Dean Ambrose

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You stood next to Seth as the two of you watched as Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre stood in the ring and slandered Seth's good name. Mixed with a few comments about you as well as an injured Dea and busy Roman.

"Man the nerve of these two." Seth grits his teeth in a visibly annoyed tone.

"I know." You pay his back gently. "But as much as i'd like you to go out and kick both of their ass's, unfortuniatly we both know you can't take both of them. Not to mention i'm no help to you in this situation." Seth nods his head and brushes your arm away.

"Yeah well fortunately for you, i brought a little backup to help us even the odds a little." Seth grins.

You furrow your brows not knowing what he was talking about, just as your about to ask Seth what he meant you hear a familiar voice speak up behind you.

"I believe that backup is me." Your snaps back as you instantly recognize the voice that without a doubt belonged to one Dean Ambrose.

"Dean?" You ask, your voice cracking slightly.

"Y/N." Dean holds his arms out for a hug.

You don't even hesitate to hurry across the room and let yourself be engulfed in a hug by your best friend in the world with the exception of Seth. The first and foremost thing you notice as your hugged is that Dean had definitely been hitting the gym. A lot, for that matter.

"Dean you're back." You exclaim with glee. "Rollins why didn't you tell me was coming back?" You quickly turn to Seth looking for an explanation.

Seth Shrugs his shoulder with a grin, you release Dean and move Seth's way to hit his arm.

"Hey i wanted it to be a surprise." Seth tells you as he knocks your hand away before you can hit him.

You shake your head knowing very well what was about to happen. You happily wedge yourself between Seth and Dean as they both head out to the ring to handle Drew and Dolph.

With Dean in the mix Seth easily picks his Intercontinental championship belt back. And from the looks of it, your boys had the tag titles on their minds as well. To end the night off the three of you help to make sure that Roman and his title stay safe when he takes on Braun Strowman. After the show you all take some time to catch up.

"Man it's been hell around without you man." You giggle. "Without you these two have been out of control, you and me are their impulse control after all." Dean chuckles and nods in agreement. "Anyway." You change the subject. "You've obviously been spending way more time in the gym." You playfully poke at Dean's buff arm.

"Yeah, i had lots of time to recover and didn't really have any other way to pass the time." He explains.

"Well you don't see any of us complaining." You joke and gesture to Seth and Roman in their own conversation a few feet away.

"Yeah." Dean nods.

You furrow your brows a little, you notice that Dean has a kind of lost look in his eye. You brush it off and go back to talking for a while longer.

Skip a month or so of the boy's been back and taking over Raw as they should and things are going great. But as the month had gone by you'd noticed that Dean seemed a little tense and distance from Roman and Seth. That coupled with the fact that Drew and Dolph were pressuring him about leaving The Shield and it was safe to say that you were a little worried about Dean.

"Hey boy's." You grin as you enter the Shield locker room hauling your bag behind you. "Hey where's Dean?" You scan the room and find that Dean is nowhere to be found.

Seth and Roman share a confused look, you place your bag on the ground and walk over to the both of them.

"We thought he was with you." Roman tells you.

"Yeah." Seth nods his head.

You sigh a small sigh and shake your head. Seth and Roman share another look.

"No i haven't seen him today. Guy's i'm really starting to worry about him." You tell them both.

"Worry?" Seth replies. "Why? He's the same old Dean." You realize that you were the only one that saw that Dean was really acting like Dean lately.

"Nevermind, i just worry to much." You drop the subject and go to change out of your normal clothes for the show.

When you get back from changing you see that Dean had finally showed up to help Seth out with a Drew and Dolph problem that went on when you were changing.

"Oh hey Dean." You grin and walk up to him. "Get stuck in traffic?" You ask him.

On the way to the arena earlier you saw that traffic was starting to get backed up, you managed to get out right before it got really bad luckily for you.

"Yeah." Dean nods his head with a small grin.

"There you are Dean." Seth buts in with Roman at his side. "Told you man, Dean runs on Dean time. Always has." He pats Dean on the back playfully.

You roll your eye's at Seth, he'd always been one to light heartedly make jokes regarding Dean. You also notice that Dean happens to look a little on edge, of course he often looked like that so it didn't alarm you much.

The time comes for the main event and you hang in the back so you don't get in the way, the last thing the boys needed was you getting in the way. You hang back and watch the boy's get beaten pretty bad by Dolph and Drew accompanied by Braun. Eventually Dean and Seth get into an argument that Roman breaks up. This puts you on edge a little.

At the end of the match Dolph and his buddies win, you rush out to the ring to make sure everyone is alright when you spot Dean head the opposite direction.

"What the hell happened?" You ask Seth as you get to the side of the ring.

"No idea." Seth holds the back of his head.

"Go after Dean." Roman points to one of the exits. "We'll be fine." He insists.

You nod and sprint out the door, the cold air hits your skin and you shiver a little as you scan the loading area. You spot Dean a little bit further down the lot walking off in a haste.

"Dean!" You yell after him. "Dean wait up!" You yell again as you begin running again.

Dean stops moving and waits for you to catch up him, you hastily stop in front of him and take a second to catch your breath.

"Man you move fast." You comment as you regulate your breathing. "Dean what's going on with you?" You ask him in a more serious tone. "You walked out on Seth and Rom, not to mention you've been distant lately." You study his face for an answer.

Dean remains silent for the time being and looks down at you.

"To be honest Dean you're kind of scaring me." You look up at him. "This isn't the Dean that i know." You admit and rub your arms from the cold air settling in.

"I'm sorry." Dean mumbles as he pulls you to his side. His warm body heat making your skin heat up again. "I.........i just feel like i don't belong anymore." You push away from Dean at those words and look up at Dean.

"Don't belong?" You repeat what he had said. "Dean, Seth and Roman both love you like your their brother. You know that." You remind him. "If they're making you feel like you don't belong then i can assure you that they're not doing it on purpose." Dean nods his head slightly. "Hell if anyone in this group should feel like they don't belong it's me." You stifle a laugh.

Dean's expression changes as he looks down at you.

"What?" He asks you. "No sweetheart that's not true at all" Dean shakes his head firmly. "I don't even know what i'd do without you here, hell i don't think that i'd have even come back to The Shield if you weren't there." You giggle a little.

"Ambrose you sure as hell got a funny way of telling me that you love me." You giggle and step closer to him.

"I'm afraid this is the only way i know how." Dean grins as his chilly hands cup your face.

The cold air all of a sudden doesn't bother you anymore. As your lips brush against Dean's all the cold air seems to fade away.

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