Dean Ambrose

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You stand in Seth's locker room with a grin on your face, your brother on the other hand, has a look of concern plastered on his.

"I'm worried about you Y/N." He looks at you with concerned eyes.

"Don't be." You reply blankly. "I'm perfectly fine, and besides. We both know that Dean would never put me in harms way." You speak matter of factly.

"Dean is out of his mind as of late." Seth replies. "If you haven't noticed." You roll your eyes again.

"I'm a big girl Seth." You remind him of your age.

"I know." His tone softens as he looks at you, his little sister. "But Dean....he's." You put your hand up and cut him off.

"Seth, i'm perfectly fine the way i am." You look at him sternly. "I love you, but i don't need you babying me all the time big brother." You try your best to make sure and get your point across. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" You walk over to the door of the room and give your brother one last look.

Seth sighs and lets you go, knowing that he couldn't stop you if he tried. You exit the locker room and head out to the latest place that you knew Dean was hanging out in. You saunter round the corner to find Dean sitting on a box, a stern look on his face.

"Heyyo Dean." You grin when you turn the corner, catching Dean's attention.

"There she is." Dean replies, his stern face turning into a smirk. "Where have you been?" He asks you as your walk over to his side and settle down.

"Seth was giving me one of his pep talks." You reply in a hum as Dean wraps his arms around you.

"Again?" Dean replies in a huff.

"Mhm, he's always worrying about me for no reason. You know that." You nod your head with a smile on your face. "I know you'd never let anything happen to me." You grin.

"Damn straight." Dean nods his head, his grip on you tightening ever so slightly.

You enjoy the silence and the close company for a few minutes, Dean's company was always the best, no matter the location.

"You gonna come with me out to the ring later?" Dean all of a sudden breaks the comfortable silence.

"What are you doing out in the ring tonight?" You reply, not sure on an answer yet.

"Match with Drew, remember?" Dean reminds you of the title match that he managed to pick up last week.

"Oh yeah, that's tonight huh." You nod. "Sure, i'd love to help you out." You tease with a smile.

Dean turns his head to look at you, a playful eyebrow raised at your statement. You grin right back at him.

"Help me out huh?" He asks you. "And what makes you think i need help sweetheart?" You roll your eyes playfully back at him.

"Oh i didn't say you needed help babe, i'm merely saying that i know you'd love my help." You smirk at him.

Dean rolls his eyes right back, placing a kiss to your forehead. You giggle at the action and playfully push him away from you.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for your match?" You glance at the watch on Dean's wrist, gleaming in your face.

"I suppose so." Dean sighs in an inconvenienced manner.

"Mhm, you don't wanna be slacking when you get in the ring with Drew do you?" You tease Dean again, knowing that he loves it.

"Whatever." Dean rolls his eyes at you.

You get up and let Dean lead the way down to the ring entrance. You wait behind for a few seconds and let Dean do his usual entrance. Once he's done with his whole charade, you go ahead and walk out to meet him about halfway down the ramp.

"Miss me?" You tease with a grin in a hushed tone.

"Always." Dean replies in an also hushed tone.

You walk down to the ring and take a post up in one of the corners. Dean gives a glance and a wink before he heads into the ring. You turn your attention back to the top of the ramp and watch as Drew makes his way down to the ring, Intercontinental Championship Belt on his waist.

The smug look he wears on his face almost makes you wanna gag, he winks as he walks by you. You roll your eyes, almost to the point of giving yourself a headache. You turn your attention back to the ring and lock eyes with Dean, mouthing the words, "Kick his ass.", as the bell rings.

The match starts off hot, like it usually did when Dean was involved. You keep your distance from the action, knowing that you'd get in the way. You knew just when to get up and in the match, the placement where you could do the most damage on Dean's behave.

After a few minutes of eyeing up the match, you see a good opportunity and hop up on the apron, getting the attention of the referee. He turns his attention to you, leaving Dean to take care of things.

"Hey Ref." You call to the official. "Ref, come on man. Do your job right." You yell over the crowd making noise all around you.

Dean takes the opportunity to deliver a low blow to Drew, making him fall to the floor in pain. You hop down from the apron with a smile on your face as the Ref goes back to the match. Dean goes in for a pin and the Ref gets a count of three.

The bell rings and you hop back into the ring in an instant. You happily take the belt from the Ref and hand it to Dean. He takes the belt in one hand, then grabs you by the waist with the other. A victory kiss is what comes next.

Dean's lips crash onto yours, nothing but passion between the two of you. Your body flushed against his, heat radiating off the two of you. People cheer and whistle all around you, but neither of you have a care in the world.

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