TJ Perkins

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You stood in the hall with a blank stare looking over Alexa's shoulder, she was talking to you out everything she said went right over your head. It didn't take her long to notice that you weren't paying attention to her which earned you a slap on the arm.

"Y/N!" Alexa almost yells at you. She smacks your arm hard.

The sting from the slap brings you back to reality, you snap back and rub your arm now that it hurts.

"Ouch." You complain. "What was that for?" You ask the shorter girl.

"You were totally spacing out again, what where you looking at anyway?" She asks as she goes to look behind at what you were so interested in.

"Nothing." You quickly reply and grab her arm to get her attention back on you.

Alexa gives you a glare as she yanks her arm back and looks behind her by turning completely around. She scans the area behind her to find nothing of interest that she can see. Just some boxes and a table, and then she sees it. Sitting on one of the boxes looking down at his phone with headphones plugged in is TJ Perkins.

"Y/N." Alexa turns back around with a tone change.

"What?" You reply trying to act innocent.

"Really Y/N?" She asks you with a hand on her hip. "He's not even that interesting." She shakes her head in disapproval.

"Who's not that interesting?" You reply in an attempt to make it seem like you had no idea what Alexa was talking about.

"No." Alexa shakes her head and grabs your arm. "I'm not stupid N/N, i know for a fact that you weren't spacing out." She tells you ask she drags you away. "You where drooling over Perkins. Man what is it with my friends and cruiserweights?" She asks more herself than you. "First Nia with Enzo, now you with Perkins." She shakes her head.

"Perkins?" You reply still trying to keep up the act. "I wasn't drooling over him." You boldly claim.

"Mhm." Alexa nods not believing a word that comes out of your mouth. "Come on we have to get ready for our match." She drags you to the locker room.

You sigh and go change into ring gear for the night.

Later you make your way to the curtain with Alexa at your side for your tag match against Bayley and Sasha. On your way to the ring Alexa and you get stopped by Sasha and Bayley for a moment. Alexa starts bad mouthing the pair like she always did, and you were keen on joining in until the monitor behind Sasha caught your eye.

"Isn't that right Y/N?" Alexa smirks and turns to you. "Y/N?" She calls again.

The women's champ looks at you to once again find you zoned out and drooling over the tv monitor behind Sasha.

"Is she okay?" Sasha speaks up.

"She's fine, now get lost." Alexa gets rid of the pair before turning to deal with you. "Y/N!" She yells and smacks you in the back of the head.

"Ouch." You yelp. "What the fuck?" You turn to Alexa ready to hit her back.

"Oh don't what the fuck me." She shakes her finger at you. "Get your damn head in the game and stop drooling over mr.perfect over there." She points to the monitor where TJ takes his leave from the ring covered in sweat with a grin on his face.

This time you don't have an excuse as to why you were staring. You just silently nod at Alexa and shake out your arms stiffness.

"Sorry." You mumble to her. "Come on let's go." Your expression changes and you follow her to the curtain.

When you get to the curtain a stagehand stops you both and has you wait for a moment to give Bayley and Sasha some time to talk to the crowd since it was their storyline you and Alexa where helping.

"You know i don't know what you see in him." Alexa all of a sudden comments as she looks past you.

You furrow your brows and turn around to see what she was looking at, your gaze falls on 167 lbs of tan skin and utter perfection toweling sweat off of his perfect abs.

"I......i mean." You stutter a little and turn back to Alexa. " You gotta be kidding me Bliss." You look at her. "You can't look me in the eye and tell me that you dont wanna jump that." Alexa looks at you and cracks a smile almost laughing.

"Whatever man." She pats your arm. "I don't see it but okay." She cracks a little bit of a laugh.

You shoot her a look as she composes herself and all of a sudden saunters away. You tense up as she makes her way over to Perkins for a moment.

"Oh im so gonna kill her." You grit your teeth as she points over to you.

You grin as TJ looks your way and sends a smile your way that makes your legs a little weak. Alexa saunters back over to you with a stupid grin.

"What did you do?" You ask her as soon as she's back at your side.

"Helped you out." Is all she replies before you both get called to the curtain.

The rest of the match Alexa refuses to tell you exactly what she did. You bug and bug her but she doesn't break.

After the match you and her walk back to the locker room with you still pestering her.

"What did you say?" You ask her again.

"Not telling." Alexa replies again.

You scoff at her in frustration as she walks up to Nia to talk to her. Angry you hang back a little and pull out your phone. You lean against the wall a little with a sour expression when all of a sudden a pair of arms snake around you.

"Someone told me that you have a staring problem." Your phone falls from your hands as your brain immediately shuts off for a second.

TJ reacts quick and scoops up your phone before it hits the floor, he then moves in front of you with a grin.

"I believe this is yours." He hands it to you with a smile.

"Yeah...i...uh..thanks." You stammer and take the phone with shaking hands.

"You know there's no need to be nervous sweetheart." TJ tells you noticing your shaking hands.

"Nervous?" You reply. "I...i'm not nervous." You swallow hard as TJ's gaze damn near burns a hole through you with those chocolate eyes.

"You sure babe?" TJ replies. "Cuz your shaky hands and the fact the Alexa lt me know that you find me VERY distracting says otherwise." He smirks.

"Sh-she doesn't know what she's talking about." You take a deep breath.

"Oh i think she does." TJ grins and steps a bit closer. "And fortunately for you, i happen to also like what i see." He whispers in your ear. "So, the question is, what are we gonna do about that?" His lips almost graze your ear.

Then it's all over, just like that he's gone. You snap into reality to find that he's slipped something in your hand. It's a phone number and a small note saying to text him. You huff and try to calm down and grab Alexa by the arm.

"I really hate you right now, and love you at the same time." You tell her.

Alexa grins as you pull her back to the hotel, she decides to make a comment as soon as you both step outside.

"By the looks of your red ass face and the fact that your skin is on fire right now i'd say Perkins paid you a little visit." She smirks. "How'd that go?" She asks you smugly.

"I hate you." You tell her again which makes her giggle.

"Love you to bestie." She giggles. "And you're welcome."

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