Drew Gulak

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It was time for the kickoff of 205 Live for the night, so as usual you stood in Drake's office as he listed off things that he had planned for the upcoming pay per view of Elimination Chamber.

"We need someone to challenge Murphy for his title." Drake speaks his thoughts aloud, hoping that you'll but in and help him make a decision. "Y/N." He calls your name to get your attention.

"Yeah boss?" You turn to him as he looses the look of frustration on his face.

"I want you to go around tonight, try and find me a few candidates for the champion will you?" He asks you.

"No problem, how many names do you want?" You ask before you head to the door.

"Uhh, let's say four." Drake thinks for a second then gives you a number that you can work with.

You nod and head out of the main office in search of some worthy talent of a championship match. On your search the first person you come across is 205 newcomer, Humberto Carrillo.

"Hey Humberto." You greet the younger kid with a small smile.

"Hello Y/N." Carrillo smiles right back.

Carrillo was a good candidate for the match, he was popular in NXT and managed to put on a good show a few weeks ago against Murphy. You decide that the kid is good enough to put on the list and move on.

You make your way down to the guillera to see what match was currently going on, that was always a good place to find good enough talent that was doing well for themselves. You arent there for long when you're joined by two of 205 Live original talents, Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher.

"Drew, Jack." You smile at both of them as they walk over to you. "Can i help the two of you with something?" You ask them, not able to find another reason that the two of them would be near the entrance ramp.

"I've a match with Lince Dorado next." Jack informs you of the reason for his presence.

"Oh, my bad." You nod and hear the bell ring from outside in the main arena.

Figuring that you didn't have anything better to do you decide to walk out to the ring for Jack and Lince's match. Both men watch as you leave them behind and walk out to the commentary table with Nigel, Aiden, and Vic.

"You going to come out with me?" Jack turns to Drew right before its his cue to head out to the ring.

"Of course." Drew nods his head. "Everyone loves me on commentary." He snickers as Jack's music hits.

Both men walk out to the ring and Drew's gaze falls on you, sitting in a chair with a headset on, laughing with a bright smile along with Vic. Truth was, Jack wasn't the only reason that Drew was willing to go down to the commentary table. In fact, you were the main reason that he was putting up with Aiden and Vic.

"Ah and it looks like Drew Gulak will also be joining us on commentary for the match." Vic comments as Drew walks past the ring.

You fall silent and watch as Drew makes his way over to you, wondering what he could possibly be doing at the commentary table. You didn't have a problem with Drew, in fact you found him funny and sweet. You were just curious about his attentions with Drake's new talent Humberto.

"Drew." You nod to him when he sits down after shaking the rest of the men present hands.

"Evening Y/N." Drew nods back at you. "May i say that you are looking lovely tonight." He compliments you with a soft smile.

"Thank you." You smile back at him, amused by his little gesture.

You and the other four men at your side all talk for a while, about all things 205 Live. You manage to let it slip that you're on the lookout for Murphy's next challenger on accident.

"And of course Drake has me looking for Buddy's newest challenger." You shut up as soon as the words pass your lips.

This sparks a whole new conversation, each man having an opinion on the matter. You try and ignore them and keep your focus on the match in front of you. Your eyes are taken from the match for a second when Aiden asks you a question.

As soon as your eyes move from the ring everyone's on their feet and frantically moving away from the table, not having any clue to what is going on you freeze up. In a flash you feel a hand grab your arm and pull you away from the table just as Lince comes crashing down into it.

"You okay?" You hear someone ask as you snap out of your small trance like state.

You find yourself pressed up against Drew, with his own back to the barricade. Both your hand pressed into his chest, and his arms holding you by the waist and arm respectfully.

"Yeah." You nod and swallow.

You can hear your heart pounding in your chest from the sudden onset panic, you step away from Drew with adrenaline coursing through your veins.

"Here let me walk you out of here." You look up at Drew when he speaks again, a soft look of concern on his face.

"I'm alright." You protest, not one to be helped often.

"Y/N you're shaking." Drew's hand gently touches your upper arm.

You look down at your own hands to find them shaking, knowing that you actually might need to calm down a little you don't protest when Drew leads you up the ramp slowly by the arm.

As soon as you get through the curtain Drake is sprinting through the door like a worried father. He hurries to your side, firing off questions at light speed.

"Y/N are you alright, are you hurt?" He asks you.

"I'm fine Drake." You nod your head, starting to relax a little. "Just a little shaken up is all, adrenaline and all." You explain as you look back down at your hands to find the shaking to have lessened.

"Here you should sit down." Drew speaks up, his hand still holding you close to him, just in case something goes wrong.

You nod and sit down on a folding chair for a second, your nerves now much calmer. And your ability to actually think straight now taking hold of you. Both Drake and Drew fall silent, sharing a look with each other.

"Thanks for pulling me out of the way Drew." You look up at Drew, now fully calmed down.

"No problem Y/N." Drew nods his head.

"And for not listening to me when i said that i didn't need help." You add, giggling at yourself a little.

"Yeah well a gentleman never leaves the side of a lady in need." Drew chuckles himself.

You get up from the chair and Drew's hands hover near you, just in case. Which you appreciate.

"You should give the match to Carillo." You look to Drake who also looks calmer.

Drake nods his head, and seeing that you are okay and in capable hands leaves. You exhale a breath and turn to the exit door to your side.

"Well as fun as this night has been, i think that i'll be heading out for the night." You glance at Drew who steps in front of the door.

"Let me take you back to the hotel then." He offers you with a soft but stern look. "No offence, but driving by yourself doesn't seem like a brilliant idea." He tells you.

"Yeah, that makes sense. But what about Jack?" You remember that Drew and Jack usually travel everywhere together.

"He can handle the rental car by himself." Drew shakes his head. "Plus i'm sure that he's understand." You smile when Drew offers his arm to you.

"Well aren't you just the worlds most helpful gentleman." You tease and take his arm.

"All in a day's work Y/N, all in a day's work." You both chuckle and head out to the parking lot.

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