Kenny Omega

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"Hello." Kenny grins as he walks into the WWE performance center, there on a special tour regarding him signing to the company, the first thing he sees is a rather attractive h/c girl with a clipboard. "Who's that?" He asks his guide gesturing to the girl.

"That would be y/n l/n, she's Drake Mavericks assistant for 205 live." The guide informs him. Kenny nods and watches her intently as she watches on of the 205 guys in the ring and writes a few things down.

"205 live huh, I'd have to lose a few pounds but that might be a place to start." Kenny says more to himself then the guide.

"Umm let's continue on this way." The guide leads Kenny away for the time being.

Across the floor you stand by one of the Rings doing a check for one of the newest additions to 205, one Buddy Murphy. You had to make sure that not only did he meet the weight limit but that he was good to perform.

"Alright Murphy that'll be all, we'll see you on the show next week." You shake his hand and hand him a piece of paper signed by yourself clearing him. "Let's see who's next.... Whelp I'm done." You see that you don't have any more checks for the day.

You turn to go put your things back in the office when you see one of the guides leading around a single man, you instantly recognize said man as Kenny Omega. Intrigued you slide over to the guide, landing Kenny Omega as a potential star for 205 would get you serious points with Drake.

"Well the rumors are true then." You slide next to Kenny. "Kenny Omega finally joining WWE." You smile holding your clipboard close. "Allow me to introduce myself, y/n l/n, Drake Mavericks assistant." You shake his hand.

"Oh the pleasures all mine, this is a fine performance center youve got here I have to say." Kenny nods and he glances around the spacious room.

"Only the best equipment for the best stars." You reply, you didn't know how many times you'd said that to people visiting.

Knowing that roping in such a talent would take some time you shoo off the guide and take over.

"I'll handle it from here man." You dismiss him. "So what made you decide to sign with us?" You ask turning back to Kenny.

"Well I haven't signed anything yet, I wanna get the best deal I can. Any advice?" He asks you, you turn to him with a grin.

"Well I am a gm assistant to be aware of bias." You joke around a bit. "No but in all honesty 205 is a great deal for you, it's a shorter contract in case you end up not liking it. And the competition is heated as well as storylines being full of talent and good twists and turns." You explain hoping to hook Kenny.

"And you wouldn't just be saying that because you work for that shows boss?" Kenny asks jokingly.

"Me? Never." You giggly reply. "Although taking kenny omega back to the boss don't sound like a bad idea." You smile.

"Hmm well I just might have to think about that." Kenny nods.

"Tell you what." You turn to him. "Come by tomorrow night and see the show, that'll give a glimpse of the benefits of working on the most entertaining part of WWE." You tell him.

"Alright, I'll see you then miss l/n." Kenny shakes your hand again and lets you walk off.

With that you head down to the office like originally planned, happy you plan on telling Drake of your possible new talent.

The next morning you walk into the arena and find Drake talking to Daniel Bryan, you smile at the fellow gm and wait for Drake to be done.

"Ah y/n, there you are. Any news for me?" He asks you as he begins to walk you back to his own office.

"I do actually." You smile eager to tell him the news. "First off Buddy Murphy is cleared for tonight." You start with the news you know he wants to hear.

"Good, we can get this first round finished up now, what else?" Drake nods happy with the news.

"Well, yesterday I happened to run into a certain NJPW star looking to sign with WWE. And that talent just happens to be Kenny Omega, and he just happens to be here tonight." You smile wide proud of yourself.

Drake looks at you impressed, you smile widely and look at him.

"Well I'll be damned, hell of a good job y/n. See if you can't tie him down then." He tells you. "We could damn use a talent like him here instead of one of the bigger shows." You nod and head to do just so.

You walk down to the ring to do some announcements and spot Kenny right up in a front row seat, he smiles when he sees you and throws you a thumbs up.

"Whats up Atlanta?" You ask during a normal intro. "Do I have a surprise for you guys, please welcome NXTs well kept secret, Buddy Murphy." You announce. The crowd cheers and you slip back out of the ring to backstage.
After the show you find Kenny and bring him backstage to meet Drake.

"Kenny this is the mind behind 205, Drake Maverick. Drake this is the pride of NJPW, Kenny Omega." You introduce them.

"Nice to meet you Kenny, I've heard test you're looking for a WWE contract." He smiles all business. "Maybe we can interest you in a signing a deal with us?" He asks.

"Well I gotta say Drake, your show looks good. Talent and matches are amazing, I might have to take you up on that. Of course I'd need a pretty assistant to help me with all this." He smirks looking at you.

"Well lucky for you I've got one of those, and she's an excellent assistant at that. I'll leave you two to it then." Drake walks off to let you talk.

"Pretty assistant huh?" You ask with a smile.

Kenny just smiles and shrugs, you laugh and walk with him to talk about a deal.

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