Tommaso Ciampa

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"God he's so cute." Candace sighs next to you as she stares across the gym floor with sparkling eyes.

"I guess." You shrug, not having to look to know who she was talking about. "If he's so cute, then why don't you go talk to him?" You suggest with a grin.

Candace had developed quite the crush on one half of NXT's newest tag team, Johnny Gargano. Sure she'd only spoken to him a few times, but she was hooked nonetheless. So, you being her best friend and partner in crime, had to hear about it constantly.

"Just look at those puppy dog eyes." Candace once again gushes.

"Mhm." You nonchalantly nod your head. "I'm telling you Candice, just go talk to him." You suggest to her again. "He doesn't seem the type to blow you off." You point out, in an encouraging tone.

"I don't know." Candice shakes her head, unsure of herself.

You roll your eyes lightly and turn your treadmill off. Candice watches as you towel off quickly and grab her hand.

"Come on." You practically drag her across the gym floor. "It won't kill you to at least introduce yourself, and i'll be right behind you." You get her in front of you and push her over to where Johnny is working out.

"H.....hi." Candice puts on a nervous smile as she come face to face with Johnny.

"Hi." You step next to her, seeing as she can't form sentences at the moment. "I'm Y/N, and this is Candice." You gesture to Candice next to you, silent and blushing hard.

Your gaze falls on Johnny's partner, Tommaso Ciampa. He stares right at you with a smirk and intense gaze to match. You raise a brow at him, not one to be intimidated by a pair of dark eyes and a devious smile.

"Nice to meet you Candice, and Y/N." Johnny grins at Candice and nods to you. "I'M Johnny, and this is my partner, Tommaso." He gestures to Ciampa next to him.

You nod to Tommaso and let Candice take over for the time being, you are to focused on the man staring at you to notice her and Johnny start talking.

"So how long have you been in NXT?" Tommaso speaks up to catch your attention.

"Around a year and a half." You answer the question and turn your attention away from Candice. "Before that i was working in New Japan mostly." You explain your wrestling origin briefly.

"New Japan." Tommaso replies with a nod of his head. "You must be quite the sight to see on the ropes then." He grins at you, a suggestive tone in his voice.

"Guess you'll just have to watch a match and see." You reply smoothly, not about to be outdone in terms of flirting.

You turn back to Candice to find her laughing softly with Johnny, she then turns back to you and the two of you head off for the time being.

The two of you head back to the hotel for some off time before the next set of NXT taping were scheduled. As soon as the two of you are in the safety of the room Cadice goes off again.

"Wow." She gushes. "Just wow." You roll your eyes playfully at her and take a seat in a chair.

"That bad huh?" You chuckle. "You can't be in love with him already can you?" You ask the blonde as she falls into her bed with a sigh.

"I think so." She sighs contently. "He's so funny, and cute, and polite. And...and....ugh." She giggles to herself. "What about Ciampa?" She all of a sudden peers at you from under her pillow on her bed.

"He seems cool, a huge flirt though." You reply, recalling the encounter.

"Oooh." Candice wiggles her brows at you. "Sounds like just your type." She giggles at you.

"I guess." You shrug, not about to admit the attraction to him already. "We'll just have to see." You leave it at that and gather your gym bag with stuff for the newest NXT taping.

Candice does the same and the two of you head out to Full Sail in Florida for the night. When you get there you both immediately change into gear then head off to find something to do until you were needed in the ring.

"Ooo, Candice look." You are walking down the hall with Candice when you spot Johnny and Tommaso down the hall. "Lets go talk to them." You suggest and pull Candice down the hall.

"Hey Johnny, Ciampa." You catch the attention of both men, making them stop and wait for you and Candice.

"Ladies." Tommaso speaks up with a grin. "Lovely to see you both again." He looks at you with a devious smile.

"Yes. Well we are a sight to see." You grin right back.

"Can't argue with that." Tommaso nods his head.

Candice turns and talks to Johnny for a moment, leaving you and Ciampa alone in conversation again.

"So, tell me Tommaso. Are you one to play the game, or would you like to ask me out on a date?" You ask him bluntly, not one to play games with guys.

"Well someone forward." Tommaso shakes his head. "What makes you think that i'd want to take you out on a date?" He asks you with a raised brow.

"Because, i can tell that you like me. And i'd be a liar to say that you don't catch my attention wit those intense eyes of yours." You smile at him. "Plus it be good for them." You nod your head over to Candice and Johnny cracking jokes with one another.

Tommaso nods his head as he looks at his tag partner.

"Why not." He grins. "You seem like the type to always make the first date interesting." He winks at you. "I know i always do." With that he gets Johnny's attention.

Both men ask you and Candice for a double date after the taping, and you chuckle to yourself when Candice practically jumps at the idea. For the time being you four part ways until the show is over.

"How'd you get him to make a date?" Candice asks you in awe as the two of you head for the ring.

"Guess it's just my charm." You shrug with a grin, knowing that this night was bound to be loads of fun.

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