Lio Rush

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You watch from the sidelines as Finn once again shows up his current enemy as of late, Bobby Lashley, in the ring. Pinning the Intercontinental champion for a three count and slipping out of the ring to your side.

"And the winner, Finn Balor." The announcer makes the crowd around you go wild as usual.

You walk up the ramp with Finn and make sure to say hello and wave to all the fans of Finn and you sitting in the front rows. You get up to the top of the ramp to do one last farewell for the night with Finn and glance down at the ring. Your eyes fall on Bobby, and also his hype man, Lio Rush. You'd always liked Lio, sure he could be a huge pain in the ass for you, but when he wasn't around Bobby he was super sweet.

"Something wrong?" Finn lightly nudges you as he waves at all the fans.

"I'm fine Finn." You nod your head. "Just feel a little bad for Lio is all." You shrug your shoulders and head back behind the curtain with Finn at your side.

The two of you get behind the curtain and head back to the locker rooms so Finn can change out of his now sweaty gear.

"I know what you mean." Finn shares the feeling of being sorry for Lio as the two of you walk back to the locker rooms. "You hang out with him when you both are working on 205 Live?" Finn asks you curiously.

In addition to being one of Finn's best friends and always managing to hang out with him during Raw, you also spent time with your cousin Tony Nese on 205 Live on Tuesdays. The company had to double booked for shows weekly, but you didn't mind it much.

"Once in a while." You nod your head. "We talk once in a while when we're both working the same show." You explain. "He's actually really sweet." You smile recalling all the pleasant conversations you'd had with Lio.

Finn nods his head and turns into his locker room, you let him change and head to catering to grab a bite to eat since you were getting a little hungry.

You're walking down the hall when you pick up on the sound of angry yelling coming from further down the hallway. You inch closer to the commotion and turn the corner to see Bobby basically screaming at a blank faced Lio. The screaming ends with Bobby giving the much smaller Lio a significant shove and walking away.

"Are you alright?" You walk over to Lio on the floor as soon as Bobby is gone. "Man he's got a hot temper doesn't he?" You offer your hand to Lio to help him off the floor.

"Ha." Lio chuckles and takes your hand. "You can say that again." He drops your hand and brushes himself off a little.

"I know it's not my place and all, but you really shouldn't let him talk to you like that." You smile softly at Lio, not wanting to come off as pushy. "You're a great athlete and talent, just the same as him, he's no right to treat you the way he does." You huff, not realizing you had that much to say about it.

"Yeah i know." Lio nods his head and rubs the back of his neck lightly. "Thanks anyway, Y/N." He smiles at you and makes his way to his own locker room.

"No problem Lio." You nod your head. "See you on 205 tomorrow." You go the opposite way to the catering room.

The next night you're having a chat with your cousin about his upcoming match with Buddy Murphy when you spot Lio coming down the hall. You dismiss yourself from Tony and head over to Lio with a grin.

"Hey Lio." You greet him with a smile.

"Y/N." Lio smiles when he sees you. "What's going on?" He asks you curiously.

"Just talking with Tony about his match in a few weeks is all, what about you?" You gesture down the hall to Tony, now on his phone.

"Getting ready for a match with Akira Tozawa." Lio replies. "Wish me luck?" He asks you with a confident grin.

"Sure." You giggle and place a small kiss on his cheek. "Good luck." You send him off to his match with a smile on his face.

As soon as he's out of sight you walk back over to Tony who now wears a raised brow on his face as he looks at you. You raise your own brow and give your cousin a questioning look of your own.

"What?" You look at Tony, wondering what's going on in that mind of his.

"Oh nothing." Tony waves his hand. "Just you and Lio." He grins dumbly.

"What about me and Lio?" You reply, still curious about your cousin.

"You like him don't you?" Tony accuses you of having feelings for Lio lightly.

"Yeah, kind of." You nod your head, blood rushing to your cheeks. "So what?" You wonder why it even mattered to Tony who you liked.

"Nothing. Nothing." Tony defends himself with a grin. "The two of you would make a cute couple." He teases you.

You huff and hit your cousin on the arm with some force, he roll his eyes in response and grins at you. He knew that you hated being teased about crushes.

"Ooo, look who's coming back to see you." Tony grins again and points down the hall.

You turn around to see Lio walking down the hall, back from his match and heading your way. You wait until he's near you to speak up.

"You're back." You smile at Lio. "That was fast." You comment on the short amount of time it too Lio to finish off his opponent.

"Yeah. Tozawa was easy." Lio waves it off with a grin. "I came back because i was wondering if maybe you'd wanna get some dinner after the show?" He asks you, a little nervousness in his voice.

"Yeah sure, that be great." You agree to dinner, making Lio smile again.

"Really?" He asks you. "Cool, i'll see you after the show then." He nods his head and hurries off to clean up.

"Well someone excited." Tony laughs when Lio is gone.

"Oh be quiet Tony." You roll your eyes, not able to hide the smile on your face.

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