Dean Ambrose

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You sit backstage with Seth right next to you, both of you beaming ear to ear as you look out at the ring. Roman was back. After a long few months of beating cancers ass and getting back into shape, he was finally back.

"He looks damn good." Seth comments as the two of you listen to Rom's speech in the ring.

"I know, i'm so glad he's back." You agree with a nod of your head. "Maybe things will be better now." You add, smile fading a little bit.

Seth's gaze moves from the monitor to you, he knew just what you were talking about. Dean. You had been the most torn up about what Dean had done the night that Roman left to fight for his life. Afterall, Dean and you were kind of a thing at the time. But, despite your love for Dean you couldn't just leave Seth and Roman like that.

"I don't know." Seth shakes his head. "Maybe." You also nod your head, heart sinking a little in your chest.

The two of you drop the subject and continue to listen to Roman in the ring, you take a small moment to glance around the room. Dean was nowhere to be found.

"Come on." Seth all of a sudden taps your arm and starts to walk to the curtain. "Let's go say hello." You nod and follow Seth through the curtain.

You and Seth walks down the ramp a little bit, meeting Roman at the top. The three of you reunite with bright smiles and exchange hugs.

"Good to see you again Rom." You hug your friend tightly.

"Good to see you to Y/N." Roman grins and hugs you back. "Man i missed you guys." He lets you go and hugs Seth with a firm pat on the back.

After the brief reunion the three of you walk back through the curtain to get a little more alone time to catch up on the last few months that Roman had been gone.

"I see that you two have been holding it down while i've been gone." Roman comments on the performance of the two of you.

"Yeah, all thanks to this one." Seth ruffles your hair playfully with a smile.

You roll your eyes and swat Seth's hand away, a genuine smile gracing your face. That smile fades when you happen to glance back at the curtain and see Dean. He lingers at the curtain, eyes fixed on you and Roman. You quickly look away, not being able to help the small dusting of blush on your cheeks.

"What's the matter?" Roman asks when he notices the light pink hue on your face.

"Nothing." You shake your head, the pink fading out of your cheeks.

Roman furrows his brows and glances in the direction of the curtain, just in time to catch Dean as he walks through the curtain to the ramp. Him and Seth share a small look then both look down to you.

"How are you about that?" Roman asks you quietly.

"About what?" You reply, a look of confusion on your face.

"Dean." Roman replies as his gaze falls on the curtain again. "I know it must have been hard, especially for you." His hand rests on your shoulder gently.

"Yeah well, i'm fine." You lie to yourself and Roman as your shrug his shoulder off.

Roman drops the subject, knowing that you don't want to talk about it. So the three of you head back to the locker room to catch up some more, but in a more relaxing environment. Once your all back in the locker room the mood becomes relaxed and cheerful.

You leave the room for a minute a bit later to take a call, so Roman takes the time to really ask about how you were doing.

"So how is she really?" He turns to Seth as soon as you walk out the door.

"Not great." Seth sighs. "She misses him like you wouldn't believe." Seth explains. "I feel bad for her you know, no matter how hard she tries, she just can't let him go." Roman nods his head and runs a hand through his hair.

"Yeah i know, she loves that dipshit more than anyone i know." Roman chuckles a little to himself. "Even though she could do so much better than him, he's still family man." The two men share a look.

"I don't know man, are we really going to forgive him?" Seth doesn't seem so sure of Roman's idea.

Roman nods his head, knowing that deep down, Dean was still family. Seth shakes his head in response, deep down he knew that Roman was right.

You get back to the locker room from taking your call to find Roman and Seth both on their feet waiting for you. With a confused look you place a hand on your hip and ask just what the two had planned.

"Umm, are we going somewhere?" You ask them as you pocket your phone in your jeans.

"Yeah." Seth nods his head and reaches for the door knob.

"We're gonna go pay Dean a visit, maybe get an explanation out of him." Roman explains the plan to you.

"Ha." You sneer. "Good luck with that." You scoff, annoyed at the idea.

The last thing you needed was Roman to face Dean just to have Dean throw some hurtful shit in his face. But more importantly, you didn't wanna get your hopes up seeing Dean, only for him to throw it back in your face. You couldn't face that painful experience again.

"Come on N/N." Seth edges you on. "It's just a chat, and he might be more inclined to talk to us if you're there." He adds.

Reluctantly you agree to go have a chat with Dean, at least you could be there to intervene if things got out of hand. The three of you head out to find where your rebellious brother in arms had gone for the night and end up finding out that he's in the ring with Drew Mcintyre.

"Wait for the match to be over." You stop Roman and Seth in their tracks at the curtain. "No point in pissing him off by interrupting him." You make your point known as you glance at the monitor on the wall displaying the ring.

Both men agree that this is the best way to go about this whole conversation thing, so the three of you hang back and watch the match as it goes on.

Things escalate when you spot something odd out of the corner of your eye on the monitor, the thing being Bobby Lashley, Elias, and Lio Rush heading down to the ring from the crowd entrance.

"Guys." You nudge Seth's arm to catch his attention. "Think we should go help out?" You ask, hoping to god that the answer is yes.

"Yeah." Roman nods his head ready to go.

You and Seth follow close behind as Roman sprints down the ramp and down to the ring. You side step Seth and Roman as they handle the bigger men currently beating on Dean and sneak up on the smaller man, Lio Rush. You sweep his leg down from the edge of the apron and send him crashing to the floor, then you make sure to dodge Roman running after Bobby Lashley and walk over to the side of the ring that Dean is closest to.

"long time no see." You snark to Dean, hoping to keep the mood light and not awkward. "Come on, let's get you out of here." You reach into the ring from your spot on the floor to help drag Dean out of it.

You've almost got Dean out of the ring when all of a sudden he pushes you back harshly, you stumble back and hit the barricade. You're right back on your feet in an instant ready to curse Dean out since you were trying to help, but are stopped when Drew flies past where you were standing before to get to Dean.

"Fuck" You curse under your breath when you realize that Dean had actually pushed you out of harm's way.

With the ring now clear, Seth and Roman step in and run Drew off back to the backstage with the rest of his friends. You all stand for a second and catch your breath for a second and you go ahead and climb into the ring to join the remaining three men.

"You're welcome for the save by the way." You look at Dean with a small playful smile.

Before anyone can make another comment Dean engulfs you in a hug, you can't help but smile and hug him back. Missing the feeling of his arms around you.

"This mean you guys forgive me?" Dean asks, his arms still wrapped around you.

"Yeah Dean." You nod into his chest. "We.......I forgive you."

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