Seth Rollins

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Today was the day, the day that Roman was set to come back to WWE. You couldn't be happier for him, and for yourself. Ever since Roman had left to take care of his health your life had been chaos. Dean had made the decision to break from Seth in an attempt to become a more badass and independant version of himself, and had dragged you along with him for support. On the other hand, Seth, the former SHIELD brother that you'd rather have stayed with during the breakup was making a mad dash for the Universal Title, a move that was sure to end up getting him hurt if he didn't have help.

Your hope was that Roman coming back could resolve your issues. Help Dean get back to his old self, and let you get back to the man you'd been crushing on since NXT.

"Roman." You're the first to greet Roman when he gets to the arena.

"Y/N, how have you been?" Roman greets you with a hug.

"Fine i guess." You shrug and hug Roman tightly. "Glad that you're healthy, and back in action." You let him go to talk to him face to face. "Dean manages to keep me on my toes." You try and bring up Dean as soon as possible.

"Yeah i bet." Roman chuckles with a nod of his head. "You talk to Seth lately?" He asks you with a curious grin.

You shake your head with a sigh, wishing that you could say differently. Not having Seth around to hang out with was messing with your head. He was your go to person to talk to and hang out with before the boys split up.

"So now that you're back, what's the plan?" You curiously ask Roman, hoping that he already has a plan in mind.

"Roman!" A familiar cheery voice catches your attention, and you look to your right just in time to see Seth walk your way.

"Seth." Roman greets his friend with a small hug. "You've been busy man." He pats Seth on the back.

"Yeah i have." Seth chuckles and lets Roman go from the embrace. "Y/N." He nods to you with a bright smile.

"Hey Seth." You try and keep from blushing and give him a small wave.

The three of you take a minute or two to catch up on current events, then you have to take your leave to get back to Dean and the match that he had managed to get himself into earlier that night.

"Well as fun as it's been catching up, im afraid i'm due at the curtain." You dismiss yourself from the group.

"Dean right?" Seth asks as he turns his attention to you.

"Yeah." You nod. "He managed to get himself involved with Elias, which means that Corbin, Lashley, and Mcintyre won't be too far behind." You sigh at the inconvenience of it all.

"Hey." Seth catches your attention in a soft tone. "Just be careful out there, i know you and Dean are like family but don't get yourself hurt just for him." He tells you in a serious but soft tone.

You nod, feeling that gut feeling in your stomach. The fact that Seth cared that much warmed your heart, and fueled the fire for your desire for the man.

Roman nods his head, agreeing with Seth's advice. You wave to both of them and head down to the curtain. When you get there Dean is waiting for you, you walk over to him just in time for his cue.

"I was starting to get worried about you cuz." He states as his music starts up in the arena.

"Sorry, was talking with Rom and Seth." You explain and walk out the curtain behind Dean.

"Rom?" Dean replies, surprise in his voice.

"Yeah Roman?" You tease. "You know, best friend since your NXT days? That Roman." You continue the ruse with a small grin. "He came back tonight." Dean nods his head and goes ahead and slips into the ring.

You take up post in the corner near the ramp and watch as Elias stalks around in the opposite corner as he waits for the bell to ring.

The match goes off quick, both men trading blows and pins with each other for awhile. Dean ends up getting caught with a knee and pinned for three. Elias takes a split second to celebrate before he continues his onslaught on Dean. You naturally go to spring into action, helping the best you can but are stopped when all of a sudden Lio Rush is standing at your side with a smile.

"I'm afraid i'm gonna have to stop you there Y/N." He grins at you as Corbin and his buddies pass the two of you.

"Out of my way Lio." You snap at the smallest member of the group as he continues to block your way to the ring.

"Sorry Y/N, but Dean's a little busy right now." Lio laughs that high pitched laugh of his.

You huff in frustration but instantly change to a smile when you see who quietly stalks down the ramp, it's Roman and Seth at his side armed with a chair.

"I believe the lady said to move Lio." You grin when Seth taps Lio on the shoulder.

Lio see's the chair in Seth's hand and knows to back off, you walk over to Seth's with a grin and pat his shoulder.

"Thanks." You grin at him and take the chair so he can go help Roman and Dean.

You keep an eye on Lio with the chair in your hand while Roman and Seth go to work on helping Dean. After a while Seth gets cornered by Baron, you jump into action and deliver a solid hit to his back, sending him to the floor.

"Your welcome." You girn at Seth, returning the favour from earlier.

Seth nods to you then finishes up with Roman and now Dean in cleaning out the ring. Once Corbin and all his buddies are all gone you decide it's safe to return to the ring. You climb in and give Dean a small glance to make sure that he's okay.

"Hey nice job with the chair N/N." Seth compliments you with a smile.

"Thanks, and back at you with Lio." You grin right back.

The four of you head backstage, the crowd all cheering at the obvious unity of the group being back. Once you all get backstage Roman and Dean break off to talk for a bit, leaving you and Seth alone for the time being.

"You've been good right?" Seth turns to you quietly.

"Yeah, of course." You nod at him. "Though it's been boring without you." You admit with a small grin.

"Yeah." Seth chuckles. "I know what you mean." You both blush a little.

"So." You break the awkward silence between the two of you. "Now that we're aloud to talk with each other without getting Dean mad, wanna maybe grab some dinner?" You boldly ask, not able to deny your crush any longer.

"I don't see why not." Seth chuckles with a nod. "Dinner sounds great, my treat." He offers. "I guess you could even call it a date." He chuckles again, this time a bit more nervously.

"Well in that case." You giggle yourself. "I'd love a date."

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