Adam Cole

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"Adam." You complain as his lips graze your neck. "Knock it off." You try for take a step forward but are held back by Adams arms around your waist. "Adam." You groan again.

Your stubborn boyfriend stays in place attacking your neck further. You take your own hands and attempt to pry yourself free.

"Hey hey." Adam coes in your ear. "Stop resisting, you can't get away." He teases as his grip tightens on your waist.

"Adam." You groan again. "Unlike you I've got things to do." You remind him.

"Pretty sure this is more important." Adam replies going back to your neck.

"Ha." You laugh. "Not a chance." You tell him.

You make one more attempt to get away and succeed this time, your let go and take a step forward.

"Finally." You turn around to face Adam who wears a pouty face. "Oh don't give me that look." You roll your eyes.

Adam pouts even more and you, unable to resist the look he's giving you, walk over and let him go back to hugging you.

"You know I can't get any work done while you're around?" You tell him while hugging him.

"Yeah but you love me, so it's worth it." Adam replies, you can hear the smile on his face.

"Mhm, now can I go to work?" You ask.

Adam let's you go and nods, you grab your jacket off of the back of a chair.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few hours. Is got three meetings to attend, stay out of trouble while I'm gone." You tell him.

"I'll try, no promises though." He smirks as you walk to the door.

You roll your eyes again and head out the door leaving Adam to entertain himself.

You've only been gone for around an hour and Adam sits bored out of his mind, he lays on his bed staring at the ceiling when he gets an idea.

You sit in a chair at the table in the WWE main office, Shane sits to your left and William Regal to your right. At the head of the table Vince's assistant drones on. All of a sudden your phone buzzes in your lap, you carefully glance down and hit the power button.

"So who thinks that this would be a good idea?" The girl asks as she scans the room.

Shane is kind enough to elbow you lightly, your attention snaps back to the head of the table. After a few more minutes a break is called, you take this time to look at your phone properly. You unlock your phone and look at a text from Adam, all the shows up on the bar is a winky face. Knowing Adam you check to make sure no one is around and click it.

"Adam." You say aloud.

You shake your head and pocket the phone, the meeting begins again.

Adam sits and waits for a reply, he sees that you looked at what he sent but never replied. Not being one to give up so easily he snaps a pic in his camera and hits send again.

"This'll get her attention." He smirks as he sees the pick went through.

You finally get out of your first meeting of the day and take the time to look at your phone, another pic. This time you take the time to reply as you walk to your next meeting.

-that suppose to impress me?

You send the text and smile as you open the glass door to the meeting room, inside one of the writers sits down looking at his papers. Your boss Drake sits next to him.

"I'm here." You announce your presence as you pocket your phone again.

"Ah good come sit." Drake pulls you over.

Adam once again sits and waits for a reply, this time he jumps when he gets one. But instead of a compliment or something saucy he gets shut down, Adam had forgotten his girl was a smart ass like him.

"Haha so funny babe." He talks to himself. "Thinks she's so smart." He snaps another pic, this one a bit more rated R.

Fast forward an hour and a half and drake finally let's you go after a very detailed discussion about the 205 roster. You take a little time to grab a coffee and check your messages again.  When you unlock it another pic from Adam awaits you. You load it up and smile to yourself, of course you where a little flustered, but Adam didn't need to know that.

-is this really MY man Adam Cole? Maybe u should hit the gym.

You text a reply and walk to your last meeting of the day, all the GM's and commissioners of the shows in one room. You brace yourself and head inside and take a seat.

Adam jumps as soon as he hears his phone go off, thinking he won the battle of course. That wasn't the case at all, but instead of snapping another pic he leaves it alone and waits. You'd be back soon.

Your meeting ends and you leave as soon as you can, you had a headache from listening to people talk all day. You glance at your phone, Adam never replied. This made you worry, Adam wasn't one to give up so easily. You head back to see what he was up to.

As soon as Adam hears keys in the door he smiles and pulls his phone up, his idea was about to be put into action.

"Hey babe." You smile as you step into the room and see Adam. "Miss me?" You ask him.

"I always do don't I?" Adam replies.

You smile and lay down next to him with a sigh, you were sure as hell glad that you where done for the day.

"So what have you been up to?" You ask him as he sits next to you.

"Not much." Adam replies, his plan was to ignore you.

It was safe to say it wasn't working, all he wanted to do was spend some time wrapped up in the sheets with you.

"Adam." You coo as your hand grazes his arm. "Are you gonna ignore me or you gonna show me that you're still the boss?" You ask him. "Cuz I'm pretty sure after today I own you." You tease him.

All of a sudden Adam drops his phone and turns to you, you giggle as he leans down and kisses your nose.

"Pretty sure I'm still the boss princess." He tells you.

"Yeah?" You reply with a smile. "Prove it then." You smirk.

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