Seth Rollins

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"Why'd it have to be her?" Seth moans as to Dean as he looks at the paper in hand.

"Oh quit whining, you should be happy you got her, you're already an expert on her anyway lover boy." Dean rolls his eyes. "Plus it's not like shes gonna take one look at you and walk off, she's to polite for that." He jokes.

"Yeah but how am I going to talk to her, I see her and can barely get a sentence out." Seth replies crumbling the paper.

"So do 90% of the other men in this locker room man, have you seen her? Actually don't answer that, we both know the answer." Dean chuckles. "You'll be fine, come on let's go meet her." Dean pulls Seth to his feet and drags him out the room.

Across the Hall in the women's locker room you lean against your locker casually talking to Bailey.

"Your lucky you got the cute one that likes video games and dogs." She smiles at you. "Meanwhile I'm as stuck with mr. I'm better than everyone else." She rolls her eyes.

"At least yours can actually talk to yours, mine can't even construct a coherent sentence." You raise an eyebrow. "He's cute though." You shrug.

"True." Bailey nods. "He someone's knocking." She springs to her feet as the sound of knuckles on wood fills the otherwise silent room.

"I'll get it." You push past her with a sly smile, you crack open the door and peer out to be met with a pair of blue eyes.

"Oh it's just you Dean." You open the door further now knowing it's just Dean. "Renee is out right now." You tell him assuming that's what he's here for.

"I'm not here for her." He replies as he steps aside. "I believe one of you lovely ladies is my buddies partner for the mix match challenge." He smiles pulling Seth in the doorway.

"That would be me." You raise a hand and nod at Seth. "Pleasure partnering with ya Rollins." You hold out a hand for him to shake. "I don't bite." You smile patiently.

"I know that." Seth breathes as he shakes your hand.

"He speaks." Bailey giggles behind you.

"Don't mind her, she's just jealous she didn't get you as a partner. And speaking of partner." You look to the door as another male steps to the door. "Looks like your partner has come to claim you Bailey." You smile as Elias waves.

"Anyways." Dean turns back to you as Bailey gets pulled off by Elias. "I'll leave you two to get acquainted." He pats Seth on the back and leaves the room.

You watch him leave and turn to Seth, he looks awkward as he stands in the middle of the room.

"Alright well I read the schedule, out first match is with Sasha and Finn in a week." You tell him as you pick up your gym bag from the floor by your feet. "I'm heading to the gym if you wanna join me, Dean told me you liked CrossFit?" You ask him as you pull your CrossFit sweater from the grey bag.

"Yeah actually, I love it." Seth lights up a bit, you smile happy he's a bit less nervous.

"Cool, let's go then." You nod as you walk to the door.

A few days later and Seth is comfortable with you, CrossFit being the main reason he'd even have the courage to talk to you.

"Alright one more set." You Huff as you lower yourself down to the floor again. You can feel the weight on your back straining the muscle.

"Come on you got this." Seth cheers on above you, you look at his shoes and finish the set before collapsing in a dramatic fashion.

"Ugh, finally." You lay flat.

"Nice job man." Seth pulls the weight off yuh and helps you up. "That's a new record." He tells you.

"Yeah but was it worth it?" You ask as you rub your sore back. "Back to the locker room?" You ask him.

Seth nod and you both head back to the locker rooms, when you get to yours you see Renee playing kissy face with Dean.

"Hey no PDA in the locker room." You scold them. "No one wants to see that." Renee smiles and pats your back making you flinch.

"CrossFit?" She asks. You nod and shift your weight to your opposite side. "That's what you get for being his partner." She looks to Seth.

"Yeah CrossFit Jesus over here needs to calm down." Dean adds recalling bad work out memories.

"Ah I've had worse work out buddies." You wave it off as you set your bag down. "Hey Seth don't forget we've got our first match in a few hours." You remind him.

"Yeah I'll see you later then." You nod to him, Seth nods and Drags Dean off with him.

You take the time to change and get ready for the match, you wave to Sasha as she leaves herself to go find Finn.

"May the best pair win." You nod to her with respect.

Once she's gone you are joined by Seth and head down to the ring for the match. The bell rings and Seth and Finn start out.
Around about 15 minutes later you tag in and go after Sasha, after rustling around a bit you go for a moonSault off the ropes but get caught and paylay kicked off the ropes into the ring post. You feel pain radiate from your spine as you roll down to the floor after barely tagging Seth in, to busy with the pain in your back you don't see Seth pin Finn for the win.

"Alright let's get you backstage." Seth walks up to you and helps you up.

"We win?" You ask him as you lean into him.

"Yep, your sacrifice gave me am opening." He tells you. "You took a pretty nasty hit, sit down here." He sets you down on a bench for a second. "Lemme see your back." He tells you.

You reach behind you and pull up your shirt to reveal your back, you flinch as pain radiates from it. Seth visibly flinches next to you.

"How bad is it?" You ask him.

"Well your back looks like it's been dyed purple." He tells you. You sigh and pull your shirt back down.

"Well I've had worse, plus I've got a nurse to take care of me." You look at Seth, he points to himself and shakes his head.

"No." He protests.

"I took a paylay kick for your win, so yes." You smile at him. "You owe me that Mr. CrossFit Jesus. " You giggle.

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