Pete Dunne

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You walked behind Hunter with a wide grin on your face, tonight was the first night of the WWE Network's newest show NXT UK. After some careful consideration and a letter of recommendation from Shane Mcmahon Hunter had chosen you to be the General Manager of the new show. You eagerly took the job and hurried to meet Hunter so he could introduce you to the WWE universe and the new roster you'd be looking over.

"Nervous?" Hunters asks you with a grin as he lingers near the entrance to the ramp with you.

"Yeah kind of." You nod and swallow.

Hunter clasps a hand on your shoulder and looks down at you. You put on a confident smile for him knowing that's what he wanted.

"Don't sweat it Y/N, me and Shane have the utmost faith that you'll do this UK roster justice." He tells you.

You nod feeling a little better and Hunter walks out to the ring first, you hang back for a bit and wait for him to introduce you to the crowd. As you linger you notice that some men from the roster begin to fill in behind you, Hunter probably was going to have them come out after you did.

Near the back of the room Pete pushes his way to the front of the crowd with Trent and Tyler at his side. He ends up pushing in right next to Mark Andrews who stands at the front of the crowd. Both men look ahead and catch a glimpse of Hunters new GM as she waits for her cue.

"Well she looks good from this angle." Pete smirks as he nudges Tyler at his side.

"Try to have a little respect will ya Dunne?" Mark rolls his eyes and speaks quietly.

"Screw off Andrews." Pete smugly replies.

You can feel multiple pairs of eye's on your back as you wait for your cue, you take a small glance back and immediately recognize Pete Dunne and his posse. You also recognize Mark Andrews standing near them, plus a few more faces you knew from working in NXT for a while.

"So now i'd like to introduce you all to your new NXT UK General Manager, you all know and love her from her time in NXT and Raw. Y/N L/N." You hear your name followed by your custom entrance music and head out to the ramp with a grin.

The crowd cheers for the most part, you can hear a few select boo's and you sucks from some people but you ignore them. You step into the ring and greet Hunter with a smile.

"Y/N, how does it feel to finally be a full fledged GM?" Hunter asks you with a smile.

"Great Hunter." You grin and take the mic. "I look forward to making sure that this roster is puts on the best show possible for all of you guys." You cater to the crowd a bit.

"Well we don't doubt you one bit, now Y/N and WWE Universe please meet your very own UK roster." Hunter gestures to the ramp as superstars start to file down the ramp to surround the ring. "You all know WWE's very own UK champion Pete Dunne, as well as the well known Tag Team from NXT Mustache Mountain." Hunter drops a few names.

Hunter talks about the roster and you answer some questions for a bit longer. Then the time comes for the actual show to begin.

"Alright now who's ready for some action?" You ask the crowd with an exited grin. "Well for the UK special's first ever match we've got fan favorite Mustache Mountain tagging against Jack Gallagher and Noam Dar.

The four men walk their way to the ring and each give you a smile when they pass. You make your way backstage and part ways with Hunter for the night. Feeling satisfied for the night to come you decide to check out your new office. You make the short walk there and find the current UK champion waiting for you.

"Hello, Pete Dunne right?" You greet him with a smile. "What can i help you with?" You ask as you let him step into your office with you.

"Just wanted to check out the new woman in charge love." Pete explains as his eyes scan the office.

You nod and lean against the wooden desk in the corner, your eyes gravitate to the monitor on the wall that displays what's going on in the ring.

"Shouldn't you be out helping Tyler and Trent?" You ask the champ as you nod to the TV.

The tag team was currently having a hard time keeping up with the two former 205 Live talent. Pete grins and shakes his head.

"Those two are perfectly capable of handling themselves." Pete assures you.

"Alright then, is that all you needed then?" You ask Pete with a grin. "Or you just here to stand around and look pretty?" You raise a playful brow at him.

Pete was one of those men that could talk without actually saying a word, all you needed to do was pay attention to body language and the way their expressions changed. And the current expression that the champ was giving you, well it was safe to say you very much liked it.

"If any one of us should sit around and look pretty it's you love." Pete finally speaks up after staring you down for a bit.

"Are you calling me pretty Dunne?" You ask him with a devilish grin of your own.

The next face that Pete makes could knock a girl dead, but before the conversation can go any further a knock on the door frame snaps both of you back into reality.

"Mind if i come in?" You look to the doorway and see Drake Maverick standing there with a smile.

"Yeah sure thing, it's nice to see you Drake." You nod and turn your attention to Drake. "Pete if you don't mind, i believe Trent and Tyler need your help." You gesture to Pete's beaten buddies on the monitor with a grin.

Pete snickers something under his breathe and winks at you before he leaves the room. As soon as he's gone you turn back to Drake who wears a grin.

"That's bad news." Drake comments.

"Eh, since when do i like staying out of trouble." You shrug with a grin of your own.

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