Buddy Murphy

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You walked down the hall right next to Cedric on his way to his locker room, Drake was expecting you in his office soon so you planned on just saying a quick goodbye to your best friend.

"Drake needs me, i'll be back as soon as i can though." You stop at Cedric's locker room door.

"Alright." Cedric nods and opens the locker room door. "Have fun with that." He grins as he steps into the room.

You roll your eyes and head back down the hall to meet Drake. He had called you a few hours ago to let you know that he was bringing a new talent to the 205 roster that he picked up from NXT a while back. Curious to see who it was, you rushed to Drake's locker room.

"Drake?" You ask aloud as you knock on the office door twice.

"Come in Y/N." You hear the brit reply almost immediately.

You turn the knob and open the door then step inside, the first thing you do is sweep the room for anyone new. The first thing that you catch is a tale male standing by Drake's desk, you can't tell who it is from behind, but damn was the view nice from where you stand.

"Y/N, thanks for coming so fast." Drake nods as you shut the door. "I'd like you to meet Buddy Murphy, from NXT." The male turns around and you swallow hard.

Buddy Murphy. You'd seen him around in NXT when he was with Alexa Bliss and in a tag team with Blake. And man was he hot. Tall with a smile that could knock a girl dead, not to mention sculpted muscles pushing through the tight shirt he was currently wearing.

You internally take a quick breath and smile at Murphy, it was best for you to play it cool and not embarrass yourself.

"Nice to meet you Mr.Murphy." You hold out your hand in an attempt to be professional. Buddy flashes a smirk and shakes your hand firmly.

"Just Buddy is fine doll." He tells you.

You nod and smile again, his accent was much more attractive when it was up close. Drake clears the air by coughing a little to put the attention in the room back to him.

"Any." Drake turns to you. "Y/N please show Buddy here to his new locker room and answer any questions that he has for me will you?" He asks you.

"Yeah sure, does he have a match or anything tonight." You nod and glance at Murphy from the corner of your eye.

Drake shakes his head and dismisses the two of you to the hallway, you step outside and wait for Murphy to follow. He slides next to you and shuts the office door behind you.

"Well lead the way then doll." Murphy gestures in front of him with a smirk.

"Yeah right." You reply in a bit of a nervous tone. "Drake most likely gave you the locker room open near the catering room so, this way please." You turn to the right hallway and begin walking.

Murphy nods his head and walks with you in silence for a few moments. As the two of you walk you can't help but sneak a glance at the man walking next to you every once in a while. Everything goes well until you try and sneak a glance and catch Murphy looking down at you.

"So." Murphy clears his throat. "You Drake's assistant or something?" He asks you curiously.

"Uh i guess you could say that." You shrug. "I'm good friends with Cedric Alexander, kind of like his manager you could say." You explain the best you can. "But i try and help Drake and anyone that needs help when i can." Murphy nods his head lightly.

"So if i asked you for help with something you'd be inclined to do so?" He asks with what seemed like a flirty tone to you.

"Umm, it depends on what you were asking me to do. But more than likely yes." You answer the question best you can without seeming to flirty back.

Murphy nods his head again and rubs his stubble a little, you fall silent and keep walking for the time being. The two of you come to Buddy's locker room and you come to a stop.

"Well this is you." You gesture to the door. "If you need anything i'm in the locker room three doors down with Cedric." You inform Murphy before you leave.

Murphy nods once again and grins down at you before he enters his room. You head back to Cedric's locker room as fast as you can. You slip inside the room and sigh heavily aloud.

"Woah what was that for?" Cedric looks up from his phone when you enter the room.

"I'm in love man." You sigh again and fall into a chair.

"Oh really now?" Cedric raises a brow and sets down his phone. "Who's the poor guy that's seemingly stolen your heart in the span of like 15 minutes?" He asks you with a teasing tone.

"Buddy Murphy." You sigh contently and close your eyes for a second.

"Buddy Murphy?" Cedric replies. "The guy that dumped Alexa Bliss like a year ago?" He asks.

You nod not opening your eyes and hear Cedric chuckle from across the room. This makes you sit back up and open your eyes.

"Do you have a comment about that?" You glare at Cedric.

"Who me?" He replies. "Not at all man, you go have fun with that." He laughs lightly again.

You roll your eyes and settle in for a bit since the show doesn't start for a bit longer. Then after a little while a knock comes at the door. You're too lazy to get up from your chair so Cedric gets it for you.

"Oh Murphy right?" You hear him chuckle and jump to your feet. "N/N, it's for you." Cedric calls you.

You slide over to the door and push Cedric away with a grin, Murphy leans in the doorframe and waits for you to show yourself.

"Buddy." You grin as you walk to the door. "What can i do for you?" You ask him with a wide grin.

"Well i was wondering if you'd maybe show me around a bit more." Murphy asks you. "I can get a little turned around, but with a gorgeous girl like you at my side i can't get lost." You blush a little and kick Cedric when he laughs behind the door.

"Sure i'd love to." You nod and step out into the hall. "Besides, how can i say no to you?" You tease a little.

"Right answer." Murphy smirks and lets you lead the way.

As you walk off you can hear Cedric laughing inside the locker room, but you could hit him later.

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