop. All topped off with the hat that Adam let you borrow. With your outfit ready to go you head out to the party.

Adam scans the room with a cautious eye, intent on avoiding you the best he could for the night. He nearly lost it when he saw you try on his hat a few days ago, he knew he couldn't handle himself seeing you in a full cowboy costume. His eyes land on Tama Tonga, wearing gladiator gear, showing an alarming amount of skin. Next to him is Kenny, street fighter uniform of course. Marty matching him a few feet away.

He goes back to scanning the rest of the room when his eyes land on you by accident as you walk through the door and he nearly chokes on his drink. You wear a determined look in your eye, hands firm on your belt as your boots click on the tile floors. You had the look down pat, eyeing everyone from the rim of Adam's hat with a scowl. Adam panics when you spot him and decide to walk his way.

You get to the Party and scan the room for Adam, wanting to see what he thought of your costume, and wanting to see his as well. You had always found Page to be one of the most handsome and charming members of the group. With those chocolate puppy dog eyes, and gorgeous head of blond hair. He was a sight to see, that was for sure. You spot him at the bar and lock eyes with him for a moment before you head over to him.

"Well, how do i look partner?" You ask Adam with a grin as you get to the bar and lean on the edge of it casually.

"G-great." Adam stutters and takes a long sip from his drink. "You look great." He nods his head nervously.

"Thanks again for letting me borrow the hat." You thank him again, it had saved you quite a bit of money as it turned out.

"You look great." You gesture to Adam's own football player costume. "I see you went for the hot quarterback in a romcom look." You tease him with a laugh.

"Yeah i guess." Adam nods his head again.

You furrow a brow for a split second, now noticing that Adam seems a bit nervous. You order a drink and think about what is bothering him. Kenny ends up heading your way so you ask him.

"Hey Ken, any idea what's up with Page?" You ask him curiously.

"Oh yeah." Kenny laughs and leans in so Adam can't hear him. "He's got a crush on you, and also just so happens to have a cowgirl kink." And with that Kenny grabs his drink and walks away.

You take a long swig of your drink, thought racing. If you played your cards right, you were about to have the night of your life. You formulate a plan then turn back to Adam who's finishing his drink.

"Hey Adam." You walk over to him, setting your hands on your belt again. "What you say to the two of us moseying on out of here?" You ask him in an accent. "A little birdie told me that we might have a mutual love for the wild west, and each other." You tease him with a smile.

"Oh hell." Adam shakes his head, not knowing a better response to what is in front of him.

"Come along cowpoke." You gently grab him by the collar and lead him across the floor and out the door.

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