Drew Gulak

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You walked down the hall on your way to your cousins locker room, Lince was nice enough to invite you to hang out with him and his fellow Luchador buddies Kalisto and Gran. You gladly accepted this offer, with permission from Drake of course. You get to the door that's labeled Lucha House Party and knock twice.

"hola, ¿quién es?, Who is it?" You hear a familiar voice ask from the other side of the door.

"Ay, tu primo favorito, told you i was coming to see you." You reply from the hallway and wait for the door to be opened.

You hear a few hushed voices then the door opens and Lince smiles at you, you grin and pull your cousin in for a hug. Lince hugs you tightly then immediately introduces you to his partners.

"y/n, these are my amigo's. chicos esto es y/n, she's my cousin." He explains with a huge grin.

"Hola." You smile at both the men. "Es un placer conocerte, pleasure to meet you guys." You shake both mens hands.

Kalisto shake his head as you go to shake his hand, your brows furrowed in confusion as he smiles up at you.

"No hermana, any familia of Lince is family of mine." He all of a sudden pulls you into a hug, Gran does the same when he gets the chance.

You can't help but smile at the men's hospitality, once you've all been properly acquainted you turn back to your cousin with a smile.

"So i talked to Drake, and he said that i'm allowed to go out to ringside with you guys tonight. And if the crowd likes me i may even get a job here." You explain excitedly at the news Drake had given you earlier that day.

In an attempt to bring some female faces to the 205 roster Drake thought that it be a good idea to start with you. You gladly accepted the challenge to make the crowd like you, after all you wouldn't mind a job working with your cousin.

"De Verdad? Eso es genial.  Congrats n/n." Lince pulls you into another hug.

"Yeah, i even took the liberty of grabbing some Lucha house party merch from the store." You nod as Lince lets you go. "I'll just go grab it from my car." You tell him as you nod to the door.

"Mkay." Lince nods and lets you go.

You head out to your car and pick up your duffel bag from the backseat, on your way back to the locker room you run into a member of the 205 roster, Drew Gulak. You'd always found Drew to be hot, the only problem was he hated your cousin.

"Well hello there." Drew smirks as he catches you in the hall. He had no idea who you where, but damn you where hot. Tall and lean with a pair of damn gorgeous legs.

"Hi." You smile at drew as he stops you in the hall.

"I haven't seen you here before, and trust me with legs like that you're hard to ignore." He grins.

"I'm here for the night, kind of like a job interview." You explain with a small grin. "I'm Lince Dorado's cousin, y/n l/n." You hold a hand out for Drew to shake.

To your surprise he takes it and places a kiss to the back of your hand like a gentleman. You lightly blush as he drops your hand.

"Rumor has it you don't like Luchadors?" You ask Drew. "So why the chivery?" You raise a brow at the man in front of you.

"Ha, well with legs like that you again are hard to ignore. That and no offense miss l/n, but you dont look like a luchadora." Drew tells you as his eyes rake across your body.

"Hmm, looks like you'll just have to find out for yourself." You grin and leave Drew hanging as you walk past him leaving him in the hall.

You get back to Lince's locker room and change into your merch, then you all head out to the ring for a tag match with Lince and Kalisto against Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher. When you get to the ramp you spot Drew at the commentary table and an idea forms in your head. You make your way over to the announce table with a grin.

"Ah and it looks like the lovely y/n l/n will also be joining us." Nigel comments as he pulls a chair up next to Drew.

"Hello boys." You grin as you take a seat in the leather chair.

"And for those of you that dont know." Nigel quickly explains why you are out there. "y/n is cousins with 205's own golden lynx, Lince Dorado." You nod at this comment and look over Drews shoulder.

"That i am Nigel, but don't let that fool you. I'm actually not a luchadora like many assume about me." You tell them.

You wait for a second to gadget their reactions, of course you know that Nigel knows this. But his partners look thoroughly surprised, the reactions you look forward to the most is Drew's. A small smile cracks on your face as his expression changes in an instant, he wears a kind of shocked and happy look as he glances at you from the corner of your eye.

"Yes if anyone does happen to catch y/n on NXT they'll be able to see that she's actually quite the grappler and submission talent despite her lucha heritage." Nigel explains as you just grin and turn your attention back to the match.

The match goes on for a little bit longer and you watch intently while also listening to Drew talk with Nigel and the rest of the crew. As it comes to an end you see Drew rises from his seat, you watch to see what he's up to and also rise from your seat.

"Excuse me sir." You tap his shoulder to get his attention away from walking over to lince's corner. "Just where do you think you're going?" You ask as he turns around to face you.

"Well I was going to ground your luchador buddies like they should be, but it seems I've been caught." He grins at you.

"Hmm." You muse. "Well since I don't plan on letting you sabotage my cousin anytime soon, why don't you be a gentleman and walk me to Drake's office?" You ask as you hold a hand out.

"Well that would bring the gentleman thing to do." He takes your hand and begins to walk you up the ramp.

You get well up the ramp when you hear Lince yell at you from the ring.

"Qué estás haciendo? Vuelve aquí." He yells after you.

"Relájate, estoy guardando tu partida. No te preocupes por mí." You yell back at him as you continue to walk.

"What was that?" Drew asks not able to understand what you're talking about.

"Nothing sweetie." You reply as you turn your attention back to the ramp. "Just a jealous family member." You tell him.

This comment makes Drew grin, jealousy was a prime way to see the downfall of the luchadors. And if it came with hanging out with a gorgeous girl at the same time? Well then so be it.

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