TJ Perkins

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"Y/n?" Mark calls you as he looks to his left behind himself.

"Otherside Mark." You giggle a little as you wave a little at your confused best friend. "I'm not gonna drift away Mark." You tease him.

"Yeah I know." Mark replies nodding at the fact that you're still at his side. "I just don't want anyone snatching my best guitarist away from me." He smiles at you.

"Oh so all I am is a guitarist to you now?" You ask raising a brow. "I no longer hold the position as best friend or manager?" You look at Mark who shakes his head.

"You'll always be my best mate, and my manager." He ruffles your hair slightly.

"Good, you'd be lost without me." You smile as you swat his arm away.

You and Mark fly through the arena and to the locker room, while he changes you stretch your legs a little and have a walk around. You're on your way back to see if Mark is ready when you run into his opponent for the night Drew Gulak.

"Well hello y/n." Drew smirks as he saunters up to you. "What is Mark Andrews lovely manager doing here?" He asks you.

"Actually going back to see if Mark's ready to kick your as a with a smartly executed 360 splash." You smile at Drew and answer his question.

"Ha, I'd like to see your little nuisance of a cruiserweight try." Drew sneers. "We'll see when I make him tap out in the middle of the ring, then maybe I'll see how long you can last." He steps to you.

Before you can mouth a reply a hand rests on your lower back, you look behind you to see TJ Perkins come to your rescue.

"Threatening girls now Gulak?" He asks as he steps in front of you. "Just how low can you go man?" Drew turns as leaves with a sneer knowing that a fight wouldn't be a good idea.

After he's gone TJ takes his hand from your arm and turns to you, you smile and look up at him.

"Thanks TJ." You nod to him. "I don't think he would of done anything though." You roll your eyes at the thought of Drew.

"Ha got that right, just watch your back princess." TJ nods to you. "Me might not look like much but Drew's a Slimey little thing." He tells you.

"Ah thanks TJ." You nod your head and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. "But hey at least I've gotta beefy man to come to my rescue if needed." You jokingly poke TJ's toned arm.

"Haha, anytime you need my help princess." TJ winks at you before he walks off.

You get back to the locker room to find Mark looking a little worried. He flies over as soon as you shut the door.

"Are you okay?" He asks as his arms clasp around your own.

"Yeah I'm fine Mark. Why wouldn't I be?" You ask him as you swat his hands off you.

"Drew came by the room with some pretty heavy threats, said that my little brat of a manager needs to learn respect." He explains. "Did he hurt you?" He asks again.

"No Mark." You assure him. "He didn't get a chance to, TJ kinda came to my rescue." You tell him.

Mark relaxes a little knowing you didn't face drew alone. Once he's calmed down a little he turns back to you.

"What was TJ doing messing around with you?" He asks with his brow raised. "You haven't been flirting with my co-workers have you?" He asks you.

"No." You sneer. "Not a lot anyway." You grin a little.

Mark gives you a look compelling you to tell him who you'd been flirting with. You sigh and spew out a few names.

"Just like TJ and maybe Noam a little." You tell him. "Oh and possibly Pete a few weeks ago." You add remembering the encounter.

"Y/n." Mark replies. "Flirting with my buddies is not something you should make a habit of." He tells you.

"Yeah yeah." You wave him off. "I'll flirt with who I please." You roll your eyes at your over protective bff. "Come on it's time for your match." You glance at the clock on the wall.

You and Mark walk down to the ring, drew already stands in the ring ready to go, Mark and you skip down to ringside and Mark tosses you his hat. You grab it and place it on your head before you settle in his corner.

The bell rings and the two men go at it for a bit, you do your part and distract drew when you can. Being someone that drew sort of liked played to your advantage. But you take your eyes of them for a second to high five a kid and all of a sudden the bell rings.

"And your winner, Drew Gulak." Sounds over the speakers.

Your head shoots back to the ring to see Mark still being held in a submission, you slip into the ring but instantly regret it. Drew gets up leaving Mark a mess on the ring floor and comes after you. You sprint out of the ring and down the ramp, you're halfway up it when you see TJ coming after you.

"Y/n get behind me." He yells to you.

You do as told and slip behind him, TJ wears a serious look as Drew comes to a halt in front of him.

"Come on Gulak." TJ taunts. "Try it." He sneers.

Drew looks at TJ and you behind him, then he looks back to Mark still laying on the floor. TJ sees what he's about to do and books it down the ramp with him, you sprint passed both and into the ring with Mark.

"Okay Mark now would be a good time to get up." You hover over the blonde.

TJ keeps Drew at bay as you hoist Mark up to his feet, still groggy Mark stands to his feet and leans on you. With TJ's help you push past Drew and get mark to a medic that makes you wait outside.

"Y/n." TJ calls your name as he joins you again. "You good?" He asks you.

"Yeah." You nod. "Just a little shaken up is all, and the medics said mark is okay." You smile.

"That's good, I managed to drive Gulak off for you." TJ nods and informs you.

"Thanks." You nod. "Man if you hadn't showed up." You shake your head.

"But I did." TJ replies with a smirk. "Can't let 205's princess get hurt by some jerk." He chuckles.

"Well can this princess repay her knight in shining armor?" You ask TJ.

TJ nods and you place a kiss on his cheek before giving him a hug.

"Well if this is the reward I might have to pay you some more visits." TJ chuckles.

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