Seth Rollins

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"Come on Bailey it'll be fun." You assure your best friend as she looks at you from her spot on one of the locker room benches.

"I dont know." She shrugs her shoulders. "Don't you think it might be a little dumb to go messing around with them?" She asks in an attempt to get you to drop the idea.

You were currently trying to get your best friend and partner in crime to come with you and mess with some of the other superstars. You were always one to get into trouble, it just seemed to follow you around wherever you went.

"Nah, come on it'll be fun." You assure her with a huge grin.

Knowing that you'll carry out your plan whether or not she comes along Bailey gets to her feet and lets you lead her off. Better that she's their to back you up then not. You giggle and pull her into the hallway with a grin.

Today you had the brilliant plan to mess around with Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson, two men that you often bothered back in NXT. Bailey was okay with this for once, she never really did think highly of Dash and Dawson.

"Alright here's the deal." You stop Bailey a little bit before the locker room. "i've been scouting this place out for a few days, Dash always sets his gym back outside the locker room door for a minute when he looks to see if Scott is there." You explain as you glance at the door. "We're gonna switch his bag with these." You pull two bright pink tutus and matching pink shirts that are way to small for the two large men.

Bailey giggles and nods knowing exactly what you are getting at. The two of you hang out and wait for a bit for Dash to leave his bag. Sure enough he does and you switch them while he's gone.

"Now for the fun part." You hold up a camera and giggle with Bailey.

Your plan goes perfectly and Dash and Dawson comes out of their locker room in the tutu's, you snap a photo and run off with Bailey.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all." Bailey looks over to you as the two of you run.

"Oh come on Bailey, they won't catch us." You take a split second to look behind you at Scott and Dash who are sprinting after you. "Come on follow me." You take a sharp turn and head down the hall to the backstage area.

"Over there." Bailey nods to where two superstars stand talking, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

You nod getting the idea and dive behind the two men, they both look at you then turn their attention to Dash and Scott as the round the corner.

"Move out of the way Rollins." Dash snarks as he glares at you.

"Nice tutu Wilder." Seth grins and looks down at Dash's outfit. "You wearing anything under that?" He asks.

Dash's cheeks redden and he sends another glare your's and Baileys way. You stick your tongue out as Dash and Dawson decide that it's best to leave for now. They leave and Seth and Roman turn back to you and Bailey.

"You two wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?" Seth asks as he grins at you.

"Us?" You reply looking hurt. "Never." You crack a grin.

"Sure." Seth replies. "You two trouble makers better watch out, Dawson and Wilder don't shake that easily." He warns you.

"Eh." You wave your hand. "Those two are nothing to worry about, plus if they come after us again all me and Bailey have to do is make it to you two." You playfully hit Seth's arm.

"Yeah you two big strong men wouldnt let them get us girls would you?" Bailey adds having a little fun.

Seth and Roman share a look with each other. You grin with Bailey and pull her arm to the side.

"Well as fun as this has been boys." You grin and speak up.

"We've got a match to get to." Bailey finishes your sentence.

"Bye boys." You wave and walk away with Bailey.

You and Bailey walk down to the ramp for your match with Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott. Seth and Roman watch as the two of you leave.

"She was cute." Roman comments as he turns back to Seth.

"Who Bailey?" Seth replies as his attention snaps back to Roman.

"Y/N." Roman shakes his head. "You can't fool me man, you're totally into her." He claims as Seth's ears darken from blush.

"Oh yeah?" Seth dares to snap back. "And how do you know that?" He asks thinking that he won.

Roman shakes his head and points his finger to a monitor behind them. Seth turns around to see that Liv and Ruby had recruited some extra back up in Dash and Dawson.

"Well for one you're gonna wanna go help those two." He chuckles as Seth nods his head and makes his way to the ramp. "And i can tell when you like someone man, you do this weird thing with your eyebrows." He adds as both of them run down the ramp.

You and Bailey stand in the ring looking at Liv and Ruby, behind you Dash and Dawson prevent you from making an escape.

"Well looks like we're gonna have to fight our way out of this one." You comment as your back pushes against Bailey's.

"Yeah, well at least if we go down we'll go down together." Bailey replies.

Just as you're about to make an attempt to get away music fills the arena. Your head snaps to the ramp as Seth and Roman both barrel down the ramp and take out Dash and Dawson. Off the distraction you and Bailey share a look then dive out of the ring into Liv and Ruby. The fight pushes you all into the ring. You stand with Seth on on side and Bailey stands with Roman.

"Knew you'd come to the rescue." You grin as you eye Ruby and Dash.

"Hey what can i say." Seth shrugs his shoulder. "I see a pretty girl and i just feel the need to help." You and him share a look and then suicide dive through the ropes and take out Ruby and Dash.

"So what if i said that i needed help getting dinner tomorrow night?" You ask Seth as you get to your feet and join Bailey and Roman. "Still feel compelled to help?" You ask.

"Of course, i guess it's a date then." Seth grins.

"I guess it is then." You nod your head in agreement.

You and Bailey regroup and get ready knowing that Kurt is about to make this a mixed tag match any time now.

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