Drew Mcintyre

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"You spoiled brat!" A grin pops on your face as you hear these words followed by the sound of heavy boots.

You don't move a muscle, and continue with your conversation with TJ like nothing was wrong, when in fact. Drew Mcintyre was on the warpath, and headed directly for you. And it wasn't hard for anyone to see that he was in a very bad mood.

"I'll talk to you later TJ." You dismiss the resident cruiserweight as the sound of heavy footsteps grow closer to you.

"Yeah i'll see you later N/N." TJ nods his head and ducks out of the way just as Drew turns the corner.

You calmly turn around to the way that Drew was coming from and watch as he strides over to you, a more than sour expression on his face.

"You!" Drew growls at you as he comes to a stop in front of you. "You told Vince to give the main event match with Lesnar to Finn Balor? That match was suppose to me mine!" He damn near yells at you.

"Nice to see you to Mcintyre." You grin, pretending not to care about what Drew had just yelled at you. "And so what if i did, not like you can do anything about it." You grin up at Drew as his jaw twitches in frustration.

"Spoiled brat." He growls at you, keeping himself from doing something that could get him fired.

"I know." You reply smugly. "Not my fault that i had my grandpa change the match, you're the one who did this to yourself." You explain plainly as you glance down at your nails, the polish was beginning to crack and fade a little.

"Did this to myself?" Drew snaps back at you. "How the hell did i do that? If you don't mind me asking?" He asks you, getting more frustrated by the minute.

You roll your eyes and return your gaze to the fuming man in front of you, thinking about what color you wanted your nails next.

"Oh don't play dumb Mcintyre, you can't tell me that you don't remember interrupting me last week when i was out in the ring." You remind him of the incident. "Consider this payback for cutting my time short in the spotlight." You look at him with a crooked smile.

Drew looks down at you, his face reddening with anger, you look right back at him, calm as can be. He didn't scare you one bit, because you knew that he'd never harm a hair on your head. That was if he wanted to keep wrestling in any business, that was.

"You cost me my chance at the Universal Title because i decided to come out to my scheduled match early?" Drew grits his teeth, you glance down at his clenched fist as smile a bit.

"Mhm." You nod. "But just so you know, Vince hasn't given the match to Balor yet. So i'll tell you what, you find a way to make it up to me for being a rude ass i'll tell my grandpa to forget Balor for now." You offer a solution to Drew's problem.

"Make it up to you?" Drew replies, his jaw twitching in frustration again. "What does that even mean?" He asks you.

"Think about it big guy, you were rude to me. Now you have to make up for it, and you have a week to impress me." You slip down from the box that you'd been sitting on the whole time. "Good luck." You wink and head down the hall to the locker rooms.

Drew stays in place and watches as you walk away, how he got himself mixed up and on the bad side of Shane Mcmahon's oldest kid, he didn't know. All he knew was, he had to find a way to fix this as soon as possible.

You get to the women's locker room and head inside, mind racing about all the things that Drew would be willing to do for you. You had the man wrapped around your finger for the whole week, anything you needed you knew all you had to do was ask and he's be on it. It was almost too good to be true.

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