Seth Rollins

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You watched in distress as Seth, Dean,and Roman where carted away in the back of a police van. People around you all yelled at each other as security attempted to calm everyone down.

"Just behave for now." You yell to Seth and Dean both resisting officers. "I'll get this all sorted out as soon as I can."

Before you can get another word in the van doors close and the van pulls out. You run a hand through your hair and turn around to see Corbin trying to calm things down.

"Hey Corbin." You snap at him as you walk to his side.

Baron turns and looks down at you, you can tell that he's stressed about all that's going on.

"What do you want Y/N?" He asks clearly frustrated. "As you can see I'm kind of busy." He gestures to the chaos around him.

Knowing that you can't get anything done while everyone is yelling you sigh and step up on a nearby box.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!! " You yell as loud as you can making silence fall on the group of men before you.

You jump down off the box and join Corbin back at his side. Corbin nods his head gratefully and clears his throat.

"Everyone back to the locker room." He tells everyone. "I don't want anymore distractions tonight." Everyone nods and the crowd dissipates.

You bounce on your heel impatiently. You know the longer that you leave Seth and the boys alone the worse things will become.

"Now that you aren't busy, let's have a conversation shall we?" You get Corbin's attention back on you.

"Yeah yeah. What do you want?" Corbin rolls his eyes and looks down at you again.

"Well." You bounce on your heel. "Maybe you wanna start on WHY you had my boyfriend and his boys arrested?" You suggest calmly, you know that being angry won't help.

Corbin looks down at you with a small grin playing in the corner of his mouth. You keep your cool and wait for an answer from your current acting General Manager.

"They were out of control Y/N." Baron tells you calmly. "They needed to be stopped before they hurt themselves or someone else." You roll your eyes at this statement.

"Oh so Braun attacking them last week with the help of Ziggler and Drew wasn't dangerous or reckless?" You protest recalling what had happened the week before.

Corbin doesn't answer you right away, meaning that he knows that you're right. You huff in frustration and go to storm off.

"I'm taking the rest of the night off." You inform Corbin before you head off to the parking lot.

You figure that you'd be more help down in holding with Seth and the boys. It isn't hard to find where Corbin sent your boys so it doesn't take long for you to get down there. When you arrive the boys are aloud to see visitors for the time being.

"Y/N?" Seth asks as he walks up to the booth. "Babe what are you doing here?" He sits down in the metal chair.

"What you thought that i was just gonna leave you here alone with Rom and Dean?" You grin at Seth who looks a little anxious. "I tried to talk to Corbin, you probably know how that went." You roll your eyes at the thought of the GM.

"Atta girl, find a way to get us out of here so we can go and kick Braun and his lackies ass's." Seth nods to you.

"Don't worry, i'm just waiting for the paperwork to post bail right now." You reply.

Seth beams through the glass at you. You just smile back and sit in silence for a moment, then you see Dean and Roman come up behind Seth.

"Hey there she is." Dean grins as he leans to Seth's left.

"Get our bail posted yet?" Roman adds to Seth's right.

"Working on that right now, and i just got a text saying that Braun and his boys are ripe for the picking in a match against Finn Balor." You grin and glance down at your phone.

"What would i do without you?" Seth shakes his head with a huge grin.

Dean and Roman both also nod at you grateful for the help. You get their bail posted and drive all three men back to the arena. When you get there you go off on Seth's request so you won't get in trouble with Corbin.

"Oh i see that you came back." Corbin grins when he sees you walk down the hall.

"Yeah well i only came back to grab my sweater from Seth's locker room." You lie and fidget with the sweater that you had in your car.

Corbin goes to speak up again when one of the security guards comes running down the hall to get his attention.

"What's the matter now?" Corbin runs a hand over his face.

"Sir the Shield are back and are attacking Braun and the tag champs." The security guard breathes hard.

"They what?" Corbin's eyes go wide. "Show me." He takes off running down the hall.

You giggle to yourself and saunter down the hall making sure to take your time getting to the ramp. As you take your time you see different superstars and stagehands bolt down the hall as fast as they can.

You wear a wide grin as you come to the entrance of the ramp, people still stream in as you lean against the wall and wait. A few minutes later Corbin comes tumbling through the curtain with a look of worry on his face.

"Something wrong Corbin?" You ask him with an innocent grin.

Baron looks up at you from his knees as he breathes heavy. He goes to step up to you and say something. He's stopped by Seth 'Accidently' trips him as he makes his way to you.

"Oops, sorry about that Corbin." Seth grins as he wraps his arm around you. "Didn't see you there, did you get your jacket babe?" Seth turns his attention back to you.

"Yep got it right here." You grin and raise the jacket in your arms.

"Good, i say we get out of here." Seth nods and begins walking away.

Dean and Roman follow right behind you and Seth also 'Accidently' hitting Corbin on their way by him.

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