TJ Perkins

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You sit bored out of your mind on a box, your dad stands a few feet away talking to someone you didn't know, Kurt had been keeping a close eye on you ever since you got called up from NXT. You swing your feet out of boredom, you had nothing to do. All of a sudden the door swings open and Drake Maverick walks in with a few of his talent, one of them catches your eye.

“Ah Drake good to see you.” Kurt turns his attention to the shorter male next to him. “What can i do for you?” He asks.

TJ stands behind Drew, he was present in seeing about a main roster match for him and a few others during the nights show. All of a sudden a pair of vintage jordans catch his eye, he follows them up to a pretty girl smiling at him.

“Nice kicks.” He turns his attention to her. “You new here?” He asks.

“Kind of.” You reply a little giddy, this very attractive man was talking to you. “Im from NXT, Angle’s my dad.” You nod to Kurt who is in conversation with Drake.

“Well it's nice to meet you miss Angle, im TJ.” TJ nods with a smile of white teeth.

“y/n.” You reply.

All of a sudden Drake calls TJ and he steps forward leaving you alone again, you peer forward at the three men as they talk. Curious you get up and move a little closer to hear what's being said, but you were too late.

“y/n.” Kurt calls you as everyone else leaves the room. “Come here for a minute.” You roll your eyes and walk over to him.

“Yeah dad?” You ask him with a smile.

“What were you talking to TJ Perkins about?” He asks suspicious of your activities.

“Nothing.” You reply. “He said he liked my shoes.” You shrug, it wasn't anything bad after all.

“Oh.” Kurt nods. “Okay then. You can go if you want.” He points to the door.

You nod and head off before he changes his mind, you get curious about where TJ went and go searching for the cute brunette with the fresh kicks.

Drew turns to TJ with a smile as they sit in an empty locker room, TJ looks at him weird wondering why he's smiling.

“What is it dude?” He finally asks Drew.

“I saw you checking out Angle’s daughter man.” Drew smiles

“What?” TJ shakes his head. “All i did was tell her that i liked her shoes.” Drew nods still smiling.

“Yeah but is that what you meant?” He asks Perkins who just waves him off.

Both men ready for their earned match and go to head out to the ring, on their way there TJ spots you again and walks over to you.

“Hey again.” He smiles as he waves at you.

“Hey.” You reply with a smile, he looked even better in ring gear than normal clothes. “You two manage to get a match out of my dad?” You ask as you lean to your left a little out of habit.

“Yeah, where are you headed?” TJ asks with a grin, Drew rolls his eyes behind him.

Drew wasn't an idiot, he knew TJ’s flirting game. He also knew that flirting with the boss’s daughter was never a good idea, especially when the boss was so overprotective.

“I've actually got a match after yours.” You nod to TJ with a smile. “Me and Alicia Fox plan on going at it, isn't she dating a cruiserweight?” You ask TJ curious.

“Yeah she’s with Noam Dar.” TJ nods. “Anyway we better get going.” He dismisses himself from you.

When they get to the ring Drew looks to TJ with a stern look, TJ looks at his friend with an annoyed look.

“What now?” He asks Drew as their competition walks down the ramp.

“You.” Drew snaps back at him. “Flirting with her is a bad idea man, Kurt will chew you out for it then Drake will do the same. It's not worth it.” TJ shakes his head and steps into the ring.

“I'll decide if it's worth it or not thank you very much.” He snaps at Drew as the bell rings.

You stand behind the curtain and wait for your own match to start, while you wait you watch TJ’s match to pass the time. You can't help but love his confidence and the style of the way he moves. You're in the middle of admiring this when Kurt walks to your side.

“Hey princess what are you looking at?” He asks as he glances at the TV.

“Cruiserweights.” You reply. “I kind of like Perkins, he’s cool.” You comment.

Kurt looks at you then to the TV, you can tell he doesn't really approve of your comment.

"Cruiserweights?" He asks you. "I don't know about that, especially Perkins." He tells you.

"Why not?" You ask. "He's cute, and seems like a nice enough guy." You p point out.

Kurt shakes his head so you change the subject, Perkins match ends so you head out to the ring nodding at him when you pass.

"Hey man let's stay and watch her match." TJ stops Drew from leaving.

It was a good thing to, half way through your match you're losing badly due to the fact that Noam keeps getting in your way. It seems hopeless for you, that is until you see a person sprint down the ramp and keep Noam busy.

With him out of the way you easily paylay kick Alicia and pin her for a win after she leaves you go to thank for savior.

"TJ?" You ask as he approaches you. "You're my knight in shining Jordans?" You laugh.

"Yep, you looked like you needed a little help with Dar." He chuckles as you walk back with him.

"Well I thank you for that." You nod to him. "I do have to warn you though, my dad won't approve." You tell him.

"Approve of what?" TJ asks as he turns to you.

"Oh I've just got this feeling your gonna ask me out is all." You crack a smile.

"Hmm cute and a mind reader, I like it." TJ replies with a grin. "And where does a date with the bosses daughter take place?" He asks you.

"Oh I was thinking maybe drinks, or something like that." You reply.

You pass your dad on your way backstage, he gives you a disappointed look. You and TJ both laugh as you leave, trouble was in store for the both of you.

Wrestling One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora