Drew Gulak

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When Drew made the decision to move up from 205 to SmackDown he was happy he could be more chill with his food choices, with no weekly weigh ins he gained some mass to further solidify his striker ability. On his first day he caught the eye of one of the woman superstars on the roster.

"Hey Becky who's that?" You ask as you spot a new guy walking down the Hall a few feet away from you.

"Oh that's Drew Gulak." The Lass kicker replies looking at the guy you were referring to. "He used to be on 205." You glance at him again, he's pretty cute.

"He's cute." You smile at Becky as he passes both you by. "Really cute." You add as he walks off.

"I thought you were into Baron Corbin?" Becky asks you. You shrug your shoulders.

"Yeah he's hot and all." You start. "But he's super boring to." Becky looks at you and chuckles.

"Anyway." She muses. "We've got a tag match in a little bit we should go get ready for, or I should anyway." Becky looks at you already in ring gear.

"Yeah." You nod. "I'll meet you by the ring entrance in a bit." You and Becky part ways for the time being.

Left with nothing to do but wait for Becky and your match you head down to the ring entrance early, when you get there you see Daniel leaving from talking to Drew from earlier. You wave to Daniel then walk over to Drew.

"Hey." You wave at him as you walk over to the newbie.

"Hello." Drew smiles at you. "I'm Drew." He introduces himself.

"Y/n." You shake his hand. "My friend Becky said you came from 205?" You ask him.

"Ha yeah." Drew replies. "I like food too much to keep a weight under 205." He jokes with a sparkly smile. You giggle and nod your head.

"Same." You nod agreeing with him. "You have a match coming up?" You ask him wondering why he was hanging around the ramp entrance.

"Yeah, my first one here." Drew nods with a grin. "Hope it goes well." You smile and pat his back.

"I'm sure it will, who are you facing?" You ask him.

Just as Drew's about to answer your feel a hand on your back as someone else speaks up.

"That would be me babe." You glance up to see Corbin towering above you.

"Oh." You reply moving so Corbins hand comes off you. "Well good luck to both of you." You tell them more to Drew then Corbin.

Both men nod and Baron heads out first for his entrance, you turn to Drew and give him a smile.

"Dont worry." You tell him. "Corbins a scrub." You assure him giving him a boost of confidence.

"Thanks y/n." He nods as his cue to leave comes. You watch as he walks out and the crowd cheers are heard.

A bit later Becky shows up in her ring gear just as Drews match ends.

"Hey y/n." Becky greets you.

"Hey Becks." You smile as she joins you. "Just in time, this match is about to end." You gesture to the TV on the wall.

"Ah." She smiles. "Looks like Drews tougher than he looks." She says as she sees the newbie winning his match.

"Yeah he's pretty good." You agree.

"Ooh." Becky smirks. "Sounds like someone's got a new crush." She teases you.

You giggle and look at her, she loved to tease you. "Maybe I do." You joke.

The bell rings and both men walk back up the ramp and pass you and Becky.

"Hey nice job Drew." You congratulate him with a high five.

"Thanks." Drew accepts the gesture. "And hey good match man." He turns to Corbin.

Baron doesn't answer and just sulks off from the crowded room, you roll your eyes and turn back to Drew.

"Ah don't mind him, he's a sore loser." You wave his bad attitude off. "Anyway congrats again, but I've gotta go." You nod at the music blaring and Becky already leaving you behind.

"Yeah." Drew nods. "Good luck to you to." He lets you go before Becky starts without you.

You sprint away and catch up with Becky, you both walk down to the ring and settle down while a commercial plays.

"Wow." Becky grins at you. "He likes you." She muses.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." You reply happily. "What can I say, I'm adorable." You joke.

"Yeah well id watch Corbin." Becky warns you. "He's not one to give up easy and he's still got a thing for you." She reminds you.

"Yeah." You roll your eyes. "I'll be fine." Becky nods.

"I know, it's not you I'm worried about." She replies. "He may not like Gulak flirting it up with you." She tells you.

You look at her, she was right in a way. You shake it off for the time being and focus on your match as your opponents walk out to the ring.

The next few weeks you and Drew shamelessly flirt when you see each other, you don't notice it but Baron gets angrier by the day.

"Gulak." You smile as you see Drew in the Hall.

"Hey what's up n/n?" Drew asks you as he stops.

"Coming back from a match, you?" You reply.

"Going to a match." Drew tells you. "Wish me good luck?" He asks.

"I wish you only the best sir." You giggle a reply out. Drew chuckles and walks off, you turn the corner and run into Corbin. "Hey Baron." You smile at him.

He ignores you and walks off angrily. You shrug and head to meet Becky again for the night, when you get to her she looks like she's very worried.

"What are you doing here?" She asks you.

"Should I be somewhere else?" You ask her.

"Corbin attacked Drew, he's still pummeling him." She tells you.

"He what?" You take off running with Becky to the ring.

Sure enough you find Corbin pummeling Drew into the ring floor, you slide in the ring and take a chance to slip between them.

"Get lost." Corbin snaps at you not about to hit a girl.

"Fuck off Corbin." You spit back at him making sure to stay in front of Drew.

Thankfully for you a few officials and superstars come and drag Corbin away from the ring, as soon as he's away you turn to Drew laying on the ground.

"Ugh am I dead?" He groans as he opens his eyes and sees you. "I made it to heaven?" He asks as he sees you.

You can't help but giggle at his attempt to flirt as you help him up.

"You just got broke in half and you're still being a flirt?" You ask him.

"Well when a girl like you is this close to me I kind of have to." He replies as he holds his ribs.

"Well you can drop it." You giggle. "I'd be dumb not to like you after that beating." You kiss his cheek.

"Yep definitely heaven." Drew teases.

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