Kyle O'Reilly

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"Oh Y/N." Ricochet coo's at you as you pass him in the hall.

"Nope." You're quick to reply and just keep on walking.

Ricochet whistles as you pass him making you roll your eye's. You come up on the women's locker room and head inside glad to be away from the current North American champs prying eyes.

"Hey Y/N." Kairi greets you with a warm smile as usual.

"Hey Kairi." You smile right back at her.

You had a match with Peyton Royce later in the evening so you decide to get changed into ring gear while you were in the locker room. After changing you head out to catering to grab a bite before your match.

On your way to catering you run into Adam Cole and the rest of Undisputed Era speeding down the hall all wearing grins.

"Woah there boys." They all come to a stop in front of you. "Where's the fire?" You jokingly ask them.

"That be in the ring babe." Adam answers you with a sly grin.

"Yeah we made sure that Ricochet got the message that he won't be holding that belt for much longer." Roderick adds.

You grin to yourself, served Ricochet right to get his ass handed to him in your opinion.

"Ha i should thank you guys for kicking his ass." You joke with a grin.

As soon as you say this Kyle O'Reilly steps forward with somewhat of a concerned look on his face. You smile at him and raise a brow, you always thought Kyle to be the cutest out of the group.

"Why do you say that?" Kyle asks you in a concern laced voice.

"Oh i didn't really mean anything by it." You wave your hand. "Ricochet's just got an annoying habit of not getting that i've got no interest in him is all." You explain like it's no big deal.

Adam and Roderick share a collective look before they both glance back at Kyle. You bounce on your heel in the awkward silence then dismiss yourself.

"Well as fun as it is to hang with you three, i've got a match to get to." You nod at the three men and head down the hall to the ramp.

Talking to the boys had deprived you of time to go to catering so you just head to your match for the night. When you get there Peyton is already waiting for you with Billie Kay at her side of course.

You shrug it off and slip into the ring for the match. Peyton was an easy win for you, and as far as you were concerned Billie wasn't a threat either. If push came to shove and you got into trouble you knew that Kairi would come to help you out.

"One....Two....Three." The ref counts and you pick up a win.

Billie and Peyton huff and are the first to slink away backstage in defeat. You take a moment to catch your breath and head up the ramp stopping to take a few photos and high five a few smaller kids in the crowd.

Once you're done you head backstage and make your way back to the locker room to change back out of your now sweaty ring gear.

"Lookin good out there babe." Ricochet manages to catch you in the hall on your way back to the locker room.

"Thanks, now move out of my way." You nod and try to get past him.

"Woah, not so fast babe." Ricochet puts a hand out to stop you. "Let's talk for a second babe." He tells you.

"No thanks." You smile a little hoping that he'll get the hint.

You look past Ricochet down the hall to see Adam Cole and the rest of the Undisputed era head your way.

"Hey Ricochet, i'd let the lady pass if i were you." Kyle warns him as he passes.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want a repeat of earlier tonight would we?" Roderick adds as they both stare down the champ.

Ricochet looks at you then back at Kyle and Roderick then takes his leave. Kyle nods and turns back to you with a friendly smile.

"Just let one of us know if he bothers you again okay?" He tells you.

"Yeah i'll be sure to take you up on that." You grin right back and nod your head.

You see Roderick grin like an idiot at Kyle which you find a little strange and take your leave back to your locker room. Once there you change back into normal clothes that don't reek of sweat.

After you get changed you grab your gym bag and go to head out for the night, you manage to get to your door when someone knocks on it. You groan to yourself and open up the door to find Adam Cole leaning in your doorway.

"Are you guys stalkers now?" You ask him as he stands straight to talk to you.

"Not all of us, just Kyle." He tells you with a grin. "No i'm here to talk to you about your expertise in Ricochet." You roll your eyes at Adam and sigh.

"I'm not an expert, just an unfortunate victim." You sigh recalling the countless times that Ricochet had bothered you.

Adam nods his head and looks you over again, you can tell that he's thinking about something. You wait impatiently for him to finish his thought so you can leave.

"Well even if you aren't an expert Ricochet still seems to be infatuated with you." He points out. "So i'm here to ask if you'd like to be bait so i can get my championship back next week?" He just comes out and asks you.

You look at the man before like he's crazy, he wanted to you be bait so he could get his championship back? No way.

"And what do i get out of this deal for putting my well being on the line?" You ask him with a raised brow.

"Oh don't worry about yourself, i'll be sure to have Kyle and Roderick with you the whole time for your safety."  Adam explains. "And in return you may just have some extra muscle for when you decide that Kairi Sane's belt would look good on your waist." He adds to sweeten the deal.

"Kyle will be with me the whole time?" You ask now interested.

"Yes you're little boy crush will be there the whole time." Adam nods. "In fact he volunteered to watch you when i ran the plan by the boys." Adam explains.

"He did?" You ask Adam with a small grin.

"Yep. Ol Kyle is got a huge crush on you miss L/N." Adam grins right back. "And i get the nagging feeling that you feel the same way, am i right?" He asks you.

"I'll do it." You agree to help Adam. "Tell Kyle that i said i look forward to seeing him later this week." You then dismiss Adam with a smile.

Things were about to be looking real nice for you in the next few weeks.

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