British Strong Style

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"Woah there is way to many Brits in this room." You joke as you walk into Drake's office. Crammed inside the small room is Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate, and Trent Seven. "Drake are you having a reunion or something?" You ask him as you slide in between Pete and Tyler.

"Oh real funny." Trent comments earning a smack to the chest from Tyler.

"No they're here because I grabbed them from NXT, we're starting the cruiserweight tag titles soon remember?" Drake reminds you.

"Oh yeah huh, so what you call me for?" You ask him as you glance either side of you.

"We need a manager love." Tyler turns to his right to look at you.

"A manager?" You repeat. "And you want me to be your manager?" You ask them.

All three men nod unison, your gaze then falls on Drake who wears a small grin.

"Uh well I mean if it's fine with Drake, managing does pay much better." You shrug. "Yeah sure I'd love to manage you dorks." You nod.

This earns smiles from two of the members of your new entourage, but seeing as how Pete almost never smiled it didn't bother you. You turn to Drake and step forward.

"So do they start tonight?" You ask him.

"Officially yes, but they won't have a match till next week. So keep them out of trouble." Drake tells you, you nod and turn and leave all three men file out with you.

"So." You turn to them when you get out. "Did he show you guys a locker room or what?" You ask them turning your attention to Tyler, the friendliest of the group.

" 'Fraid not love." He speaks with an awkward smile.

"He did give us this though." Trent steps in and hands you a paper.

You take the paper and read it, it's a list of basic info for them to have. Hotel room and locker room and stuff like that.

"Oh perfect, this way then boys." You turn to the left hallway.

"Lead the way I guess." Pete nods to you.

You nod and lead the three down the Hall to the locker room, on your way there you run into Mustafa Ali, Drew Gulak, and Tony Neese. You nod to them but they decide to speak up.

"Look who the cat dragged in guys." Tony smirks. "Finally find some guys as lame as you?" He asks you.

"Ahh I see you still think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread Tony." You reply cooly. "And Drew in see you managed to you know, grow some hair. Get it from fucking Rapunzel over here?" You ask gesturing to Mustafa.

All three go to speak but you throw a hand up and stop them.

"Remember one at a time guys, you do all share one brain." You smirk and push past them with you'd boys in tow.

As soon as you turn the corner your arm is grabbed by Tyler, you turn to see him smiling like an idiot, Trent and Pete wear a similar look.

"Okay let's just take a breather here love." Tyler tells you.

"Yeah you just breezed through those wankers like nothing." Pete adds nodding.

You chuckle am shake your head, Trent looks at you impressed.

"That was just Tony, Drew, and Mustafa. Those three are idiots." You state. "Now come on your locker is right here." You gesture to a door to your left.

All four of you file inside and you let them settle in a bit, you happen to look at your phone to see a tweet from Drew followed by a photo of you and the guys walking off.

"Wow, man's fast with a camera." You chuckle not taking much of it.

"What is?" Pete asks from his spot next to you.

You slid the phone to him and he shows it to the other two.

"Wow indeed, those three need to be taken down a peg." Tyler nods to Pete who also nods.

"Woah there boys." You put a hand up
"It's your first day mind you." You remind them. "At least wait until next week to beat those scrubs faces in." You tell them.

"But." Tyler starts.

"No." You firmly reply looking at him. "You three can wait 24 hours, I promise it'll be way better to kick their asses on TV then just pummeling them backstage." You tell them.

They all nod and cool off a bit, you look over the paper that Drake gave them and pull up the hotel website on your phone.

"Alright, I'm just gonna assume all three of you share a hotel room?" You ask them. Trent looks up from his phone to answer.

"Yeah it's usually two of us and one in another room alone." He explains. "But now that you're here I guess we can rotate between who rooms with you." He suggests.

"Yeah that's fine with me." You nod and look to the other two men for conformation of the plan.

"It's fine with me." Tyler nods, I'll even bunch with you first darlin." He tells you.

You shrug sure and look to the last member of the group, he looks at you and nods.

"You know Pete." You slide next to you. "You may not like me much now, but just wait." You smile. "Give it some time and I'll be your best friend." You tease him making Tyler and Trent laugh.

"Well what are we supposed to do for the rest of the day?" Trent speaks up.

"Beats me." You shrug. "We don't have to stay here, but it's like 7 so going back to the hotel isn't an option." You explain.

"I say we hit the pub." Pete speaks up from his spot next to you.

"Ooh I'm with Pete, let's all go get drinks." You agree with him.

Trent and Tyler share a look and nod, you jump to your feet and pocket your phone.

"It's settled then, I've gotta drool something off in the office so I'll meet you guys in a bit." You tell them as you slip out the door quickly.

"Well she's a ray of sunshine." Tyler comments when you're gone.

"Yeah she is, she'll do well here. That is if Pete can get over his little crush." Trent nods in agreement.

Pete's head snaps up and he glares at the blondes in front of him.

"I do not have a crush on her." He defends himself.

"Mhm." Trent rolls his eyes. "Since when are you silent when a gorgeous girl is around?" He asks Pete.

"Yeah man." Tyler adds. "If you didn't think she was kick ass you'd be all over her for fun." He smirks.

Pete rolls his eyes and waves both men off before he stands up to leave with them. Tyler and Trent follow a free him giggling like idiots.

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