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"Yeah well screw you to!" You yell and slam the locker room door.

That was the last time you'd ever give another man the time of day, your heart just couldn't take seeing another man you thought loved you cheated with some second rate whore. It was safe to say that Ethan Carter III had officially ruined romance for you.

Fortunately a few weeks after the whole Ethan and Mandy incident you got called up to wrestle on Raw, which was far away from Ethan. It was a fresh start to focus on becoming a champion, no men to distract you from being the best on the women's roster.

"Y/N, how's it going?" Ember greets you with a smile in the locker room as you change into ring gear.

"Fine Ember, how are you?" You ask her with a smile.

"I'm fine. Hey i heard about Ethan and Mandy, i'm sorry." She tells you.

You roll your eye's at the thought of Ethan and wave your hand.

"Eh, i'm over it." You giggle.

Ember nods with a grin. After you both get changed you head out to the ramp together for a tag match with Sasha and Bayley. You get there early so you both hang back and watch the monitor, Elias sits in the ring with his guitar.

"Hey didn't you know him in NXT?" Ember asks you as she recalls you talking about Elias before.

"I may have had a small crush on him a long time ago." You nod as you absentmindedly look at the screen.

You'd always found Elias and his gimmick to be entertaining, the two of you had a few run ins back when you both were in NXT.

"Ooo." Ember coo's playfully.

"Sorry to to ruin the dream Ember, but i've sworn off men." You tell her.

Ember nods and Elias heads back up the ramp and walks past the two of you.

"Ladies." Elias nods to the two of you. "It's good to see you here finally Y/N." He tells you with a grin before he walks off.

You brush this off and head out to the ring with Ember. The two of you pick up a hard earned victory against Bayley and Sasha.

The next week you run into Elias in the gym, he ends up taking the only other open treadmill right next to you.

"Never took you for the cardio type Elias." You comment as he steps next to you.

"Yeah well, gotta keep up the endurance somehow." Elias shrugs. "How have you been?" He asks you as the two of you pick up the pace on the machines.

"Fine. Happy to be on one of the main rosters, and i see that you've been doing well for yourself." You nod to him.

"Yes i am, and hey i heard about You and Ethan and the whole Mandy thing." He tells you in a sweet voice. "If it's any help, i always found Carter an annoying egomaniac." He tells you.

"Ha." You laugh. "This coming from the man that talks crap about every city he's in and treats all the backstage hands like crap." You remind Elias of his own ego.

"Well you got me there." Elias nods his head with a smile.

You giggle a little, it was rare that you had a pleasant non flirtatious conversation with a male lately. You both mingle for a while then you finish up working out early and head out of the gym. Elias gives you a small wave goodbye and you head to your hotel room before Raw begins a few hour later.

"Hey Y/n." Ember greets you again when she shows up to the hotel room a little later.

"Hey Ember, where have you been?" You ask her.

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