TJ Perkins

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"Hey Mr. I'm better than everyone else." You raise your voice to the man currently laying on a box.

"Yeah babe?" TJ moves his hat from his face for a second to look down at you.

"Not your babe." You remind him. "And Drake wants to see you." You tell him.

"So?" TJ replies. "As you can see, im a little busy." His face is covered up but you can hear the smirk on TJ's face.

"So he's your boss and he wants to see you." You tell him again hoping the stubborn man will listen.

TJ stays put not moving for a moment, you sigh and are about to walk off when TJ clears his throat.

"I'll go see the boss man if you come with me." He offers a deal.

You sigh and think about it for a second, you had other stuff to do. Then again Drake was gonna get on you if TJ wasn't in his office soon.

"Fine." You nod making your decision. "Just behave yourself." You warn TJ as he grins and slides off the box.

"When do I not behave myself?" TJ asks as his arm snakes over your shoulder.

You scoff but let his arm remain knowing it's easier to let him get his way. You take TJ down the Hall and to Drake's office, when you get there you try to get TJ to drop his arm. He doesn't.

"Found Perkins boss." You announce as you walk into the office. "He insisted I come with him though." You add explaining why you where with him.

"Thank you." Drake nods as he looks down at his desk. When he looks up and sees TJ with his arm around you he frowns a little. "Perkins why are you harassing my assistant?" He asks TJ.

"I don't see her complaining, do you?" TJ replies.

"Well I'm afraid I've got things for her to do so say goodbye." Drake Shaka his head and hands you some things. "Take that to Cedric and make sure that the title card change gets to Gulak please will ya y/n?" Drake asks you.

You nod and take the paper and wiggle out of TJ's grasp. TJ smirks and watched as you leave the office.

You get out into the hall and look at the papers that Drake gave you, you're looking at the when all of a sudden you feel a bit of a weird sting-like sensation on your ass.

"That ass." You mumble to yourself. "I can't believe he actually smacked my ass." It didn't take a genius to know why your ass all of a sudden stung.

After rolling your eyes and formulating a plan to yell at Perkins later for not keeping his hands to himself you head out.

You deliver some paper and are heading back to Drake's office when you run into Drake's least favorite roster member. Buddy Murphy.

"Where do you think you're running off to sweet thing?" Murphy asks you with a grin.

"Hello to you to Murphy." You reply with a roll of your eyes.

"Hey now." Murphy cuts in. "No need to be so hostile." He grins. "I just wanna know what Drake's lovely assistant is doing in the halls all alone." You sigh and roll your eyes again.

"I'm working." You tell him firmly. "Now if you'll excuse me." You dismiss yourself from his and start walking again.

Murphy reaches out and grabs your hand to pull you back to him.

"Come on one sugar, I've seen you getting all up close and personal with Perkins." He pulls you a little too close for comfort. "And let's not forget that little stunt he pulled when you left Drake's office earlier." He purrs.

You help when you feel a sting on your ass a little harder then what you felt Before. Your jump forward out of Murphy's grip and spin around.

"Okay that'll be all." You warn him. "lemme make one thing clear Murphy. Me and you? Never gonna happen. Period." You tell him and turn to leave.

You round the corner only to be met with another man, this time it's TJ.

"What in the hell was that all about?" TJ asks you. "Did I just see Murphy snack you on the ass?" He looks down the hall at Murphy.

"Yeah." You reply not making a big deal out of it. "You did the same thing as I was leaving Drake's office." You remind TJ.

"What?" TJ replies. "No I didn't." He shakes his head. "I wouldn't do that in front of Drake, or without knowing if you were okay with it for that matter." He informs you.

You're silent for a second as you think it over a little. Now that you recall the incident, you didn't feel the sting until you'd been in the hall for a minute. You also happened to be leaning against one of the corners of the hall.

"Well if you didn't do it then who did?" You ask in confusion as you look at TJ.

"Oh I've got a pretty good idea who did it." TJ's eyes turn a little dark as he moves past you. "Sure I flirt with you cuz you're gorgeous and I like you, but I don't put my hands on a girl when I know she doesnt want that." He growls. "Murphy needs his ass kicked." TJ pushes off the wall and goes to teach Murphy a lesson.

Before he can leave you grab his hand and pull him back down to earth.

"Don't. Come with me and tell Drake what he did." You ask him. "It'll be much more fun to see Drake chew is ass out and maybe suspend him." You laugh a little.

TJ grins a little, you keep his hand in yours and take him to Drake's office.

"You know you look even hotter than usual when you get all evil and plotting right?" TJ tells you with a grin.

"Haha." You giggle. "Well you don't look to bad yourself when you get all alpha male and protective." You compliment him right back.

TJ snakes his free arm around your waist and chuckles a little.

"Well then, maybe I'll give you a little more of a show when I beat Murphy for you." You grin and let TJ lead the way to Drake's office.

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