Becky Lynch

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You walked into parking lot of the arena with your heart beating out of your chest, you had been asked out on a date by The Man herself, Becky Lynch. You scan the area and catch sight of a head of fiery red hair walking your way.

"Y/N, right on time." Becky walks over to your side with a smile.

"Yeah." You nod nervously.

"Well lets get going then, i know this great coffee shop on the other side of town." Becky ligtly takes your arm and walks you over to her car.

You nod and let her lead you over to her car and open the door for you, a small dusting of blush forms on your cheeks from her politeness. Becky then climbs in the driver's seat of the car and the two of you pull out of the arena parking lot.

The first few minutes of the car ride are silent, you are to nervous about saying the wrong thing to speak.

"So." Becky glances at you, taking her eyes off of the road for a second. "How do you like being SmackDown's most well known broadcast girls?" She asks you, trying to make conversation. 

"Fine." You nod with a small smile. "There's even talk of be maybe getting a promotion, as a commentator on 205 Live." You beam as the mention of the promotion.

"That's great." Becky beams right back. "God knows you'd be good at it." She compliments you.

You blush again and Becky pulls into a small coffee shop near the pier. You and her both go into the shop and you find a small booth after telling Becky what coffee you like. You pick a small booth that's near the window that has a view of the pier.

"Ah, nice seats." Becky sits across from you and hands you one of the coffee's in her hand.

"Thanks." You take the coffee and take a sip of it. "I grew up in a town with a pier like this." You gaze out the window at the light up pier in front of you.

"Yeah?" Becky replies curiously. "Lots of places back in Ireland have piers like this to." She grins a little. "You ever been to Ireland?" She returns her gaze back to you as she takes a sip of her own coffee.

"No, well i mean i've been to Ireland with the group for a few shows." You correct yourself. "But i never had time to ever explore while i was there." You explain and take another sip of coffee.

"That's a shame." Becky nods her head. "I have a feeling that you'd love it out there." She cracks a smile. "You seem like the type to enjoy the outdoors, you know, exploring and whatnot." You nod your head at her assumption.

"Yeah, i am." You agree with Becky. "My family used to do all kinds of outdoors stuff." You recall trips that you'd take with your family in your childhood.

You and Becky talk a little more about each other and finish off your coffee, when you both are done Becky grabs your hand and pulls you out of the shop and down to the pier.

"Come on, lets get a little taste of home." She grins as she pulls you down the peir to the edge of it.

You both come to the railing at the end of the pier and lean over the railing, enjoying the light mist of water coming up from the water lapping at the legs of the pier below you.

"This is nice." You close your eyes and feel the cool water hit your skin.

"Yeah." Becky nods her head as she looks at you enjoying yourself so much. "Hey i'll be right back." She notices something down the pier a little and walks off.

You nod and look out into the sparkling water below you, smiling to yourself you listen to the sound of lapping water below you. Then all of a sudden someone slides in next to you.

"You look lonely." You look to your side when you hear a man speak.

Sure enough, some guy that you remember from the coffee shop is now standing right by you. You give the man a polite smile, and hope that he'll go away.

"I'm okay, thank you." You drop a hint that you want to be left alone.

"You sure?" The guy asks. "A pretty girl like you shouldnt be out here all alone." The guy grins at you.

"She's not alone." You grin when Becky walks back over to you with a stick of cotton candy in her hand and a fierce expression on her face. "And i believe that she said that she wanted to be left alone, isn't that right babe?" She asks you as she glares at the man.

The guy finally gets the hint and walks off, mumbling to himself. Becky gives the man a nod as he leaves then turns back to you with a smile.

"Man." She sighs. "Men just can't take the hint can they?" She jokes.

"Not usually." You giggle and relax again. "Thanks for that." You thank Becky for scaring the man off for you.

"No problem, cotton candy?" She offers you the sweet treat.

You pull off a piece and pop it in your mouth with a grin, the two of you share the cotton candy and watch the waves on the pier in a sweet silence. After your finish, Becky takes you back to the hotel that the roster and staff are staying at.

"Let me walk you back to your room." She offers you.

"Okay." You nod and step into the elevator with Becky.

The two of you ride up to your floor then she walks you to your rooms door and you both stop in front of it.

"I had a really nice time." You grin and blush a little bit. "Thanks for the coffee, and cotton candy." You thank her.

"My pleasure." Becky nods her head. "Next time i'll take you someplace nice, my treat." She grins and pecks your cheek before saying goodbye to you.

You walk into your room with a dazed look, you just had one of the best dates of your life.

Wrestling One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora