Buddy Murphy

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You sit in traffic on the freeway with a sour expression set in stone on your face, the day had been going horribly since you woke up for work at 5am. Now you were stuck in traffic due to a semi rolling over and blocking the only road home. Frustrated you decide to turn off your car, knowing that it would be a while until you were going to be able to move again and grab your phone from the dash.

Unlocking the screen you find that your fiance has texted you once or twice, probably asking where you've been since getting off work. You decide to call rather then text him back, and dial the number.

"Hey babe." You immediately speak when the ringing ends and Buddy picks up the phone.

"Hey sweetheart." Murphy replies, you can hear his smile through the phone. "Where are you, work got out like an hour ago didn't it?" He asks you, concern present in his voice.

"Yeah, but they kept me back for a bit." You explain. "And now im stuck on the freeway with a tipped over semi in my way." You sigh and look at the long line of cars ahead of you. "So afraid it'll be awhile until i get home." Your eyes watch as road workers move past your car with heavy equipment.

"Oof." Murphy replies on the other side of the line. "Sounds like you've had quite the day love." You laugh to yourself at this comment.

"You've no idea." You recall the numerous things that had gone wrong that day.

"Well i'll see you when you get home." Buddy goes ahead and ends the call. "Love you." He makes sure to end his call the usual way he does.

"Love you to babe." You reply and hang up the phone.

With nothing left to do but wait you turn on some music on your phone and pull your gym bag from the passenger seat of the car. You rummage around in it for a granola bar that you were sure that you had left in there.

As you rummage through the bag you come across the blouse that you had left the house wearing, now stained with puke and coffee stains. You worked as a helper for a daycare in the next town over from where you lived. Usually you taught elementary school, but it was summer so you worked at the daycare until school resummed in the fall.

One of the smaller kids that came in that day had gotten an upset stomach from eating a crayon had prompted to puke on you when you asked why he was in pain. This of course made you also spill your hot coffee all over your shirt. You were just glad that you'd learned to bring a set of clothes with you to work.

After sitting in the car for a bit longer your phone rings, it's Buddy again. You furrow your brows wondering why he was calling and answer the phone.

"Yeah babe?" You ask as soon as you hit accept.

"Hey i was wondering were we keep the spices?" Buddy asks you in an innocent tone as he can manage.

"Spices?" You reply, confused again. "What for?" You ask him.

"Neighbor wants to borrow some." Is Murphy's answer. You don't quite believe him though.

"Umm, try the cupboard above the stove." You direct him to the spice cabinet.

"Okay, thanks." You can hear Buddy nod his head through the phone. "See you soon, love you." And with that he hangs up the phone.

You shake your head, it was rare that your neighbor Lily would ask for spices since she was a young girl that almost never cooked for herself. Especially with spices. So you were suspicious with what your fiance was up to.

Ahead of you the Semi gets flipped back up on its wheel by the road workers and they wheel it off to the side of the road to get traffic going again. You turn your car back on and inch forward with the rest of the line. After a few minutes traffic picks back up to its normal pace and you make the rest of the drive home.

When you get home and enter the house you can smell food wafting from the kitchen, it smells okay from where you stand.

"Buddy i'm home." You announced as you shut the door and drop your bag to the floor.

You make your way down the hall and into the kitchen, the smell of food gets stronger as you get closer to the kitchen.

"Welcome home sweetheart." Murphy greets you with a wide smile when you finally make it into the kitchen.

You crack a smile when you get a look at the kitchen table, sitting on it is two plates of food.

"You cooked dinner?" You state the obvious and walk over to the two plates.

You look down at the two plates and try to figure out just what your fiance had attempted to cook for you. You knew that Buddy wasnt the most gifted cook, you did most of the food prep when it came to dinner. But it was cute to see him try.

"Yep." Buddy nods his head, proud. "You seemed tired over the phone, so i figured that i'd cook for a change." He explains as he walks over to your side and gives you a hug.

"Oh i wouldn't do that babe." You warn him with a hand on his chest. "Kid puked on me earlier today." You explain.

"Oh, lovely." Murphy takes a step back from you. "Anyway, you should try it." He hands you a fork and eagerly watches as you eye the plate.

You prepare yourself for what you're about to put in your mouth and take a bite from the plate. To your surprise, the food tastes great. Sure it looks like it came from a can that was old as hell, but damn did it taste great.

"Wow." You grin and set the fork down. "Buddy, baby, this tastes great." You compliment him with a genuine smile.

"It does?" Murphy replies, a little surprised himself.

"Yeah." You nod. "Really good. I'm proud babe." You giggle a little.

"Well thank you." Murphy nods, now proud of himself.

"Sure thing babe, i'm gonna go change though. Then we'll both enjoy your victory in the kitchen." You giggle again. "And hey maybe you have a future of making dinner ahead of you." You joke.

"Maybe i will." Murphy also laughs.

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