Noam Dar

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Being the replacement for Johnny Saint when he took a leave of absence for a while seemed like a good idea at the time. You had experience working for Drake Maverick and Shane Mcmahon before, so the job seemed to be an easy one. At least that's what you thought. Turns out the job was actually a nightmare, none of the men respected you at all. And the few woman on the roster weren't much better. But despite all that, one man kept you working on the job, Noam Dar. The scottish supernova was the one man that seemed to treat you like a human being.

"Afternoon." You nod to one of the camera crew as you make your way to your office.

The camera man waves at you with a smile, you were off to a good start for the day. You get to your office to see two men waiting outside it, Tyler Bate and his buddy Trent Seven.

"Tyler, Trent. What can i do for you men?" You ask them as you unlock the office door and step inside.

The duo was known for being a little bit easier to handle, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't get angry to get what they wanted if you disagreed with their plans. You plop down in your office chair and watch as the duo follows you in the room and shut the door.

"We came to ask you a few questions about our current booking." Tyler explains with a stone face.

"Your booking?" You reply curiously. "Is there something wrong with it?" You ask them with a raised brow.

"Kind of." Trent nods his head.

"See we're both booked to work 2 weeks straight with no break, which we don't think is fair." Tyler explains in a slightly annoyed tone.

You nod your which is accompanied by a small sigh, you had three different roster members out on injury and one out on a personal leave. As limited as the UK roster was, you were being forced to book certain people for long stretches of time, you didn't like doing it. But it was the only way to keep ratings up and your superiors happy.

"Yes i'm aware, and i'm sorry about that." You sigh. "But with a decent chunk of the rooster out on leave i've been forced to book some of the more popular stars like the two of you, more than usual. I'm terribly sorry about this again, but there's nothing i can do." You explain hoping that Trent and Tyler wont be to mad with you.

Tyler nods his head in understanding, but you can tell Trent is a little ticked off. You prepare yourself to be yelled at and probably degraded.

"You can't do anything?" Tyler snaps at you slightly. "Im gonna miss my mom birthday thanks to you." You instantly feel bad.

"Im sorry, but i can't help you Tyler." You explain in a quiet voice.

Tyler goes to speak again but Trent nods to you and drags his partner away, you can hear Tyler curse your name in the hall as they leave. With them gone you compose yourself and get to work for the night, but sure enough a steady slow of men start to come in and complain about being heavily booked. You take a beating and finally get a break after about an hour of yelling.

"God what now." You snap, your head resting in your hands as a knock comes at the door. "Come in." You speak up and move your gaze to the door.

"Ello Y/N." To your surprise Noam walks through the door with a grin.

"Noam, hello." You nod to him. "I think i know why you're here, i'm so sorry about having to book you for two weeks straight." You skip right to the apology.

"Umm apology accepted i guess." Noam replies as he walks further in the room. "But that wasn't why i stopped by." He tells you.

You focus in on the man in front of you a little closer, you had been tired all day from being yelled at by everyone that managed to come by the office.

"I saw you come in earlier today, ya looked a little tired. So i brought you this."Noam holds out a cup of coffee that you can see steam rising from, fresh coffee.

"Oh." You nod and take the cup. "Thank you so much, that's by far the nicest thing anyone's done for me in the past few days." You admit as you take a sip from the cup.

This comment makes Noam smile as he takes a seat in the chair that sits in front of your desk, you set the cup down and stare over the desk at him.

"I heard all those dafty's yelling at ya from down the hall, unrighth the whole lot of them." Noam speaks up again. "They should know that you're not the one to blame for being overbooked, and why complain anyway? It's extra money is it not?" You grin and let out a small giggle.

"Wish they all saw it that way." You reply and take another sip from the coffee. "Hey quick question, how do you know how i like my coffee?" You Noam with a curious grin as you realize that the coffee was just how you like it.

"Just a lucky guess." Noam shrugs with a wide grin.

"Mhm." You muse as you take another swig of the coffee. "Noam, you are the one man in this whole place that keeps me sane." You all of a sudden blurt out.

You realize what you had said and turn your gaze back to Noam, it surprises you when all you see is a wide grin from the scottsmen.

"Good to know." He grins. "I don't write like the idea of any other men, specially one from this roster of dafty's pleasing you to much." You blush a little at this comment.

"Is that a fancy way of saying that you'd be jealous?" You raise a brow at Noam.

"Maybe." He smoothly replies.

You giggle and finish up the coffee tossing it into the trash at your feet, Noam glances at the clock on the wall and rises to his feet.

"Well as you know, i've a match soon." He reminds you with a grin. "But hang in for a few more hours and i'll be back to take you to a nice dinner, if you'll let me that is?" He offers you.

"I'd love to." You grin and nod.

Noam grins and heads out the door. Suddenly all the yelling that had happened to you in the day didn't seem so bad.

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