Kyle O'Reilly

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You sat in the car with Roderick with the radio quietly humming in the background, the fresh laid snow on the ground outside gave off a bright glow and a certain silence to the air.

"So why did you drag me from the warmth of my home out here again." You ask your older brother as you warm your shaking hands by the small vent in front of you.

"Because you need to get out more." Roderick replies with a small chuckle. "All my friends will be there, it's a good time for you to meet them all." He reminds you of the conversation that you had with him earlier.

"Yeah yeah." You grumble and turn to look out of the window as the blur of snow covered trees going by.

Roderick was so kind as to invite you up to the ski lodge in the mountains with all his friends from work, he was always pushing you to get out more and meet people. So this was the perfect opportunity to get you to mingle and also for you to finally meet all his friends.

After another hour or so in the car Roderick finally pulls up to the ski lodge, cars liter the parking lot. People were eager to get to snowboard and ski, as well as take the lift up to the top of the mountain.

"Here we are." Roderick grins at you and switches off the car.

You nod and pull on your beanie before you exit the car and shut the door behind you. You then walk to the back of the car and help your brother grab the bags and the snowboards from the trunk. You grab a handful of stuff and begin walking to the entrance of the lodge, Roderick walks right beside you with just as much stuff piled in his hands.

"Woah." You stutter out as you slip a little and a bag begins to fall down the small pile of stuff you have.

Luckily an unknown person manages to catch the bag, wanting to thank the do gooder you turn to the side and are met with a sweet smile and pair of bright brown eyes.

"You good?" The guys asks you with a curious grin.

"Yeah, thanks." You nod.

"Here lemme help you out there." The guy offers and steps to the pile of stuff you have.

You don't know if you want to trust this guy, sure he was cute as hell and seemed polite, but you didn't even know him. That is until Roderick turns and greets him like they are friend.

"There you are O'Reilly." Roderick grins at the guy. "Y/N, this is one of my work buddies. Kyle this is my sister Y/N." He introduces you to the guy.

"Hi." You grin now knowing that you can trust this guy.

"Hi." Kyle grins and takes some of your stuff for you.

You gladly let him take part of the load and the three of you walk into the lodge and up to the conjoined rooms that Roderick had booked with the help of Adam.

You get up to the room and set the stuff down on the floor, Kyle does the same and then helps Roderick with his stuff. After it's all set down Kyle walks over to your snowboard.

"Which one of you knows how to snowboard?" He asks as he runs a hand over the board.

"We both do." Roderick replies.

"But he stinks at it." You chime in with a giggle. "I'm the snowboarding prodigy of the family." You tease.

Roderick rolls his eyes at you and begins to dig through one of his bags for something, you take the time to talk to Kyle a little bit more.

"So, do you snowboard?" You ask him curiously since he seemed to take an interest in the board.

"No, but i'd love to learn." Kyle shakes his head. "I do know how to ski though, but i'm not super great at it i should warn you." You smile and nod.

"Yeah i was never great as skiing either." You recall the countless times that you'd tried to master the ski's when you were a kid. all usually ending in you on your ass in the snow.

"Now that one i'm good at." Roderick buts in holding a winter jacket in his hand. "What do the two of you say to going out and looking for the rest of the crew?" He asks as he pulls on the jacket.

"Sure." You nod and stand to your feet.

"Yeah, Adam is with Brit on the ski lift. And now that you two are here, we're just waiting for Bobby." Kyle explains.

"Adam brought Brit?" Roderick replies with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah." Kyle nods. "And i'm pretty sure that Bobby is bringing Katey." You stand off to the side and figure that Brit and Katey were Adam and Bobby's girlfriends.

"Great, looks like i'm the only one that didn't bring their woman?" Roderick runs a hand through his hair.

"I guess." You shrug. "Why didn't Marina come anyway?" You ask your brother, you knew his wife well and she loved the snow.

"She's taking care of the baby, he's got a cold." Roderick replies.

You nod and turn back to Kyle who scans the parking lot for a sign of the remaining member of the group. You had no clue what Bobby looked like since you didn't really watch wrestling so you weren't much help in looking.

"So Y/N." Kyle all of a sudden speaks up as the two of you walk around the main area of the lodge looking for Bobby. "You don't have a boyfriend then?" He asks you recalling the conversation from earlier.

"Nope." You shake your head. "Spend way to much time inside with Rudy, my husky." You explain as you think about how much your dog would love all the snow.

"Hey i hear that." Kyle replies. "I'd rather be at home with my cat Manx." He grins a little.

"Huh yeah, so you arent dating anyone?" You return the question out of curiosity.

"Nope." Roderick shakes his head.

You giggle a little and continue looking around the, you see a man that looks like he's staring in your direction so you take a chance.

"Hey is that him?" You ask Kyle and point in the direction of the guy.

"Hey yeah, nice going Y/N." Kyle grins and waves at Bobby from across the lot.

The entire group gets together and you meet Adam and Bobby, and their girlfriends. The whole group hangs out for a while until the day starts to really kick in.

"Hey Kyle." You stride over to Kyle after lunch when Roderick leaves to hang out with Adam and Brit.

"Hey Y/N whats up?" Kyle asks you with a bright smile.

"Hey you said that you wanted to learn to snowboard right?" You recall him talking about it earlier that day. "Well why don't you let me teach you?" You offer.

"Really?" Kyle replies. "Yeah that be great thanks." He beams and stands to his feet.

You grin and take Kyle up the lift to a good spot to snowboard for beginners. Kyle borrows a board from the renters shack and some gear, you just take all the gear that you brought with you. Then for the next couple of hours you laugh with Kyle as you teach him how to use the board right.

A little bit up the mountain Roderick and Adam chill at one of the outlooks and look down at all the skiers.

"Hey Roderick, isn't that Kyle and your sister?" Adam asks as he nudges Roderick and points down the mountain a little ways.

Roderick squints and looks down at where Adam was pointing then catches you and Kyle laughing it up throwing snow around and messing with the snowboards.

"Tough luck man." Adam chuckles and pats Roderick on the back. "Look's like you'll be the only one without someone to snuggle up with on this trip." Roderick shakes his head knowing exactly what Adam meant by that.

This wasn't really Rodericks idea of you mingling with is friends, but hey. It was something right?

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