Tye Dillinger

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"Hey Tye where are you off to so fast?" You ask as Tyee quickly rushes down the hall your way.

"To talk to Paige about Randy Orton." Tyee replies as he slows down a little to talk to you. "Where are you off to?" He asks you right back.

"Ha, i've got a match against Mandy in a few minutes so i'm headed to the ring." You gesture down to your ring gear.

Tye nods his head, your black and purple ring gear in a way kind of matches his own. He thought that the colors looked much better on you then himself.

"Oh well knock em dead." He grins and tells you. "Afterall, you're dressed like a perfect ten." You giggle a little at Tye's tag line and let him past you.

You make your way down to the ring just in time for Mandy to make her entrance, you roll your eyes when you hear Corey gushing over her a few feet away.

"Mandy." You sourly greet her as she climbs in the ring.

"Y/N." Mandy rolls her eyes and flips her hair at you.

The bell rings and the two of you go out it, in the back of your mind you know that Sonya Deville is probably lurking somewhere near waiting to help her bff get the upper hand on you. You and Mandy go back and forth for a while until sure enough Sonya comes out and attacks you.

"Cheaters." You groan as Sonya and Mandy both kick you while you lay on the floor.

To weak to fight off both of them you take the beating with as much pride as you can. Sonya and Mandy finally decide to leave, you wait for a second to make sure that they are gone before you get up from the floor and manage to drag your aching body backstage.

The ref offers to help you walk backstage and you accept the offer. He lets you lean on his shoulder for support the whole way back then drops you off.

You aren't in the infirmary for long when Tye Dillinger comes in accompanied by two different refs. You giggle a bit in piTyee as Tye looks just as bad as you.

"I'm gonna guess that Paige let you have that match with Randy?" You ask him with a playful grin.

"Huh yeah." Tye nods and sit down next to you. "What happened to you, i know Mandy can't do that alone." He asks you what you're doing in the infirmary.

"Ha, yeah Sonya Deville hits like a truck man." You groan as your ribs ache a little.

"Yeah well Randy isn't exactly gentle either." Tye groans himself.

You look at Tye with a playful smile, you look down at ice pack in your hand then hand it to him.

"Are you saying that your beating was worse?" You ask him jokingly.

"Maybe." Tye shrugs his shoulder with a grin. "i'd even say that it was a 10/10." He laughs a little.

You giggle at his dumb joke making your ribs hurts again. Tye uses the ice pack that you so humbly loaned him on his hand.

"You are a huge dork you know that right?" You ask Tye with a grin. "Or is it like one of those hopeless cases of self awareness?" Tye chuckles and nods his head.

"Oh i know i'm a dork." He beams proudly. "Works out fabulously with all the cute girls." He winks at you with that adorable grin.

"Are you calling me cute Dillinger?" You ask him with a raised brow.

"Depends, are my jokes funny?" He replies.

"Maybe." You grin.

"Hmm, i'll have to try out a few more then." Tye nods his head.

You giggle and the medics dismiss you on rest for a few days. You nod to Tye as you leave and decide that you mind as well head back to the hotel. You stop back at your locker room to grab your stuff before you leave, on the way you run into Randy.

"Hey Randy." You nod to him as you pass.

Randy rolls his eyes at you and keeps on walking with a scowl on his face. You shrug his bad attitude off and head out. What did he have to be angry about? He already sent poor cute Tye Dillinger to the infirmary.

You make it back to the hotel and take the elevator up to your floor. The elevator is about to close when a hand stops it and you see Tye slip in at the last moment.

"Ah so we meet again." You nod at Tye with a grin.

"It seems so." Tye nods his head and goes to press his floor only to see that it's already highlighted. "It also seems that we've got the same floor." He nods at the elevator button.

"It seems that way doesn't it?" You also nod. "Paige make you retire for the night?" You ask as the elevator starts again.

"Yep." Tye nods. "Rest for a few days, you?" He asks you.

"Same." You reply.

The elevator comes to a stop on your floor and you step out, Tye steps out with you and the two of you part ways. You notice that Tye is in the room two down the right to you.

You aren't in your room for long when you become bored. You try your best to occupy yourself with your computer, then TV. Eventually you give up and grab a sweater and leave your room.

You walk down the hall a few doors and Come to the one that Tye's in. You figured that you'd ask him to dinner, he was cute afterall. And funny in his own dorky way. You knock twice and wait.

"Who is it?" Tye asks as he opens the door. "Oh hey Y/N what's up?" Tye leans in the door with a smile.

"Bored and tired of sitting in my room." You explain. "I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go out for dinner?" You ask him with a small hopeful grin.

"Dinner?" Tye replies. "Yeah I'd love dinner, just lemme grab a jacket." Tye nods with an eager grin.

You wait for him to grab his jacket then you both head back to the hotel lobby.

"So what made you ask me to dinner?" Tye asks you as you ride the elevator down to the lobby.

"Eh." You shrug. "You seem like a decent enough guy to ask on a date." You grin playfully.

"Ah." Tye nods jokingly. "So I'm not your first choice?" He asks as a joke

"You?" You reply playfully. "Nah." The both of you burst out into a fit of laughs.

You could tell that tonight was going to be a fun night.

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