Pete Dunne

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"Well maybe I'll take that offer up sometime." Pete smirks at you as the cameras pan over the two of you.

"Looking forward to it." You reply, the cameras turn off and you sigh glad it's over. "See you next week Pete." You call to the champ on the other side of the room.

Pete waves and you head out of the room, this story line flirting with Dunne was going to kill you before it finished. You walk back to your best friend and the person you'd much rather be doing a storyline with.

"I'm back Mark." You call as you open the door, you find mark inside lacing up his boots.

"Hey." He greets you with a warm smile as usual. "How was recording?" He asks you.

"Cringy as usual." You reply as you fall into a chair. "Man they're glad I'm a good actress, or else this would be going nowhere." You compliment yourself.

"Yeah or maybe you just like him." Mark replies as he finishes with his boots, you shudder and look at him. "What?" He asks. "You'd be crazy not to think he's not even a little attractive, literally every woman here does." You roll your eyes at this comment.

"Well I'm not every woman am i?" You ask. "I mean yeah he's hot, but he's also a huge ass and a narcissist." You point out. "Not my type of guy." You shrug it off.

"Oh yeah." Mark replied sarcastically. You look at him, your eyes asking why he used that tone. "Oh come on y/n." Mark looks at you. "He's literally the perfect guy for you."

"What?" You're quick to reply. "How is that?" You ask him.

"N/n, do me a favor and describe your perfect man for me." Mark asks you intently.

"Umm okay." You nod. "At least kind of attractive, strong, stubborn, nice to me only, intimidating, I guess." You belt out a few desired traits of the "perfect" Guy.

"Mhm." Mark nods with a smile. "Now let's look over the traits of our current UK champion. He's stubborn as hell, strong in both mind and body, always charming to woman, and I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that he's attractive." Mark lists of traits you just said.

"You forgot intimidating." You chime in to be smart. Mark just looks at you, you both know petes intimidating.

"See what I mean?" Mark asks you with a smirk. "Perfect." He muses.

You shake your head and deny the claim, Pete couldn't be the perfect guy.

"You're wrong." You tell Mark.

"Fine I'll prove it to you." Mark replies determined to show you he's right. "Follow me." He grabs your hand. 

You follow the blonde out the locker room door and into the hallway. You follow him down the Hall and down to the Hall Pete's locker room is, mark stops and turns to you.

"Alright, pretend to get into an argument with me, make sure that people can hear us." He tells you. You look at him like he's crazy. "Just trust me, I'm making a point." He tells you.

You nod and begin arguing with him, at first nothing happens but after you get a bit louder to match marks volume a locker room door opens and the champ steps out. You pretend not to notice him as he walks up to you and Mark.

"Everything alright here y/n?" He asks you as he steps into view. You fake a jump like you didn't see him walk up to you.

"Oh Pete." You turn to him slightly. "It's fine." You tell him.

"You sure?" Pete asks you. "You look upset, is this ass bothering you?" He looks at Mark still standing by you.

"We were just arguing is all." You reply sniffling a little bit.

"Oh don't start with me." Mark snaps at you as you do, you step back a bit into Pete. All a ruse of course but Pete believes it.

"Hey." Pete snaps back pushing you behind him lightly. "Don't yell at her prick." He defends you.

"What are you going to do about it?" Mark replies as he steps to Mark.

You stand still and watch as Pete is fully prepared to fight Mark over an argument. He was right, as much as it pained you to say it, mark was right.

"Woah that's not necessary." You jump between the men before Mark actually does try to fight Pete to prove his point.

"Hey it's fine, I can handle this prick." Pete softly turns to you.

"Thanks but I'd rather you just walk be back my locker room." You tell him.

"Yeah come on." He lightly pushes you to the opposite hallway away from Mark.

When you get to your room you both stop at the door and you turn to him.

"Thanks for that." You thank him with a smile.

"No problem, just let me know if he bothers you again." Pete nods. You mimic this and step into your locker room.

"See you later Pete." You wave him off as he goes to leave.

"Bye y/n." Pete waves back.

You shut your door and laugh, god you hated it when Mark was right. So you took a seat and waited for Mark to ninja his way to your locker room, after a few minutes the door slid open.

"Took you long enough." You tease him as he shuts the door.

"Not my fault." Mark replies. "Your boyfriend is prowling around the halls." He tells you.

You shake your head and sit back down.

"I was right." Mark smirks, you roll your eyes.

"Yeah." You mumble. "You were right."

"Perfect couple." He chimes. "Just you wait, prince Charming gonna ask you out next week." He tells you.

You roll your eyes with a smile knowing he's right.

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